

Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I am not trying to minimize the issue to ANY degree, but all of this has the potential to fuck over the people who need them, but use them correctly and responsibly.

I have been using opiods since the age of 12.
I'm now 53.
I have always been aware of the downsides as well as the addiction issues.
I have always used the minimum effective amount for the least amount of time.
I do use them when required, but may go many months without needing any.
But when I need them, I am really really really glad that I have them available.

While this has never been an issue for myself, my Doc is quite aware of the dangers.
He will not issue any repeats. Scripts are for 20-30 pills max. An office visit is required for a refill - even for someone like myself who has been a patient with known issues for 20+ years.

Sorry for polluting the waters, carry on.
Your problem couldn't be more obvious. And you couldn't possibly survive in the States. No freedumb™ for you Mr. Responsible.

Seriously though, most Americans patients are eager jump on the pill train. They want drugs to fix their problems because that's the easy route. Unfortunately some of them have addictive personalities and can easily and very unexpectedly go from a few pain pills for an injury to shooting heroin.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I am not trying to minimize the issue to ANY degree, but all of this has the potential to fuck over the people who need them, but use them correctly and responsibly.

I have been using opiods since the age of 12.
I'm now 53.
I have always been aware of the downsides as well as the addiction issues.
I have always used the minimum effective amount for the least amount of time.
I do use them when required, but may go many months without needing any.
But when I need them, I am really really really glad that I have them available.

While this has never been an issue for myself, my Doc is quite aware of the dangers.
He will not issue any repeats. Scripts are for 20-30 pills max. An office visit is required for a refill - even for someone like myself who has been a patient with known issues for 20+ years.

Sorry for polluting the waters, carry on.
If you don't mind my curiosity ... what's your condition that requires lifelong pain treatment?


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Got this in the mail the other day. :rofl:

Trying to decide if it's a greater waste of their time to fill it out with all answers they don't want to hear (fake news) or draw two intertwined dicks cumming rainbows all over each other and mail it in.

Cheap bastards don't even send it postage paid.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Got this in the mail the other day. :rofl:

Trying to decide if it's a greater waste of their time to fill it out with all answers they don't want to hear (fake news) or draw two intertwined dicks cumming rainbows all over each other and mail it in.

Cheap bastards don't even send it postage paid.
Must be accounted for during tabulation!!!!!!!
Sounds like it might fuck up their day more if you just don't send it back


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
If you don't mind my curiosity ... what's your condition that requires lifelong pain treatment?

Before the concussions and TBI headaches.

From 12 years old - Migraine.
Originally Type 4 with a couple of Type 6 episodes. Now Type 1 and 7 (TBI)

OT Rant
Pet peeve are people who claim to have a migraine, pop a couple of advil and go back to their desk. That is not a migraine, if your not waking up on the floor wondering how long you have been there, driving the big white bus, sweating through a couple of blankets whilst shivering, screaming at light or noise, and pulling your hair, banging your fist against the floor or anything else to distract you for even a moment from the knife trying to carve out half of your head or find yourself in the hospital being poked with big needles and hooked up to machines - you HAVE NOT experienced a migraine. You have no clue, and honestly hope you never do.
/OT Rant

...and yes I have been through more meds / preventatives and tests than I can or care to remember.

- and of course now compounded by facet-joint syndrome (thanks genetics) and a couple of compressed vertebrae. (thanks DH)

Like I said, I only reach for the heavy stuff if when I try to move I scream, otherwise just HTFU and deal.
I think I went through about 40- 45 tabs total between the back and head last year.

The only way to get rid of the TBI pain is with big doses and that does not work for daily living, cause I'm a couch locked drool machine if not asleep, let alone the other issues we be talking 'bout. So for the TBI bullshit, so far - an anti-seizure med (gabapentin) and a bit of cannabis works better and at least I can function.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I am not trying to minimize the issue to ANY degree, but all of this has the potential to fuck over the people who need them, but use them correctly and responsibly.

I have been using opiods since the age of 12.
I'm now 53.
I have always been aware of the downsides as well as the addiction issues.
I have always used the minimum effective amount for the least amount of time.
I do use them when required, but may go many months without needing any.
But when I need them, I am really really really glad that I have them available.

