
eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
My sister in law just tested positive. Their youngest son is home and just finished his first round of Chemo for Leukemia. SIL and BIL just went into self quarantine (both have had 3 rounds of Vax) so far they are asymptomatic. I'm more concerned with my Nephew who from the chemo is likely immuno compromised event though he has had 2 of the 3 rounds (3rd is scheduled for monday). Ruth was there for Xmas but is Asymtomatic as am I ( both of us have had boosters months ago).


Turbo Monkey
Apr 8, 2006
New York City
My sister in law just tested positive. Their youngest son is home and just finished his first round of Chemo for Leukemia. SIL and BIL just went into self quarantine (both have had 3 rounds of Vax) so far they are asymptomatic. I'm more concerned with my Nephew who from the chemo is likely immuno compromised event though he has had 2 of the 3 rounds (3rd is scheduled for monday). Ruth was there for Xmas but is Asymtomatic as am I ( both of us have had boosters months ago).
Dam hope your Nephew stays Covid free.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Parents both have it. Conveniently didn't tell us until they are both 2 weeks into quarantine and 2 weeks before their trip here. Haven't actually talked to my dad, so assuming he got hammered and couldn't, since my vaccinated mom was in pretty bad shape.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Well, Haley went from 0>100 sick in the last 12hrs, plus wifey and I are both moldy sick again, so back to brain swabs.

Shit is real at testing now. We were there ~2 weeks ago and it was 3 lanes, 1 person checking in, 2 people swabbing, 45min+ waits.

Today? 2x as many cars, 20min wait. Why you don't ask? Because the fucking National Guard was there. 4 lanes wide, 1 person directing people to lines to keep them moving, 4 people checking in, 2 deep on each lane testing, runners on each lane, so as soon as those 2 cars finished, there were 2 people waiting already - there cars barely stopped moving the entire time we were there. It was efficient, to say the least. They are not fucking around anymore.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Well, Haley went from 0>100 sick in the last 12hrs, plus wifey and I are both moldy sick again, so back to brain swabs.

Shit is real at testing now. We were there ~2 weeks ago and it was 3 lanes, 1 person checking in, 2 people swabbing, 45min+ waits.

Today? 2x as many cars, 20min wait. Why you don't ask? Because the fucking National Guard was there. 4 lanes wide, 1 person directing people to lines to keep them moving, 4 people checking in, 2 deep on each lane testing, runners on each lane, so as soon as those 2 cars finished, there were 2 people waiting already - there cars barely stopped moving the entire time we were there. It was efficient, to say the least. They are not fucking around anymore.
hope y'all are OK.

my wife was talking last night about how the NG is getting involved now.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Today? 2x as many cars, 20min wait. Why you don't ask? Because the fucking National Guard was there. 4 lanes wide, 1 person directing people to lines to keep them moving, 4 people checking in, 2 deep on each lane testing, runners on each lane, so as soon as those 2 cars finished, there were 2 people waiting already - there cars barely stopped moving the entire time we were there. It was efficient, to say the least. They are not fucking around anymore.
Say what you will about our bloated Defense budgets and some of our ill-advised misadventures in the Middle East, when it comes to logistics, the US Military kicks all the ass.

I however have achieved a new level of luxury, my wife found a mobile nurse that comes to your place for a travel fee, and does as many free tests while there as you need. $40 for all three of us to get PCR tested, under 20 minutes, results via text in 72 hours. I'm done waiting in lines like a peasant.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Wife and kids had unmasked contact with one of the kids' friends last Wednesday, eating snacks before going to an after-school activity. Said friend then developed 103-104 F fevers on Friday and Saturday. Inconclusive PCR from Sunday, then a positive antigen test today.

Wife and kids remain asymptomatic. We antigen tested the 3 year old before sending her to preschool this morning (negative), and will get PCR tests on the elder kids after school tomorrow. If we isolated for things like this set of circumstances we'd be isolating all the time these days.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
If we isolated for things like this set of circumstances we'd be isolating all the time these days.
With a state positivity rate of 25-27% that doesn't include at-home test results (only "official" tests done through a test facility or whatever) this rungs pretty true.

I'm on the tail end of my isolation, and feeling back to about 99% normal. And thankfully, Teh Spousal Unit™ has continued to test negative: two at-home antigen tests and an NAAT at her work all were negative. She's going for a PCR test today, if it comes back neg we're basically considering her to be in the clear as it's been 8 days since the onset of my symptoms, I shouldn't be very contagious if I am at all.

