

bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
The fact that Trump restrained himself from tweeting on Wednesday when Taylor and Kent testified, but can't do so when a woman is testifying is fucking sad. So fucking fragile. Snowflakey, lets say.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
View attachment 138561

@Brian HCM#1 , can you hear me?

You keep defending trump like a headless chicken because “hypothetically” he didnt technically break any laws.
Even if he didnt, hes still a piece of fucking scum and hes the president of the united states.
This should bother any decent citizen and it says a lot about the people that are still defending him.

Means theyre either not actually thinking or just dont care.
Okay, you don't like him and that's perfectly fine. I can care less. You feel he's scum, again, that's perfectly okay with me, your opinion. He won elected for one reason...... Both sides are severely broken and the US wanted to try change. Are things that bad here in the US? Trump is a president that does not want open boarders (which costs tax payers millions a year), Trump is for immigration, just against illegal immigration. Please give me one country where you can come into illegally and reap the benefits? I can't think of one off hand. He wants to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. China has been giving it to the US in the ass in trade for 40+ years, Trump wants to stop it and even the playing field. I guess that's bad? Stock Dow has jumped 10K points in 3 years which is great for any investor, agree? Does he have diarrhea of the mouth? Hell yes! Does he say a lot of stupid shit? Hell yes! He's a president that wants to put his country first. Not sure how you feel about that, but I like it. For me, I definitely get a kick watching the left get their panties in a bunch because they just can't stand him. At the end of the day, you have 1-5 years left of Trump. The sad thing is, the left wants Trump to fail, which he hasn't to date. I find that very sad. I couldn't stand Obama and felt he accomplished nothing, other than getting rid of Bin Laden which was awesome! Did I want to Obama fail? No, I wanted him to succeed? I want the country to succeed. The left in this administration is praying for Trump to fail, which I find is very sad. But that's me.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
He's a president that wants to put his country first.
I'd 100% support him if I believed this to be true*. But he's the king of grifters, of nepotism, of attempting to enrich himself, of abusing his office for personal game.

He is a horrible person, and you should feel horrible for supporting him, Brian. But you have no introspection, just an ability to process propaganda.

* edit: if he were a normal person and not a serial sexual harasser, lawsuit abuser/contractor stiffer, etc. If he were a bland person with that agenda I'd support him.
Last edited:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Asked about President Trump’s tweet smearing the reputation of Ambassador Maria Yovanovitch while she was testifying, Politico reports Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, responded: “I don’t comment on committee business.”




bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
"never heard of him, maybe a covfefe boy."

did anyone read stone's whiny-ass description of the terrifying horrors his wife and dog endured when (apparently) a very aggressive and hostile swat team came to take him away? it made me think two things:
1.) i hope his nixon tattoo gets scraped off his pasty back with a rusty shiv while he's in prison
2.) the apologists and nunes-esque right needs to be pasted with "sorry, snowflake" as much as possible for shit like his "scary" story; suing imaginary cows, etc.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

In a telephone interview with the Guardian, in response to a question about whether he was nervous that Trump might “throw him under a bus” in the impeachment crisis, Giuliani said, with a slight laugh: “I’m not, but I do have very, very good insurance, so if he does, all my hospital bills will be paid.”

Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, who was also on the call, then interjected: “He’s joking.”


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Trump's campaign chair: convicted felon

Trump's deputy campaign chair: convicted felon

Trump's foreign policy adviser: convicted felon

Trump's national security adviser: convicted felon

Trump's personal lawyer: convicted felon

Trump's longstanding political adviser: convicted felon

Draining the swamp, one conviction at a time. MAGA!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
You know, as innocent people do.

Please let Rudy keep talking. :rofl:
Paging @mandown to the white courtesy phone....... :think:


Turbo Monkey
Okay, you don't like him and that's perfectly fine. I can care less. You feel he's scum, again, that's perfectly okay with me, your opinion. He won elected for one reason...... Both sides are severely broken and the US wanted to try change. Are things that bad here in the US? Trump is a president that does not want open boarders (which costs tax payers millions a year), Trump is for immigration, just against illegal immigration. Please give me one country where you can come into illegally and reap the benefits? I can't think of one off hand. He wants to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. China has been giving it to the US in the ass in trade for 40+ years, Trump wants to stop it and even the playing field. I guess that's bad? Stock Dow has jumped 10K points in 3 years which is great for any investor, agree? Does he have diarrhea of the mouth? Hell yes! Does he say a lot of stupid shit? Hell yes! He's a president that wants to put his country first. Not sure how you feel about that, but I like it. For me, I definitely get a kick watching the left get their panties in a bunch because they just can't stand him. At the end of the day, you have 1-5 years left of Trump. The sad thing is, the left wants Trump to fail, which he hasn't to date. I find that very sad. I couldn't stand Obama and felt he accomplished nothing, other than getting rid of Bin Laden which was awesome! Did I want to Obama fail? No, I wanted him to succeed? I want the country to succeed. The left in this administration is praying for Trump to fail, which I find is very sad. But that's me.

@Brian HCM#1, can you hear me?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Wasn't the economy in the absolute shitter when he took over along with two separate wars fully underway courtesy of GW Shrub?
The economy wasn't bad under Bush, it was the housing market crash due to the banks & stupid subprime loans. People weren't losing their jobs, they were losing their homes. Which was very fucked up! Banks & mortgage brokers took advantage of a lot of people, especially lower income with outrageous 3-1 ARM loans. Their mortgage rates were great for the first 3 years, then it would just explode to something un-payable. Just awful, I felt so bad seeing people losing their homes on a daily basis. Was a very sad time. There will always be peaks & valleys, but I don't think we'll see something like that happen again of that magnitude.