I would be honored to be able to leave my hard work to my family and my kids. Cindy's dad built his biz up with his own hands, should his children not reap the rewards. I would like to know I can do the same if I work hard at it and not be punished.Unfortunately, what we have now is, the board of directors for, say, Xerox, is made up of CEO's and executives from IBM, HP, Ford, Sony, Dell, Exxon, etc. Same thing for pretty much every other corporation. They sit in their board of directors meetings and vote each other 20 million dollar salaries, while the company's stock does jack squat (or even goes down the tubes), and the employees get raises that don't keep pace with inflation. They don't work any harder than you or I, and they certainly haven't earned a 20 million dollar salary. Do you think Cindy McCain did anything to earn her money? Can you define "heiress"?