

used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Sorry to hear and best of luck to you!
I'll be fine, I did a rapid test that came back negative, but I figured if I screwed it up and infected the family at Christmas they may be less than happy.
My boss had a cold and I'm assuming I caught that off him, he didn't get tested so I figured I should.

It is pretty nuts how quickly Covid is spreading though, we had it almost knocked on the head a few weeks ago.
In two weeks there is over a thousand percent increase in positive results in my state.



Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
I'll be fine, I did a rapid test that came back negative, but I figured if I screwed it up and infected the family at Christmas they may be less than happy.
My boss had a cold and I'm assuming I caught that off him, he didn't get tested so I figured I should.

It is pretty nuts how quickly Covid is spreading though, we had it almost knocked on the head a few weeks ago.
In two weeks there is over a thousand percent increase in positive results in my state.

View attachment 169022
Do get a PCR test. We had now a couple of cases at work that all had negative quick tests but came out positive on the PCR test that was taken at the same day. They just got the quick test for a fast answer while waiting the 24-40 hrs for the results of the PCR test.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Do get a PCR test. We had now a couple of cases at work that all had negative quick tests but came out positive on the PCR test that was taken at the same day. They just got the quick test for a fast answer while waiting the 24-40 hrs for the results of the PCR test.
Yeah I did get a PCR, my phone said it was 107degrees in the car and had a 2hr wait, next time I will take water, hahaha!


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
The quick tests can be as bad as 50/50 (actually worse, as bad as 35% for one type) especially for inexperienced users apparently(? Not sure about that..) so selling them as a useful test is a bit questionable IMO. Although they apparently rarely show a false positive.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
The quick tests can be as bad as 50/50 (actually worse, as bad as 35% for one type) especially for inexperienced users apparently(? Not sure about that..) so selling them as a useful test is a bit questionable IMO. Although they apparently rarely show a false positive.
The rapid test sensitivity is crap. Only useful if you have a high viral load and only likely to get a positive result of your already showing symptoms.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout


The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
Gotta get a PCR tomorrow. Friend I rode with on Friday tested just tested positive. Met at the trails so we were outside the whole time. Giving it another day to marinate. I was boosted 3-4 weeks ago. Hope these all these nanobots loose in my bloodstream know what the fuck they are doing.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Gotta get a PCR tomorrow. Friend I rode with on Friday tested just tested positive. Met at the trails so we were outside the whole time. Giving it another day to marinate. I was boosted 3-4 weeks ago. Hope these all these nanobots loose in my bloodstream know what the fuck they are doing.

May you be Delta-Omicron hybrid free.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
little one got her second jab over the weekend. No adverse reactions. I fucking love science.

First PCR test is negative. Retesting today. Not nearly as anxious anymore- if I was exposed it would have been more than 5 days ago. I guess all my symptoms are stress, psycho-somatic, and anxiety related.

I get my BOOSTER next week. A little late, but IDGAF, I'll take it.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I get my BOOSTER next week. A little late, but IDGAF, I'll take it.
FYI, my free Sirius XM renewal isn't working and download speeds on home wifi were terrible last night. Friday, the day after I got boosted I had the chills that evening, arm is almost normal again this morning after being sore post jab.

Also, still not magnetic :shakefist:


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
FYI, my free Sirius XM renewal isn't working and download speeds on home wifi were terrible last night. Friday, the day after I got boosted I had the chills that evening, arm is almost normal again this morning after being sore post jab.

Also, still not magnetic :shakefist:
I'm not looking forward to having to decline my annual XM subscription.... they're so obnoxious about it


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Going through the provincial lottery of trying to book a fucking vaccine (my booster). again. what a shit show. I hate Ford (the premier of Ontario, not the car company).

