

Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I for one am shocked that a highly contagious virus would thrive in locations that refuse to take steps to prevent the spread.

Wow (and not sure why they shoehorned it in)
From the article:
The battle over COVID precautions at schools erupted into violence Wednesday in a California school where masks are required. A father in Sutter Creek allegedly struck a teacher after he spotted his daughter wearing a mask, KRON-4 TV reported. The teacher was hospitalized with injuries to his face, according to school officials.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The wife and I talked about the idea that my dentist chose not to get the vaccine and maybe we should find a different dentist.

She made the mistake of posting that on Facebook and the shit storm that's followed is telling. It's not against HIPA to ask my health care providers if the got shot. They don't have to tell me, or they can lie to my face. But I can ask for my own comfort. Apparently some folks feel otherwise.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
The wife and I talked about the idea that my dentist chose not to get the vaccine and maybe we should find a different dentist.

She made the mistake of posting that on Facebook and the shit storm that's followed is telling. It's not against HIPA to ask my health care providers if the got shot. They don't have to tell me, or they can lie to my face. But I can ask for my own comfort. Apparently some folks feel otherwise.
You gotta post this one:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
The wife and I talked about the idea that my dentist chose not to get the vaccine and maybe we should find a different dentist.

She made the mistake of posting that on Facebook and the shit storm that's followed is telling. It's not against HIPA to ask my health care providers if the got shot. They don't have to tell me, or they can lie to my face. But I can ask for my own comfort. Apparently some folks feel otherwise.
You have to admit, FB is a great way to find out which people you need to immediately remove from your life.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210

A crowd of several hundred people, many holding American flags and signs calling for “medical freedom,” had descended on City Hall around 2 p.m. Saturday for the planned rally.
One person, whom the anti-mask protesters claimed was part of their rally, could be seen collapsed in the intersection, bleeding. Police on the scene said the person had been stabbed, and paramedics arrived to take him to a hospital.
Stoltze later tweeted this statement: “Something happened to me today that’s never happened in 30 yrs of reporting. In LA. ⁦@LAist⁩ I was shoved, kicked and my eyeglasses were ripped off of my face by a group of guys at a protest - outside City Hall during an anti-vax Recall ⁦@GavinNewsom⁩ Pro Trump rally.”
and oddly included
The incident follows two other clashes that occurred in recent weeks between far-right extremists and left-wing groups over transgender access at a spa in Koreatown. Video footage of a female customer complaining to an employee of the spa that she had seen a customer with a penis in an area that is reserved for women went viral.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Well, this is interesting. My take is that ‘Dead people don’t tithe’.



Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Well, this is interesting. My take is that ‘Dead people don’t tithe’.

But they might bequeath. Do you want your lottery payout in a lump sum or an annuity?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
There was a group of people protesting a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in front of a local hospital recently. I am of the opinion that if you work in a hospital where it is your job to protect patients health and you refuse the shot, then you are obviously in the wrong line of work.
I have known quite a few anti-vax nurses and doctors over the years and it just fucking makes my brain hurt.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Our mgmt status update for red>green scale of COVID risk came out today. Amusingly, "red states" list is every single actual red states except: ND, SD, WV, OH, IN, IA. All of which are deep orange. Only non-red "red state" are CA and OR. And from the county by county list, those are largely eastern Oregon and red counties in CA. :disgust1:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
The stupid...it burns...aghhhh.

Just watched this.

I mean seems pretty obvious to me. We can respect everyone's friedumdum to not protect themselves and society but then if you don't trust medical science, stay the fuck out of the hospitals when you get sick.

I don't sit around making choir boy jokes and then demand I be let into catholic churches for mass amirite?


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Just watched this.

I mean seems pretty obvious to me. We can respect everyone's friedumdum to not protect themselves and society but then if you don't trust medical science, stay the fuck out of the hospitals when you get sick.

I don't sit around making choir boy jokes and then demand I be let into catholic churches for mass amirite?
Dude, anyone can go to Mass. Shit, even I went to Catholic school fer a spell. You just gotta dress nice, wear a shirt with buttons, pants... Ah, I see your dilemma.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
good news today of the local Covid front. My co worker that caught the vid even though he had the J&J stick is getting stronger each day and seems to be over the hump after getting hospitalized twice. Secondly two of my EMTs that unknowingly had close contact with a Covid Plus patient on a transport (thankfully they were following SOP and had N95 masks and gloves on) both tested negative after waiting 4 days to get tested (CDC Guidelines) and are in the clear.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Dude, anyone can go to Mass. Shit, even I went to Catholic school fer a spell. You just gotta dress nice, wear a shirt with buttons, pants... Ah, I see your dilemma.
I'm trying to think of another analogy that you won't get hung up on but I really can't think of anything more egregious than dismissing medicine and then running and crying to a hospital whining "fix it!!!"


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Um, isn't that standard protocol?, to "free up" your immune system that is constantly fending off bacterial crap?

Lord I hope my sarcasm meter is broken.

I don't think that is how the immune system works, perhaps in extreme cases but over use of antibiotics just leads to anti-biotic resistant bacteria. In addition you have a very symbiotic relationship with bacteria. A lot of it is necessary for things like digestion, killing them off can be harmful. Look up fecal transplant. A lot of other bacteria doesn't do anything for you, but it doesn't hurt you either. How ever it is in competition with possibly bad bacteria. You don't want to kill off the not bad guys and leave an open environment for bad bacteria to move in. In addition different strains of bacteria can even share genetic material, so you can develop good bacteria that gain anti-biotic resistance and that can be passed to the bad stuff.

This pandemic has shown us how vulnerable we are to viruses. There is a good chance the next big pandemic is going to be bacterial and anti-biotic resistant. There is a good chance in our lifetime or the children of our breeding friends that common injuries could once again be deadly.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
So, Dr. Westy, do copper bracelets cure asthma and halitosis?

I used to work in an antibiotic manufacturing facility. There was a ton of training involved to prevent not only contamination of the product, but the product entering your system or contaminating the community for the reasons I explained above.

And copper bracelets will cure almost any disease if you choke on it.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
…aaaand we have an apparent community transmission case in Auckland. No details yet. Everyone is assuming Delta, and assuming a L4 lockdown from tonight nationwide. Xabinet are meeting in (checks watch) six minutes and there will be a press conference at 6pm (1.5hrs). This is the first week I would be eligible for the vaccine co-incidentally. Was gonna try and book it later but I expect that might be tough now.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
…aaaand we have an apparent community transmission case in Auckland. No details yet. Everyone is assuming Delta, and assuming a L4 lockdown from tonight nationwide. Xabinet are meeting in (checks watch) six minutes and there will be a press conference at 6pm (1.5hrs). This is the first week I would be eligible for the vaccine co-incidentally. Was gonna try and book it later but I expect that might be tough now.

Pic I just took outside in the US
