
Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
You might want to delay your kids return this semester as well...

Town is always "dead" quiet last 2 weeks of December (with MSU out) so it's going to be interesting to see the numbers in a few weeks.


Last data point is from the 30th...

The orange anus was right about one thing, if you don't test you won't know how many cases you actually have...

And I have to believe that our numbers across the country / state are understated because folks taking rapid tests at home aren't likely to report their positive results to the local county health agency.


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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It's too late - they're already back. Being young adults, they were getting tired of our shit here at home. And being older parents, we were equally tired of their shit. :D

They are basically going to go skiing and work for the next couple weeks before classes start up again...
Once they really wise up they'll stop going home at all.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yeah... that's gonna bum my wife out. But at that point, I'm going to start taking trips up there, crashing at their place and drinking all their beer and smoking all their weed (rec went legal Jan 1 in Montana).
I only went home the summer after freshman year. Learned my lesson. I'd still visit with them, especially at holidays, but never for an extended period.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
smoking vaping/eating all their weed (rec went legal Jan 1 in Montana).
Meh, it'll be similar in pricing to CO since recreational taxed at 20% vs. 4% medical currently plus the option for regional city taxes above and beyond which I gather the Paradise Valley (Livingston and parts south) has opted to do...

My dispensary said to keep your med card active, even though prices will come down across the board b/c of the higher taxes the doctor visit $urcharge pays for itself in first couple months re: tax savings.

Fiscally conservative hippies, I tell you...

[cough, cough, pass]

ETA: I welcome the competition and look forward to OR/WA pricing (i.e. damn near free...)
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Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Meh, it'll be similar in pricing to CO since recreational is taxed at 20% vs. 4% medicinal current taxation plus the option for regional city taxes above and beyond.

My dispensary said to keep your med card active, even though prices will come down across the board b/c of the higher taxes the doctor visit $urcharge pays for itself in first couple months re: tax savings.

Fiscally conservative hippies, I tell you...

[cough, cough, pass]
Yeah - but it'll be their weed, so I'll be saving all kinds of money by eating theirs.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Meh, it'll be similar in pricing to CO since recreational taxed at 20% vs. 4% medical currently plus the option for regional city taxes above and beyond which I gather the Paradise Valley (Livingston and parts south) has opted to do...

My dispensary said to keep your med card active, even though prices will come down across the board b/c of the higher taxes the doctor visit $urcharge pays for itself in first couple months re: tax savings.

Fiscally conservative hippies, I tell you...

[cough, cough, pass]

ETA: I welcome the competition and look forward to OR/WA pricing (i.e. damn near free...)
It may be taxed, but at least you won't have to worry about it being laced with fentanyl or some shit.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Just got back from the gym/super-spreader event. I’m kind of going on the theory that after all of the potential exposure at the ski shop front lines, and at the gym, I either already had Omicron and was 100% asymptomatic, or my previous Covid and three vax rounds kept me from getting it.
Absolutely not scientific, but freaking everyone around me has recently tested positive/breakthrough.

@Montana rider , is there a rec shop in West yet? Looking for some 5mg type gummies…


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Lines at Covid testing sites are completely insane here. I drive by one site to work, people must be stuck in their cars for hours.

i waited for 3+ hours at one of the big sites here on xmas eve...if you look around town a bit you can find faster spots...but even more so if you drive out into the country a bit into the trumpy areas you can wait less and/or find at home kits at pharmacies


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Instead of returning to classes yesterday local schools did an on site mandatory testing day yesterday for all students and staff. 4% positive rate.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Just learned that one of my project students had Covid over Christmas/New Years. She is better now, but ugh... :(


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Presumably that 4% was all asymptomatic...
Correction, voluntary testing.

No idea. One would assume that people with symptoms would have tested prior to this and not bothered to show up, but I am sure that people with new symptoms took this as the opportunity to get tested.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Correction, voluntary testing.

No idea. One would assume that people with symptoms would have tested prior to this and not bothered to show up, but I am sure that people with new symptoms took this as the opportunity to get tested.

My kid's HS did this back in May in order to stay open - there were a lot of asymptomatic positives. I don't remember the %, but the number was not insignificant...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
HR contact at one of my client's has it. She vaccinated and recently boosted. Still kicking her ass. She's been super paranoid because her husband is immunocompromised and still got it.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Neighbours on one side of me have COVID and the others went to a trailer park for a week so I'm gonna assume they have it.

In lighter news :rockout: :rockout: :rockout: :rockout:
Is there more to that story? The article linked is literally just the headline, repeated in the sub headline, and the entirety of the article is a repeat of the headline.

rip journalism.jpg

Real quality reporting ABC


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
My old coworker died from it today.

I believe he was 50 actually left where I work to go to a different shop right at the start of this shit two years ago.

Not looking forward to work tomorrow.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Is there more to that story? The article linked is literally just the headline, repeated in the sub headline, and the entirety of the article is a repeat of the headline.

View attachment 169947

Real quality reporting ABC
Hahaha, sorry.
I was trying to find something from our ABC but failed-


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Hahaha, sorry.
I was trying to find something from our ABC but failed-

Ah, that explained it a wee bit better haha. We call that “choices have consequences”, but hey, at least he’s safe from Dingos and Box Jellyfish, and it’s one less time he’ll have to play tennis, so he’s got that going for him.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
According to world of meters, the US had 704,661 new cases yesterday. Yay.
Correction: 704,662 new cases.

I picked up the 'VID either from our dogsitter who stopped by last Thursday or from one of my buddies on the hut trip. So far I am experiencing mild(ish) cold-like symptoms. Already feeling a bit better after yesterday. Very possible Teh Spousal Unit™ avoided this go-round as she's testing negative and has no symptoms.

I'd like to note that every single person I have been in contact with including all hut trip folks and the dogsitter have been vaccinated, the vast majority have also had boosters. Breakthrough Omicron cases are apparently just "the new normal" unless you truly isolate yourself.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Correction: 704,662 new cases.

I picked up the 'VID either from our dogsitter who stopped by last Thursday or from one of my buddies on the hut trip. So far I am experiencing mild(ish) cold-like symptoms. Already feeling a bit better after yesterday. Very possible Teh Spousal Unit™ avoided this go-round as she's testing negative and has no symptoms.

I'd like to note that every single person I have been in contact with including all hut trip folks and the dogsitter have been vaccinated, the vast majority have also had boosters. Breakthrough Omicron cases are apparently just "the new normal" unless you truly isolate yourself.
All the best!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Coworker who likes to take off his mask to talk to people called in today because his home schooled kids came down with the 'rona. I can't say how they caught it but dipshit certainly didn't go out of his way to protect his children. Thankfully he was not in the office when I was on tuesday.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout