Where did all this dust come from?Charlotte Figi, the Colorado girl who inspired the CBD movement, dies following illness suspected to be coronavirus
Figi, 13, was the namesake for Charlotte’s Web products. Her story changed the way the public perceives marijuana.coloradosun.com
Don't worry, it's for your own good.Kushner’s team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system
Critics worry about a Patriot Act for health care, raising concerns about patient privacy and civil liberties.www.politico.com
we've been so selfishly wrapped up in our "virus" that we all overlooked the newfound, glorious peace in the Middle East! So, he's got bandwidth.Don't worry, it's for your own good.
I've noticed that too.For some reason, people in my neighborhood have taken to walking in the street, even when there is nobody else on the sidewalk.
Now I feel really sorry for our favorite influencer. Who knew??Just send them shirtless and covered in crisco so they're hard to pin down.
Back the truck up.
Belgian-Dutch Study: Why in times of COVID-19 you should not walk/run/bike close behind each other.
What is a safe distance when running, biking and walking during COVID-19 times? It is further than the typical 1–2 meter as prescribed in…medium.com
they should stick to waffles.The Viral ‘Study’ About Runners Spreading Coronavirus Is Not Actually a Study
Belgian researchers chose to bypass all standard science publishing protocols to publish research that has been overhyped and isn't well understood.www.vice.com
Sending this to at least two women who are gonna hate me even more for this.
let them tap into that hatred...Sending this to at least two women who are gonna hate me even more for this.
Antibody testing is still being rolled out. San Miguel County is getting every resident tested.So, anyone aware of accurate antigen testing in your area? I'm 70-80% sure I had it, and would love to know if I'm immune from spreading or being reinfected.
I'll wait. Kthx.
OMG. I could end friendships if I passed that around.
It's super effective!OMG. I could end friendships if I passed that around.
Must be the copper strands woven through it.It's super effective!
Yeah that might work even better than telling her her shoes are hideous.It's super effective!