The day arrived. I´ve got COVID!
My stupid wife´s boss called for a Xmas Dinner/get together.... and the motherfucker was unknowingly positive. Said dinner resulted in a spreader event in her office.

My wife got fever all weekend, and spent a couple days in bed all day... I had some mild headaches. We both got testeed yesterday and results are in. Both positive.
We are quarentining until sunday, then un-avoidable errands for a week with a mask (we always wore them, regardless) per CDC.

I have 2 pfizer shots, a booster last week.
My wife had 2 sinopharm shots. No pfizer boosters for her yet (she was procrastinating on it)
I wish you and yours the best.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
The day arrived. I´ve got COVID!
My stupid wife´s boss called for a Xmas Dinner/get together.... and the motherfucker was unknowingly positive. Said dinner resulted in a spreader event in her office.

My wife got fever all weekend, and spent a couple days in bed all day... I had some mild headaches. We both got testeed yesterday and results are in. Both positive.
We are quarentining until sunday, then un-avoidable errands for a week with a mask (we always wore them, regardless) per CDC.

I have 2 pfizer shots, a booster last week.
My wife had 2 sinopharm shots. No pfizer boosters for her yet (she was procrastinating on it)
Sorry to hear this. I hope you pull through with no significant setbacks. If I'm not mistaken you have kids too.. I hope they stay healthy. Good luck.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
The day arrived. I´ve got COVID!
My stupid wife´s boss called for a Xmas Dinner/get together.... and the motherfucker was unknowingly positive. Said dinner resulted in a spreader event in her office.

My wife got fever all weekend, and spent a couple days in bed all day... I had some mild headaches. We both got testeed yesterday and results are in. Both positive.
We are quarentining until sunday, then un-avoidable errands for a week with a mask (we always wore them, regardless) per CDC.

I have 2 pfizer shots, a booster last week.
My wife had 2 sinopharm shots. No pfizer boosters for her yet (she was procrastinating on it)


Nov 19, 2013
Covid has hit our house too. Me and my 13 year old son both have it. My wife and 2 girls tested negative yesterday, but this morning my wife's sense of smell is gone, so she probably has it too.

Symptoms have been odd. I had a really runny nose for 2 days, then tested negative, 3 days later I tested positive. My son had a fever for 3 days, and tested positive right away. As of today, we both feel ok. I have a slight cough, and he has a slightly sore throat.

The DR Said that we need to quarantine for 5 days from when we first got symptoms, but thats already passed. Were just going to hunker down in the house for another 10 days or so, and only go out for necessities. Thankfully I work from home, so that wont be effected...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Covid has hit our house too. Me and my 13 year old son both have it. My wife and 2 girls tested negative yesterday, but this morning my wife's sense of smell is gone, so she probably has it too.

Symptoms have been odd. I had a really runny nose for 2 days, then tested negative, 3 days later I tested positive. My son had a fever for 3 days, and tested positive right away. As of today, we both feel ok. I have a slight cough, and he has a slightly sore throat.

The DR Said that we need to quarantine for 5 days from when we first got symptoms, but thats already passed. Were just going to hunker down in the house for another 10 days or so, and only go out for necessities. Thankfully I work from home, so that wont be effected...
Get well soon! All the best wishes for your family as well!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Wife's mother and sister's family were supposed to visit tomorrow. Her sisters husband had a direct exposure to his sisters husband this past week, who has now tested positive. So that visit is not happening.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
University of Washington health system is cancelling non essential procedures for two weeks expecting a flood of Covid patients.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Possibly, but in reality it’s just the “tourist towns overrun with Mouth- breathing tourists” vector, so maybe a Venn diagram would be better?
resort skiing, the well-known activity of the financially strapped

vail, aspen and jackson, the common man's town

What I said is entirely accurate. You'll notice my area isn't doing that. That's because the vast majority of visitors are from california. Those other places not so much.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
University of Washington health system is cancelling non essential procedures for two weeks expecting a flood of Covid patients.
Omicron is not as bad as Delta...says the Danish government. No need to stop the schools from reopening 5/1 with in person classes. Why would you want to protect your kids? Soon: speeding in front of schools, underaged drinking and smoking will be encouraged.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
resort skiing, the well-known activity of the financially strapped

vail, aspen and jackson, the common man's town

What I said is entirely accurate. You'll notice my area isn't doing that. That's because the vast majority of visitors are from california. Those other places not so much.
Shit, 70% of our customers at Snow King are never-Evers from Alabama, Florida, Texas, and Miami. Camo Starter jackets and all.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Oh cool so they run their mouths just as badly as the idiots here in the name of bidness as usual.
Nothing to worry about, the incidence/100,000/week is just 1638.5. Ireland is higher than we are, so go team and make it happen. We can catch them to reclaim our #1 spot! :rolleyes:


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Nothing to worry about, the incidence/100,000/week is just 1638.5. Ireland is higher than we are, so go team and make it happen. We can catch them to reclaim our #1 spot! :rolleyes:
Daaaaamn, 1600/100000 is a metric assload!

