

Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Sunringlerider,that is Heavy new’s,disregarding his view on the shot. He was a customer,for how long? His child,Wife/Mother,just left there with a Dead Father. In 4 Fucking Day’s? It must be very Hard for you as well,this shit just happen’s and there gone.

You’re post actually almost brought me to tear’s. This is where it brought me. My co worker,whom I nicknamed “Bear”,spent almost 10 year’s with me installing Glass. Commercial and Home. He was Huge but Short. Full Grizzly Beard. Strong like an OX,but Smart as the Owl. Had a Loud Lovely laugh,and quick to call you on BullShit.Yet he would still have the EAR to take Possible solutions’s to a Problem at hand. He did not like height’s. Bear and Avy would be three tiers up on scaffolding with a Big piece of glass. I would earthquake the platform by rocking back and fourth,jimeny cricket’s,Bear really never went back up after that. That’s fine,he did not have to,as He was the Lead,rightfully soo I might add. Good memories. You Had to have a lid on you’re plastic soda pop,or,get out of my truck. No Lid,No Ride. Bear was a Work Hard,Play Hard type of man. He smoked cigis,and drank hard,no pot. He ate good. He had a 17 year old daughter,and a beautiful Wife. I was alway’s asking him technical question’s,which he would answer ,“no brother,or,yes brother”. I miss him so.

For many year’s Bear had a bad cough. I pleaded with him to go to the Dr. He never went. Then he went right before COVID Hit. Esophical Cancer(sp?). Not even 3 mounth’s. He was a skinny pole at the end,I saw him dead on his own bed at home. I was the only cunt at work that gave a Fuck. It has had a big effect on me. It also has taught me maybe it is best to move on from my Shop,which is still on the table. Perhaps I am being to rough on them,but I doubt it. They did not send His Wife His Christmas Bonus,ummm,5 Gs? Bear and I made them millions. Sorry to ramble on,but thank’s for listening.
Damn, that’s some sad shit about Bear. Must have been hard to see him like that! What I learned during my wife’s cancer is when it comes to serious sickness, terminal disease and death, many people haven’t the slightest clue what is appropriate, how to act, how to support and the like. I’m shocked his work didn’t send his bonus to the family. That’s some cold shit.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Sunringlerider,that is Heavy new’s,disregarding his view on the shot. He was a customer,for how long? His child,Wife/Mother,just left there with a Dead Father. In 4 Fucking Day’s? It must be very Hard for you as well,this shit just happen’s and there gone.
I’ve insured his business for 3 years. His brother and him had bought out their grandfathers HVAC business. His brother and him have never been apart in their life. Any views on it aside, it was a rough call with big brother today. Usually he try’s to have the tough guy mentality, but was a crying train wreck, unsure on how to proceed. Little brothers(deceased) 10 year old son tried to wake him on Friday and he wouldn’t wake up. So his brother came over to help and discovered no pulse.

That kid will always remember the day he found his dad dead. He brother will always remember the day he found his little brother dead.

The more I think about it the more angered I get. The absolute bull shit that is spewed killed him, because he was to dense to think else wise. If that bastard was vaccinated I wouldn’t be thinking about his son tonight.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
something tells me this analogy will not play well in the US. It'll just reinforce the "educated elites are thinking they're better than us" argument... what a time to be alive.
And yet these same people have no issues with pretty much any modern technology; and better yet have no issue with modern medicine attempting to save their ass when it looks like they are in a checkout line. :think:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
And yet these same people have no issues with pretty much any modern technology; and better yet have no issue with modern medicine attempting to save their ass when it looks like they are in a checkout line. :think:
They will also be standing in line for monoclonal treatments when they inevitably get the hoax virus.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I’ve insured his business for 3 years. His brother and him had bought out their grandfathers HVAC business. His brother and him have never been apart in their life. Any views on it aside, it was a rough call with big brother today. Usually he try’s to have the tough guy mentality, but was a crying train wreck, unsure on how to proceed. Little brothers(deceased) 10 year old son tried to wake him on Friday and he wouldn’t wake up. So his brother came over to help and discovered no pulse.

That kid will always remember the day he found his dad dead. He brother will always remember the day he found his little brother dead.

The more I think about it the more angered I get. The absolute bull shit that is spewed killed him, because he was to dense to think else wise. If that bastard was vaccinated I wouldn’t be thinking about his son tonight.
as tragic as that is, it was also preventable. not trying to be insensitive, but that was a direct result of his own choices .


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
I’ve insured his business for 3 years. His brother and him had bought out their grandfathers HVAC business. His brother and him have never been apart in their life. Any views on it aside, it was a rough call with big brother today. Usually he try’s to have the tough guy mentality, but was a crying train wreck, unsure on how to proceed. Little brothers(deceased) 10 year old son tried to wake him on Friday and he wouldn’t wake up. So his brother came over to help and discovered no pulse.

That kid will always remember the day he found his dad dead. He brother will always remember the day he found his little brother dead.

