
Coolest thing you did with your Dad...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
One morning when I was staying with him in Norwood MA. He read an article about climbing Mt. Monadnock in the Globe. So he woke me up. Took my hungover ass to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and then on up to Jaffrey NH to climb Mt Monadnock. I was unaware of what he had in mind until the car stopped at the trailhead. On the way up we had to assit an elderly couple from Braintree up and then down that big ass hill. My Dad busted balls the entire way. It was awesome.

My Dad barely ever leaves the house now. I miss him... I kind of take care of him. But I don't because he won't let me. He can be kind of mean to me. I struggle with that very much. I missed garbage night and he is pissed. eff that noise....


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I don't know if its the coolest, but we rode Mt Snow in 1995 and Whistler in 1996...
Yeah i hear ya man........thats just how it goes as your parents get old.
This thread really got me thinking about my "coolest thing" with my old man.:thumb:

The summer i made 21 he took me to Europe and we rented a small car in Frankfurt and road tripped all over and got as far east as Budapest and south as the Ducati factory in Bologna. We had all kind of high jinks that summer and capped it off with Octoberfest
He's in his 70's now and not as sharp as he once was and that just reminds me to stay pinner until i can't any more.....


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Coolest thing I have ever done with my Dad was make bombs and various incendiaries. My father would answer with a 100 different things he actually did with my brother and not me. Once I learned to ride a bike I had little need for familial relationships.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I don't know if its the coolest, but we rode Mt Snow in 1995 and Whistler in 1996...
If my dad in anyway showed any interest in bicycling. That would be glorious. He could care less. I gave him one of my old bikes, and he gave it to his friend who got a DWI. It got stolen when he left it at the Pub...


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
My dad was a dickhead.

Now that he's older we get along, go fishing now and again and stuff. But when I was younger he was either swilling beer or coked out of his mind running around on my mom. I hope to do a little better than that.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My dad was a dickhead.

Now that he's older we get along, go fishing now and again and stuff. But when I was younger he was either swilling beer or coked out of his mind running around on my mom. I hope to do a little better than that.
You will, I got hope for you...

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
my dad traveled a LOT when i was young (Libya 2 years as an example) and weren’t very close for various reasons but one of the most memorable things was when the summer before my senior year in high school he was working in Ventura California and I flew out to see him. He worked a lot, I got to spend all day exploding so N/P, but one day he took me up to the Sequoia NF and let me roam. That was pretty cool.
He was born in Hawaii and raised in Galveston and his mom stayed in Gtown. We got to spend a lot of time grown up in the gulf, that was pretty cool because he’d be like ‘It’s Friday I need to fish so we’re going in the morning’ at any moment.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I worked a ‘turn around’ in Louisiana with him one time. We got smashed and went to a noodie bar together. That was pretty cool too.
Since my mom passed My dad seems to like the slutty type. It bothers me. I totally realize thats on me. However he keeps buying Hyundais and watching Nascar. I have not come to terms with that.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Two things come to my mind - one was being 7 or 8 and riding behind him on his Kawasaki 500 - the other was spending a week driving from trout lake to trout lake in the Colorado Rockies in a 1974 white MG convertible. We hit Dillon, Grandby and everything in between. :)

Things went way south when I hit my teens...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
The first thing that came to mind is driving a few hours to sit and drink coffee with my Dad one morning after about 10 years of not seeing each other and barely speaking. We talked about everything from his time in the military to where he's been fishing lately. He told me stories that I never heard before, he talked with me like we never missed a beat. I miss my Dad.


Apr 2, 2006
What really pops up in my head is when me and my dad went to raft the colorado through the grand canyon, hit Las Vegas, then rented a convertible mustang and drove to the hoover dam, then on through the desert to Orange County.

That was a fun trip.


Nov 30, 2009
Belfry, KY
No one event in particular. I guess my whole childhood growing up watching him race mx, racing mx, and riding woods with him was awesome.

He actually made it into an edition of "crash and burn" magazine back when he raced quads in the pro class. There was a huge pile up off the starting line and he's on top of the pile trying to ride it out. I need to dig that out and scan it.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I lost my Dad in Nov '09 to heart disease. Its been tough dealing with the loss. He was a very good guy, even though his drinking had made his behavior erratic later in his life.

I've stayed up late discussing every subject imaginable with him, while puffing on a j and drinking wine. History, politics, religion, women's underwear, etc. Since his death I've flashed back to so many of those memories. While he was far from a perfect father I couldn't imagine having any other, and I miss him dearly.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
most of mine involve fishing trips.

In Costa Rica while fly fishing for sailfish we intercepted a tuna netting operation and put a stop to it. We sat in the middle of a huge tuna school (for reference this operation had a HUGE mother ship, spotter planes and copters and runner boats) and caught a ton of tuna that we ate that night and got to swim with dolphins after they gorged themselves on tuna. On the way in that night (and after catching my first ever sailfish, on a fly rod at that!) our ships engine broke down and we had to spend the night on the boat with the crew in the middle of the ocean. We chummed for sharks and caught a few and ate the tuna we caught earlier, all with no lights but those of the stars overhead. My dad and i were not getting along for a few years prior to that trip, and we continued to butt heads following it for years until I got close to graduating college, but that night we were very close and had a serious father/ son bond.

