

butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

- herd immunity, which is _far_off in most (all save for cruise ship-equivalents?) locales
- testing and tracing, both of which don’t exist and the latter of which probably will be rejected given a strong libertarian streak
- vaccine

(There’s an additional possible out of a very effective treatment regimen being utilized.

From the trial data I’ve seen before (and that many of whom have died were on variants of these “game changers” before death) I’m not particularly optimistic at the moment.)

So the outstanding question that matters at this point is what things will look like with a “strategy” of unevenly implemented (and maintained) partial mitigation effects until herd immunity, IMO.

Could the Imperial model be way off? Sure. Either way we are going to find out.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I guess management at PriceRite frowns upon giving Hockey Checks to idiots who block the aisles. But running into me with your cart as I wait for the folks in front of me is OK. Wearing a Mask makes it very difficult to bite people also. The CDC has no guidelines for Biting folks in Public just so you know.... Childrens should be required to be on leashes and muzzled in Public. Violators should be shot in the face after 10 of the folks closest to you cough on you. This all could be remedied if Stores built cages in the front of the store to put your children in while you are in the store.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Just pouring a couple of hundred gallons of bleach into the gene pool. The fewer of them still standing to vote come November is not a bad thing.
That's where I'm at. Either things get better, the virus doesn't get transmitted as well, we've done enough to flatten it, OR, a bunch of people die, most of whom are the biggest Trump demographic. It's kind of a win-win if you think about it...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
It’s killing black people at higher rates. Obesity and DM2. Unless Florida goes up in flames it’s not necessarily a bane to R voters.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Yeah but not changing gloves even.....and going from known Covid infected Pt to a non Covid Pt in contaminated gear is just beyond the pale
Agree, not acceptable. However, if not going between Covid patients, why not just use alcohol to disinfect the gloves? That is what we do when working in the LAF bench because we actually see more contamination in our cultures when changing all the time than with this procedure. Gloves are rolled into the cuffs or taped to labcoat too.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
looks like a backlog of deaths got retroactively reported. Just shy of 6000 deaths for the 14th.

Remember when people were freaking out when 5 Americans died in Benghazi?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
looks like a backlog of deaths got retroactively reported. Just shy of 6000 deaths for the 14th.

Remember when people were freaking out when 5 Americans died in Benghazi?

Not for this intrepid record keeper

That's the 'suspected' covids from NY

Benghazi different story. *ahem* was president so it's like dog years. Where one patriot = 12,000 people with the guy we voted for as president.


Artisanal Tweet Curator


the teste
Nov 22, 2002

Not for this intrepid record keeper

That's the 'suspected' covids from NY

Benghazi different story. *ahem* was president so it's like dog years. Where one patriot = 12,000 people with the guy we voted for as president.

I am fine with that if 1 boomer vote = 1/12,000 of a normal one.


Artisanal Tweet Curator

Obviously a liberal conspiracy algorithm.
Yeah I'm a little tired of these 'experts'.

I'm ready to get back on a plane that flies at 20,000 ft to go watch nascar safely. I ain't never benefited from no 'expert' in my life.
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Yeah I'm a little tired of these 'experts'.

I'm ready to get back on a plane that flies at 20,000 ft to go watch nascar safely.

I am ready to go ride bikes in the woods by myself. Which shouldn't be a problem if it weren't for mass ignorance and lack of discipline. Every time I see the numbers of dead, half of me thinks "oh no, this is terrible" the other half is all
let the hate flow.png


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I'm bummed about shit paid grocery store workers. Getting to work from home I really do feel like royalty expecting the poorest people to be there for my whims, having to risk their own health. Having a bit of an existential crises over that one.

People like toshi who work for private hospitals though.......

Kidding! Kidding!
I promise

Other than the people forced to deal with these idiots, I think 'wave 2' really will primarily be the moron disease you've been asking for.
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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I work for a state university, for the record.

On the upside, this means admin isn't nearly as malignant as in a private equity-owned private hospital/group situation.


Turbo Monkey

Another interesting talk with the South Korean Doc...
Lots of info on the immunity and mask debate.

He also mentions the chloroquine debacle,

“This is kind of an infodemic as well.
A president’s words are very important and nees to be carefully thought out”

I lold
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