

Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Hopefully his roll back of environmental protections won't eff us up too badly before they can be reverted :/


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Mayor McSandwich now Oxy King

"We want to help those who have become so badly addicted. Drug abuse has become a crippling problem throughout the United States," said Trump, citing statistics that show drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the country. "This is a total epidemic and I think it's probably, almost un-talked about compared to the severity that we're witnessing."


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout


"Today in schadenfreude, Reddit’s The_Donald community—the internet’s premiere hive of trolls and hate-filled creeps—has succumbed to petty infighting in response to Donald Trump’s support for the Republican legislation that allows internet service providers to sell your browsing history without permission. As it turns out, people who spend their free time being assholes on the internet have a vested interest in internet-related privacy, and it has shaken their entire worldview to realize that the guy they’ve pledged their loyalty to doesn’t actually share their values. Somehow, they missed the key fact that Trump and the professional obstructionists running the GOP are only in this thing for themselves, and they couldn’t care less about a bunch of shitposters on Reddit."


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014


"Today in schadenfreude, Reddit’s The_Donald community—the internet’s premiere hive of trolls and hate-filled creeps—has succumbed to petty infighting in response to Donald Trump’s support for the Republican legislation that allows internet service providers to sell your browsing history without permission. As it turns out, people who spend their free time being assholes on the internet have a vested interest in internet-related privacy, and it has shaken their entire worldview to realize that the guy they’ve pledged their loyalty to doesn’t actually share their values. Somehow, they missed the key fact that Trump and the professional obstructionists running the GOP are only in this thing for themselves, and they couldn’t care less about a bunch of shitposters on Reddit."

Fuck em all.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...


"Today in schadenfreude, Reddit’s The_Donald community—the internet’s premiere hive of trolls and hate-filled creeps—has succumbed to petty infighting in response to Donald Trump’s support for the Republican legislation that allows internet service providers to sell your browsing history without permission. As it turns out, people who spend their free time being assholes on the internet have a vested interest in internet-related privacy, and it has shaken their entire worldview to realize that the guy they’ve pledged their loyalty to doesn’t actually share their values. Somehow, they missed the key fact that Trump and the professional obstructionists running the GOP are only in this thing for themselves, and they couldn’t care less about a bunch of shitposters on Reddit."
"...there’s always value in schadenfreude."

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
the shit could hit the fan

Former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn has told the Senate Intelligence Committee he is willing to be interviewed about the Trump campaign's possible ties to Russia in return for immunity from prosecution, a Congressional official told NBC News.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Flynn had told the FBI and Congress he was willing to be interviewed in exchange for a grant of immunity.

In a statement tweeted Thursday, Flynn's lawyer, Robert Kelner, confirmed that discussions had taken place with the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, and said "General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it."



Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Not to say that his tweets made much sense before, but he's going full retard now:
full retard.png

Here is a nice summation of yesterday's events
. The end gets a little speculative, but the Jester usually only tweets reliable info:

Just to recap Here is a list of things that have happened, JUST TODAY
This has just been an Amaze-balls day in political news.
Ivanka takes official White House role/title
NYT article claims 2 WH staffers helped Nunes
Trump tweets calling NYT "Fake News" and bashing the House Freedom Caucus and basically all Dems.
4+ hours of fascinating SIC testimony Session 1 Session 2
Clint Watts: "Follow the trail of money and dead Russians"
Dr. Rid
SIC hearing confirms Rubio's primary campaign was hacked
Rubio confirms HE was hacked recently
SIC hearing states "GOP Primary results could have been much different
Nunes and Schiff meet.
Really odd Spicer presser. Something clearly bothering him...
White House sends letter to IC's offering to share info
Schiff presser announcing Comey/Rogers closed hearing now on and that "This (Weird WH/Nunes BS) will NOT distract us from Russia investigation".
White House Deputy Chief of Staff resigns
Flynn rumored to offer testimony in exchange for immunity.
Flynn's lawyers confirm, by saying "He has a story to tell"
Ashley Feinberg from Gizmodo find's Comey's secret Twitter account, and then he Low-Key confirms it!
Oh, wait... Did we say TWO WH staffers helped Nunes? JK, WaPo reporting it was at least 3
Paul Ryan claims he won't need Dems for "New AHCA"
Rand Paul on CNN basically saying Trump/Russia is NBD
I'm sure I'm missing something(s)
Holy shit this day is amazing
EDIT to Add:
Pence has to break a tie vote, essentially defunding Planned Parenthood.
Pence can't be alone with women
Is the White House 'Spying' on the FBI? How else did they have info to give Nunes? (thanks Rachel Maddow)
Scott Pruitt under review for lying under oath during Senate confirmation hearings for EPA Sec. regarding his emails
The term 'Climate Change' banned at the Energy Dept.
Jester Actual tweeting: #FLASH A previously reliable source says they have 2 further sources stating Trump is "considering his options, including resignation".
Trump resignation WILL happen soon. He knows they have him on tape, will resign on condition of Pence pardon.
Reports surfacing that Flynn will plead 5th if called to testify without immunity. Per Carol Lee, WSJ
Former chairman of RNC Steele told WWR at lunch that Trump will not finish his term; advises clients to bolster ties w/VP Pence
Unconfirmed reports of a "Mandatory Emergency Staff Meeting" at White House I've only seen one reddit comment about this so far. I don't think it's accurate...
An ind journalist I have worked with-who has been reliable-says they have 2 sources that say Trump is considering options-incl resignation.
P.S. For anyone worried about Pence taking over... I don't think he'll be sticking around if this goes South
I have to get up and go to work in 5 hours (5:30am edt). Talk amongst yourselves.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
the reddit/ultra-left shitposters get a little derpy with the whole resignation thing, but there's some pretty serious stuff going on.

i still wouldn't be surprised if flynn has nothing good to say. Secures immunity then has no story.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
the reddit/ultra-left shitposters get a little derpy with the whole resignation thing, but there's some pretty serious stuff going on.

i still wouldn't be surprised if flynn has nothing good to say. Secures immunity then has no story.

Yep, Trump's demise has been celebrated several times already.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

The “obsession with who talked to whom, and when, is not the answer,” Mr. Spicer said. “It should be the substance.”
Hold up just one second, weren't the Republican members of the HIC JUST frothing about how the issue is not what information about Russian interference has been revealed but that the people leaking it were the real problem? Like, just last week. All of this spin is making me dizzy...