One thing to note on the at-home tests: we had a nurse friend of ours emplor us to make sure we also swab the back of the throat when doing the at-home antigen tests. Lots of anecdotal evidence as well as a study that is being peer-reviewed is suggesting that Teh Omicrons doesn't get up into your nose holes until much later in it's lifespan, but is detectable by swabbing the back of the throat and tonsil area. FDA is not currently recommending this due to the possibility of injuring oneself, so do what you want. I did two at-homes, the first was nose-hole only the day after symptom onset (negative) and the second was three (3) days post symptom onset and did both nose and throat (positive). YMMV.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
For those of you who had your children vaccinated (the 5 to 11 age group), what was the interval between shots?

Our province says 8 weeks minimum, but I'm reading some pop-up clinics are allowing parents to sign wavers and get them sooner. Though there is no (readily) information about the pros and cons of getting the second dose sooner. Fwiw, it's been 5 weeks since my kids got theirs. Technically, they go back to in-person school next week.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
One thing to note on the at-home tests: we had a nurse friend of ours emplor us to make sure we also swab the back of the throat when doing the at-home antigen tests. Lots of anecdotal evidence as well as a study that is being peer-reviewed is suggesting that Teh Omicrons doesn't get up into your nose holes until much later in it's lifespan, but is detectable by swabbing the back of the throat and tonsil area. FDA is not currently recommending this due to the possibility of injuring oneself, so do what you want. I did two at-homes, the first was nose-hole only the day after symptom onset (negative) and the second was three (3) days post symptom onset and did both nose and throat (positive). YMMV.
Yes the throat swirly prior to nasal swab per UK/Poutine-ville:





Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
For those of you who had your children vaccinated (the 5 to 11 age group), what was the interval between shots?

Our province says 8 weeks minimum, but I'm reading some pop-up clinics are allowing parents to sign wavers and get them sooner. Though there is no (readily) information about the pros and cons of getting the second dose sooner. Fwiw, it's been 5 weeks since my kids got theirs. Technically, they go back to in-person school next week.
I think ours was 4 weeks.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Teh Omicons doesn't give a shit about your vaxxors.

But also remember that it is cold and flu season, you could just have some normal ass cooties.

Local data shows that the unvaccinated case rates are 2.4 time higher than vaccinated. That ratio was about 4 prior to Omicron. More accurate to say that Omicron cares less about your vaxxors.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Local data shows that the unvaccinated case rates are 2.4 time higher than vaccinated. That ratio was about 4 prior to Omicron. More accurate to say that Omicron cares less about your vaxxors.
We've run out of testing capacity here, so the Province has stopped testing the general population and reporting confirmed cases (PCR testing is reserved for frontline workers, and vulnerable people) . We're now only getting hospitalization and ICU occupancy numbers.

I was reading this article this morning (it's behind a paywall so use incognito browsing). I found this analysis particularly interesting:

though if I'm completely honest, I don't quite understand the how and why of the differentiation...
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
We've run out of testing capacity here, so the Province has stopped testing the general population and reporting confirmed cases (PCR testing is reserved for frontline workers, and vulnerable people) . We're now only getting hospitalization and ICU occupancy numbers.
I found this out last week. After testing positive at my employers own testing center, we tried calling public health to report it or to see if we needed to do a PCR test. Was basically told nope, just sit at home and we don't care.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
We've run out of testing capacity here, so the Province has stopped testing the general population and reporting confirmed cases (PCR testing is reserved for frontline workers, and vulnerable people) . We're now only getting hospitalization and ICU occupancy numbers.

I was reading this article this morning (it's behind a paywall so use incognito browsing). I found this analysis particularly interesting:
View attachment 170124

though if I'm completely honest, I don't quite understand the how and why of the differentiation...

Graph on the left is kind of shit IMO as the ratio of vaccinated/vaccinated is not only important but dynamic.

Our per capita ratio of hospitalized unvaccinated/vaccinated dropped from about 35 to 12 with Omicron. That also varies a lot by age. It makes a lot less of a difference for the young vs the olds.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
There is an email chain going around with my team at work asking if it makes sense to go into the office with case rates so high and several coworkers already sick. The general consensus is fuck no. Our manager is CC'd on the conversation and hasn't said a word. The best kind of leadership is the kind that doesn't want to have responsibility for any outcomes.