Another time I d not remember how old I was but we were heading from our house in Denver to his buddies ranch outside of South Park, CO. The guy whose ranch it was is who they based uncle jimbo on south park off of, so needless to say his 4th of july show was amazing, especially for a <10 boy with a love for guns, planes and explosions. My dad used to restore and collect old dodge power wagon trucks and we took on of them on the trip. He decided we would take the scenic route there over old logging roads and 4 wheel trails. Needless to say we ended up getting lost and had to camp out in the woods for the night not knowing where in the hell we were. Pretty awesome trip driving though the mountains of Colorado for 6-7 hours and not seeing a single person, while shooting critters out the window with my bb gun and talking with my dad about god knows what


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Tomorrow is my Dad's birthday. Mom mentioned that he wants to put off celebrating until Saturday or Sunday because he doesn't want to eat too much the night before a big ride. Last weekend he did a 94.5 mile road ride. He'll be 73.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I love my dad. He's in his early 60s now, but we used to go hiking/camping/fishing all the time as kids with him. He wasn't in to organized sports at all, so I got little support when I played basketball. He has mellowed out quite a bit. Probably the coolest things I did with my dad was all the little things around the house. It's amazing how many guys my age (late 20s) don't own a screwdriver and are clueless when it comes to fixing anything. I had to go to my buddies house to replace a shower head for him. My dad taught me all the basics about being a man.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
My mother re-married when I was about 2 years old. I was raised by my step dad.

My real father pretty much left the state to get the fvck away from my mom. I never saw him again till I was about 23. It was basically meeting him for the first time. I've seen him maybe a couple times since then. He held my son (about 9 months old then) and he looked like he had no idea what he was doing. I don't think he has a clue how to be a father really. He lives half way across the country so maybe every 5 years or so when he makes it out here I might see him for an hour or two. It's miserably uncomfortable to be honest. Super nice guy but pretty much a stranger.

My step dad still lives with my crazy mom. (he is also nuts, she made him that way).

They live less than an hour from here and I haven't seen them in 5 years. They've never met my son - I won't let them anywhere near him.

Great. Now I'm fvcking sad. Thanks.


Turbo Monkey
Id have to say a snowboard/ski trip a couple years ago.
But not for long, im taking him to a racetrack for a day of racing in a couple of weeks for his 61st birthday (im 31).
Well get to race/drive BMW M3s, Porsches and a Lamborgini...
Should be fun!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
going to phillies spring training i guess.....mike schmidt is a cock.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Seems like recently I've read some threads on this and another board that had made me realize just how great I had it as a kid.

My parents were both involved and supportive. I went kayaking and fishing and biking and hiking on lots of weekends. We took family trips, usually to some place near a lake in the woods or on a beach. No heavy drinking, no drugs, no cheating, no hitting.

One of the favorite things my dad and I ever did was we used to get up super early, pack PB&J sandwiches and take a canoe out to a pretty sparsely-used lake to watch the sun rise and the mist burn off the lake. One morning we paddled into an inlet we usually avoided because it was too shallow, but we pushed along, scraping the bottom, and right about the time we got to the middle of it, we heard "BANG" on the side of the boat. Then another one, and another one. Then, before you could blink, the water absolutely erupted around us with thrashing carp. It was unbelievable, as if someone had heated every inch of the water and it had erupted into a violent boil, hundreds of carp.

Never seen anything like it since. I've seen carp spawn but not so many, in such a small area, causing so much noise and movement.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I last saw my father in 1985. I was 13 years old. Not a lot of fond memories prior to that. I imagine the next time I'll hear about him is when he dies and someone contacts me about it.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2003
Berlin, Germany
told him i love him just two hours before he passed away

and lots of mountain trips, the most memorable was a 3 day trip which included hiking on a glacier, rock climbing, getting caught in a thunderstorm, not getting to the top of the peak because, i was to exhausted to switch frome ice climbing gear back to rock climbing stuff just 5m before the top...

i was 14 back then...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD
ive mentioned it before, but the coolest things we did together always involved working on cars. 70's toyota PU, 85 blazer, 91 f-250, 92 ford explorer, 97 ram cummins.... lots of fun projects. but my favorite was my hot rod i built for high school. the two of us did all the work.


Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
It's funny, I thought my Dad was a dork until his final years. In actuality he was an extraordinary father and it was me who was the dork...but anyway -

My favorite childhood experience with my Dad definitely was dressing up like a father and son 'Sherlock Holmes' in Scotland and attending a Highland Games festival. We looked wacky and got a lot of stares but we didn't care!


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
wow...lots of depressing stories. I had my bad times with my pop but it was mostly in my adolescent years when kids are programmed to hate their parents.

One thing I remember is inheriting a bunch of booze from an uncles failed restaurant...including a bottle of cinq cent gran marnier (to the tune of $150 a bottle, not that we knew it at the time) and drinking it while playing pool. We drank a bunch of different boozes and played pool in the basement on his refinished huge pool table.

He took me camping a couple of times while I was younger, which was fun. We saw a full moon over the bottom of letchworth gorge which was really impressive, never forget that.

We rebuilt a tr6 together, which was fun, but I wish I appreciated it more at the time. I learned all my car skills from him...they came in handy as I bought an audi.

I remember going to Montreal with him on a business trip...that was fun.

We had some good times, for sure. Without him I don't think I'd have the morals or be the man i am today.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Hours and Hours of playing catch. My Dad was a catcher when he was young, when Baseball was THE sport to play. When I was a kid we would play catch all the time. I used to pitch as a kid and Dad was always my catcher and teacher.

He used to coach youth sports, baseball and hockey primarily, and man he would give his heart and soul for us kids. He rocked! RIP Dad.