We’re at 35/100000 per day, so call it 250/100000 for the week in my area and it seems like everyone has is no matter where you turn. You’re almost 7x more covidified, what’s your local vaccination rate looking like?

On the topic of vaccines, wife’s friend who caught it back in the olden times pre delta and has had all kinds of fucked up heart issues and other medical oddities ever since has been relying on homeopathy pretty much ever since. Her “healer” advised against the vaccine because it interferes with oregano or some shit. Anyway, turns out cumin oil can’t cure heart issues nor prevent catching the Rona a second time. She just tested positive again, because of course, and she’s freaking the fuck out because she doesn’t want her heart issues to get worse. It remains unclear if the vax would have prevented it, but clearly lavender was ineffective


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
On the topic of vaccines, wife’s friend who caught it back in the olden times pre delta and has had all kinds of fucked up heart issues and other medical oddities ever since has been relying on homeopathy pretty much ever since. Her “healer” advised against the vaccine because it interferes with oregano or some shit. Anyway, turns out cumin oil can’t cure heart issues nor prevent catching the Rona a second time. She just tested positive again, because of course, and she’s freaking the fuck out because she doesn’t want her heart issues to get worse. It remains unclear if the vax would have prevented it, but clearly lavender was ineffective


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Daaaaamn, 1600/100000 is a metric assload!

We’re at 35/100000 per day, so call it 250/100000 for the week in my area and it seems like everyone has is no matter where you turn. You’re almost 7x more covidified, what’s your local vaccination rate looking like?

On the topic of vaccines, wife’s friend who caught it back in the olden times pre delta and has had all kinds of fucked up heart issues and other medical oddities ever since has been relying on homeopathy pretty much ever since. Her “healer” advised against the vaccine because it interferes with oregano or some shit. Anyway, turns out cumin oil can’t cure heart issues nor prevent catching the Rona a second time. She just tested positive again, because of course, and she’s freaking the fuck out because she doesn’t want her heart issues to get worse. It remains unclear if the vax would have prevented it, but clearly lavender was ineffective

She just needs healing crystals, meditation, thoughts + prayers, and a chiropractor.

Or perhaps just buy a bunch of ducks for more direct quackery.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Valid point.
@kidwoo is spot on. Up to the right from Summit county (Vail, et al.) is Grand County (looks like Ohio). They only have Winter Park, which is a more limited out of state crowd. To the left is Routt County, where Steamboat Springs is located. It has a more out of state/higher $$ visiting population


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Just found Out I can screenshot an object on a webpage, sweet.
Less sweet-
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Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
We’re at 35/100000 per day, so call it 250/100000 for the week in my area and it seems like everyone has is no matter where you turn. You’re almost 7x more covidified, what’s your local vaccination rate looking like?
About 78% of the total population, 25%+ of the population received their booster.

That is what worries me most. Basically everybody I know that catches Covid is fully vaccinated. The kids and young adults are clearly driving it, but until it was too late nobody wanted to shut down the schools, the nightlife and the party scene. The Danish strategy of nearly exclusively relying on vaccination failed here. Restricting gatherings, especially indoors, and mandating mask usage would have been more effective coming into the winter months, especially with omicron. But nobody could know that a new variant would be coming :rolleyes:

...except some experts that warned all along. But who listens to those guys anyways when there are parties and concerts to attend.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
This is what I have been most concerned with throughout the pandemic, now it's come to fruition.

"At the beginning of this pandemic... we all were taught, you have a significant exposure if you're within six feet of somebody and you're in contact with them for more than 15 minutes. All these rules are out the window," Reiner said. "This is a hyper-contagious virus."
Now, even a quick, transient encounter can lead to an infection, Reiner added, including if someone's mask is loose, or a person quickly pulls their mask down, or an individual enters an elevator in which someone else has just coughed.
"This is how you can contract this virus," Reiner said.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
About 5 times the number of cases as last winter's surge but with only 65% of the hospitalizations.
View attachment 169774

View attachment 169773
Is it time for me to make a girth joke yet?

I think it relevant. That's a daily rate that's 65%, not the total hospitalizations on a given day yeah?

edit: just checked one of the other trackers, it's total hospitalizations on the NYT one.....
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Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
About 5 times the number of cases as last winter's surge but with only 65% of the hospitalizations.
View attachment 169774

View attachment 169773
Wait until in 2 weeks. ;)
But I agree, it looks like the vaccination helps to keep the hospitilization at bay. Still, if you let it rip through a population that is vaccinated, what are the chances that we do not get a "new and improved" Danish variant soon?


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Oh, fuck off already, 2022