While this has never been an issue for myself, my Doc is quite aware of the dangers.
He will not issue any repeats. Scripts are for 20-30 pills max. An office visit is required for a refill - even for someone like myself who has been a patient with known issues for 20+ years.

Sorry for polluting the waters, carry on.
Go figure, a responsible doctor and responsible patient. This is what happens when you take Big Pharma out of the picture and elimintate the monetary motivation.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Before the concussions and TBI headaches.

From 12 years old - Migraine.
Originally Type 4 with a couple of Type 6 episodes. Now Type 1 and 7 (TBI)

OT Rant
Pet peeve are people who claim to have a migraine, pop a couple of advil and go back to their desk. That is not a migraine, if your not waking up on the floor wondering how long you have been there, driving the big white bus, sweating through a couple of blankets whilst shivering, screaming at light or noise, and pulling your hair, banging your fist against the floor or anything else to distract you for even a moment from the knife trying to carve out half of your head or find yourself in the hospital being poked with big needles and hooked up to machines - you HAVE NOT experienced a migraine. You have no clue, and honestly hope you never do.
/OT Rant

...and yes I have been through more meds / preventatives and tests than I can or care to remember.

- and of course now compounded by facet-joint syndrome (thanks genetics) and a couple of compressed vertebrae. (thanks DH)

Like I said, I only reach for the heavy stuff if when I try to move I scream, otherwise just HTFU and deal.
I think I went through about 40- 45 tabs total between the back and head last year.

The only way to get rid of the TBI pain is with big doses and that does not work for daily living, cause I'm a couch locked drool machine if not asleep, let alone the other issues we be talking 'bout. So for the TBI bullshit, so far - an anti-seizure med (gabapentin) and a bit of cannabis works better and at least I can function.
Sucks. I have type 1s...my sister gets the shut you down for 3 days, hide in the dark and scream at the lights while being a bigger b!tch than you normally are type. Nice to have genetic predisposition to stuff such as this. Only took 6 MRIs and 3 different specialists to figure it out. Figured out on my own that I have food and environmental triggers.

But we have it light compared to you...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Wonder who is getting indicted this weekend...low level, or big fish?
It's the longest shot available, but I would LOVE to see Jared's nuts getting crushed to give up pappy in Laws house of cards...
“Honey I’m going to head out to the grocery store to get some milk. Have you seen my passport?” - Friday night at the Flynn household
Do I need to see a doctor if my erection lasts till Monday?

Edit: Nothing on Fox. Shocked!
Last edited:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Those two employees are gonna be busier than a Jehova’s Witness at doors unlimited.
I am guessing Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has a big ass boat somewhere named "Whitefish".
just look at all those subcontractors. when has subcontracting ever been problematic?
And how many of them will be "working from home" ?
"No involvement"

"The denials from the White House and FEMA contrast with the contract itself, in which PREPA swore that FEMA “has reviewed and approved of” the agreement. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló wrote in a Wednesday letter that the deal “appeared to comply 100% with FEMA regulations.”

Among other potential issues, the contract appears to restrict the ability of the federal government — including FEMA, any inspector general’s office and the Government Accountability Office — from auditing the labor rates set out in the contract.

“In no event shall [government agencies] have the right to audit or review the cost and profit elements,” the contract states.

The rates include $330 per hour for site supervisors, $230 an hour for line foremen and nearly $80 per day for employee meals.

Whitefish Energy is headquartered in Whitefish, Mont., where Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was raised. The Interior Department and Whitefish Energy have denied that Zinke played any role in the company getting the Puerto Rico deal."


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
"No involvement"

"The denials from the White House and FEMA contrast with the contract itself, in which PREPA swore that FEMA “has reviewed and approved of” the agreement. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló wrote in a Wednesday letter that the deal “appeared to comply 100% with FEMA regulations.”

Among other potential issues, the contract appears to restrict the ability of the federal government — including FEMA, any inspector general’s office and the Government Accountability Office — from auditing the labor rates set out in the contract.

“In no event shall [government agencies] have the right to audit or review the cost and profit elements,” the contract states.

The rates include $330 per hour for site supervisors, $230 an hour for line foremen and nearly $80 per day for employee meals.

Whitefish Energy is headquartered in Whitefish, Mont., where Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was raised. The Interior Department and Whitefish Energy have denied that Zinke played any role in the company getting the Puerto Rico deal."