
Copying music from iPod to XP


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
You need iTunes, first off. It's the program that syncs directly with the iPod.

I don't have any firsthand experience with attempting to transfer music from an iPod to a PC, but my gf's Sony player is the same way...everything proprietary. Apple is Il Duce when it comes to sharing music off of the player to multiple machines, so you may have to download a crack or workaround before you can get music off.

edit: Look out, BV might lay the smackdown on your thread... :p


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
......And it's Binary Visions with the assist!

You can also mount your iPod as a drive and take the music off manually if you prefer.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
firestorm said:
Why don't you NOT steal and buy the music like your friend did? Or if you MUST steal, have him burn you a copy.
Not all MP3s are illegal, you and the RIAA need to learn this. 99% of the cds out there today are not worth buying.
Transcend said:
Sure, I'll buy a CD again when 1 - more than one song is just barely above the level of tolerable, and 2 - when the RIAA decides to drop it's heavy handed, law re-writting enforcement methods.

Also, not all MP3s are illegal, so don't jump to conclusions.

So because you only like one song on a CD then it's ok to steal it? Using all these "legal" internet music stores such as Itunes and Rhapsody (spelling), you can buy only a single and not an entire album so they make it legal to buy only what you like so soo much for your logic in that regards. With that said you and people like you will find any means necessary to legitimize stealing. The singer is on drugs so it's ok to steal from him; I'm doing him a favor by not giving him drug money. The band never responded to my love letter so it's ok to steal from them too. The drummer's girlfriend won't go down on me even though I never met her so screw them I'm stealing their music as well.
Give me a break. you can't legitimize stealing copyrighted material regardless if YOU don't like the law or an entire album. If you do it, you’re a thief. PERIOD.

Maybe I'll come to your house and steal your bike because you made me mad by disagreeing with me and I think the law sucks regarding bike theft because you get the same time for stealing a bike as a car. That's not fair so I'll just take your bike and show all of you. That would be cool right? Hummmm, point to ponder there pilgrim.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
firestorm said:
So because you only like one song on a CD then it's ok to steal it? Using all these "legal" internet music stores such as Itunes and Rhapsody (spelling), you can buy only a single and not an entire album so they make it legal to buy only what you like so soo much for your logic in that regards. With that said you and people like you will find any means necessary to legitimize stealing. The singer is on drugs so it's ok to steal from him; I'm doing him a favor by not giving him drug money. The band never responded to my love letter so it's ok to steal from them too. The drummer's girlfriend won't go down on me even though I never met her so screw them I'm stealing their music as well.
Give me a break. you can't legitimize stealing copyrighted material regardless if YOU don't like the law or an entire album. If you do it, you’re a thief. PERIOD.

Maybe I'll come to your house and steal your bike because you made me mad by disagreeing with me and I think the law sucks regarding bike theft because you get the same time for stealing a bike as a car. That's not fair so I'll just take your bike and show all of you. That would be cool right? Hummmm, point to ponder there pilgrim.

You're nuts.

I don't recall saying anywhere to steal music, I just pointed out that the music/albums on the market is absolute garbage. I also never said not to buy music, I said I will not buy albums.

If I want a song, I will buy it. But guess what..after I pay 99c for the song, I reserve the right to listen to that song on ANY device I wish. Not just an ipod, or one computer, or one xbox.

Thanks for playing though.

edit: Oh and again, stop jumping to conclusions. Not all MP3s are illegal, so get off your high horse. Running a stop sign and speeding are also illegal. I'm sure you have done your fair share of both.
Transcend said:
You're nuts.

I don't recall saying anywhere to steal music, I just pointed out that the music/albums on the market is absolute garbage. I also never said not to buy music, I said I will not buy albums.

If I want a song, I will buy it. But guess what..after I pay 99c for the song, I reserve the right to listen to that song on ANY device I wish. Not just an ipod, or one computer, or one xbox.

Thanks for playing though.

edit: Oh and again, stop jumping to conclusions. Not all MP3s are illegal, so get off your high horse. Running a stop sign and speeding are also illegal. I'm sure you have done your fair share of both.
You're getting a little hostile here. Resorting to name calling is immature. I agree that if you buy a song you should be allowed to play it on any device one wishes to. I make CD backups of all music I buy. Keep the music on the computer and downloaded to the Ipod.

Lastly, You lash out at me for making assumptions and then you go and do the same regarding my driving. I don't run stop signs EVER although I will occationally go a few miles over the speed limit on a highway.


Oct 17, 2002
Transcend said:
99% of the cds out there today are not worth buying.
how come the entertainment media market is the only one that doesn't offer money back guarantees?

If you're in a movie theater and the movie sucks, you should be allowed your money back. Or if the only song on a CD that's good is the one on the radio. Seems like fraud to me.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
BurlyShirley said:
Me entire ipod is full of free music. It's great! **** the rockstars wallet.
Dodgy grammar but an excellent sentiment. Having said that, I will only steal the music of affluent artists and I will only give away music to poor people.

I am iRobinHood.