Eligibility for boosters in Ontario opened today. I started checking the website at 7 when I woke up. Only at 8 did it "open" for booking. Once opened, I had to wait an hour in queue to access the booking system, got on, filled in my info, only to discover there are no spots available in my town (you know, just the fucking capital of the country). What kind of mickey mouse operation are we running here. JTFC.

edited to add: I just saw that 665,000 people in my town became eligible this morning. There were 11,000 appointments available when eligibility opened. All those spots got booked in under 15 minutes.
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Update on my family shit show. Mrs’s little sisters husband has made it through. Although he lost 18lbs. I had not had the discussion with my SIL (who is a RN in the Covid wing at local hospital). She is fucking livid, pretty much told him after this that if he wants to live in their house he will be vaccinated as soon as he can. Sad that it took that level of arguing to get the idiot vaccinated.
Other brother-in-law (non-married mrs brother) is not vaccinated either and is the only direct family member who isn’t. My FIL told him he isn’t welcome for Christmas. Harsh, but for fucks sake, get the god damn shot. He is also 36, overweight working in a muffler factory.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
If we get through this as a civilisation, (and I think we will, albeit re-ordered slightly), we will have some great new tools. I expect we’ll need to use them too.

this is welcome news. My mom just moved back to Canada on Friday. She's received a full course of all-Moderna vaccines and booster in France. We were worried about seeing her with the kids after her flight and so close to Christmas, but this helps alleviate the anxiety a bit. cheers!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
i thought Rob Ford was dead?
He is.

His brother is not, and is the Premier of Ontario.

As for Ontario and covid. Yeah I don't know where I stand with all this mumbo jumbo. I honestly willingly choose to ignore the news and have not read anything covid related in months.

This yo-yo of restrictions and cases and whatnot is so old now. Ugh. So is the government.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
This COVID communication is being sent to those impacted in the preschool class at [daycare]. Your child, in Ms. Becky and Ms. Lauren's preschool classroom, may have been exposed to COVID through a classroom activity and has been identified as a close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID. The day of exposure was Thursday, December 16th. This is a notification only - NO QUARANTINE IS NEEDED. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encourages monitoring for symptoms for 14 days after the day of exposure. The most common symptoms of COVID include fever, cough and/or shortness of breath. Other symptoms can include sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache/body aches and new loss of taste or smell. If you have a concern, please contact your medical provider for guidance. Additionally, those who develop symptoms should isolate and contact a health professional for further guidance.

Well shit.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
This COVID communication is being sent to those impacted in the preschool class at [daycare]. Your child, in Ms. Becky and Ms. Lauren's preschool classroom, may have been exposed to COVID through a classroom activity and has been identified as a close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID. The day of exposure was Thursday, December 16th. This is a notification only - NO QUARANTINE IS NEEDED. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encourages monitoring for symptoms for 14 days after the day of exposure. The most common symptoms of COVID include fever, cough and/or shortness of breath. Other symptoms can include sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache/body aches and new loss of taste or smell. If you have a concern, please contact your medical provider for guidance. Additionally, those who develop symptoms should isolate and contact a health professional for further guidance.

Well shit.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
This COVID communication is being sent to those impacted in the preschool class at [daycare]. Your child, in Ms. Becky and Ms. Lauren's preschool classroom, may have been exposed to COVID through a classroom activity and has been identified as a close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID. The day of exposure was Thursday, December 16th. This is a notification only - NO QUARANTINE IS NEEDED. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encourages monitoring for symptoms for 14 days after the day of exposure. The most common symptoms of COVID include fever, cough and/or shortness of breath. Other symptoms can include sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache/body aches and new loss of taste or smell. If you have a concern, please contact your medical provider for guidance. Additionally, those who develop symptoms should isolate and contact a health professional for further guidance.

Well shit.
Last day of HS for the youngest... he comes home around 11 and asks if we have any Vitamin I 'cause he's got a sore throat. Wife takes his temp. 102F. Binax home test comes back negative. Scheduled a "proper" test for 4pm this afternoon.

Hopefully it's just some *other* kid cooties.