The more I think about it the more angered I get. The absolute bull shit that is spewed killed him, because he was to dense to think else wise. If that bastard was vaccinated I wouldn’t be thinking about his son tonight.
Try not to get Angry Brother,I understand it is not easy,but anger is a cancer to me. There are Many examples one could give as to being “to dense”. Abortion comes to mind,climate crisis,corporation’s runnin the World etc. I don’t know where I’m goin,but I know where I’ve been.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Tried to book our boosters as it just opened up for our age group.
Based upon our second shot date we have to wait until the 27th to try again.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
Damn, that’s some sad shit about Bear. Must have been hard to see him like that! What I learned during my wife’s cancer is when it comes to serious sickness, terminal disease and death, many people haven’t the slightest clue what is appropriate, how to act, how to support and the like. I’m shocked his work didn’t send his bonus to the family. That’s some cold shit.
Damn, that’s some sad shit about Bear. Must have been hard to see him like that! What I learned during my wife’s cancer is when it comes to serious sickness, terminal disease and death, many people haven’t the slightest clue what is appropriate, how to act, how to support and the like. I’m shocked his work didn’t send his bonus to the family. That’s some cold shit.
dump,I read the first post you put up about you’re wife. It was 6:10am and I was relaxing in my car before work. I remember cause I saw the time up in the corner. I read the whole thread. It was so powerful,I just had tear’s rolling down my cheek. I guess I am a very emotional cunt. I also thought of how I can no longer read this thread as it was to close to home with Bear. Hence,I forgot the matter until this came up,if that make’s any sense to you? dump,I do not have a cell phone. I have a Lan Line for the House,I have a cell phone for the Wife,due to work,but Avy only has a I Pad. I am not very good with it,I am not Savy like the rest of the World. Forgive Me. When I was typing my story of Bear,I thought of You and the Wife,that is what I want’ed you to know. From the bottom of my Heart.

Last,you spoke of people not knowing how to deal with death. You are so right dump. It is not there fault IMHO. It is Very Hard to deal with such a matter. I was/am very aware of this somehow? I don’t know why? I spoke with Bear till almost the last moment. I told all my cunt co workers to call him as he would like it. No one did,yet they ask me constant question’s as to what is going on? I told them He would Love to hear from you,yet no one did. Like you said dump,they are not sure what todo? I guess I am lucky dump,I was able to see it through the end. It has taught me alot,some of which I still ponder? My Wife was very Proud of me for this,I too am proud dump.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Tried to book our boosters as it just opened up for our age group.
Based upon our second shot date we have to wait until the 27th to try again.
My brother in ON says it opens up in Jan for him.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Tried to book our boosters as it just opened up for our age group.
Based upon our second shot date we have to wait until the 27th to try again.
Are you in the 50+ category?

I'm eagerly awaiting what our super competent and fearless leader has to say later today...


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I've still got a can downstairs under my workbench. It might explode if I tried to spray as I don't think it's been used in a dozen years.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210

Most of that article is silly. But this section resonated. I see this kind of shit in LA and scratch my head. I went to a restaurant on Saturday with a friend. They walked in with a mask on, joined me at the table and took it right off. I waited for the server to take orders and bring drinks before I took mine off. Then as we left my friend masked up to walk 10 feet past nobody to to the door and kept it on outside as we said goodbye (we talked for a bit longer and the mask came off).

until I found myself in Washington, D.C., on a work trip in March, I had never seen anyone wearing a mask outside. For someone who had never worn one in any situation, it was bizarre to find thousands of people indifferently donning these garments outdoors, including those walking alone or in pairs at night after leaving bars or restaurants where they had presumably taken them off. It was even stranger seeing people recognize one another in the street and pull their masks down casually, sometimes but not always before stopping to engage in conversation, like Edwardian gentlemen doffing their top hats.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Most of that article is silly. But this section resonated. I see this kind of shit in LA and scratch my head. I went to a restaurant on Saturday with a friend. They walked in with a mask on, joined me at the table and took it right off. I waited for the server to take orders and bring drinks before I took mine off. Then as we left my friend masked up to walk 10 feet past nobody to to the door and kept it on outside as we said goodbye (we talked for a bit longer and the mask came off).

until I found myself in Washington, D.C., on a work trip in March, I had never seen anyone wearing a mask outside. For someone who had never worn one in any situation, it was bizarre to find thousands of people indifferently donning these garments outdoors, including those walking alone or in pairs at night after leaving bars or restaurants where they had presumably taken them off. It was even stranger seeing people recognize one another in the street and pull their masks down casually, sometimes but not always before stopping to engage in conversation, like Edwardian gentlemen doffing their top hats.
"And Jesus said to them, fuck thy neighbors. Get yours and care only about thyself".


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Well, you haven't exactly had David Coverdale hair for as long as I've known you so it's bound to last.
The low maintenance has worked well with my 6 item wardrobe for the last two years while hiding out at home.