

Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
With all due respect, you're both talking out of your ass here.
Talked to a guy yesterday who was jabbering about mandatory shelter-in-place. He stated quite clearly that that's martial law and nobody was going to tell him what to do. They would have to make him stop and he wouldn't stop nicely. Trumper guy, hard blue collar repair guy.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Talked to a guy yesterday who was jabbering about mandatory shelter-in-place. He stated quite clearly that that's martial law and nobody was going to tell him what to do. They would have to make him stop and he wouldn't stop nicely. Trumper guy, hard blue collar repair guy.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
He is on maintenance staff for Wifey's building. Given she's a BoD member for the HOA and a C-Level at the company, I doubt he'll be there much longer. That's not the kind of person they want in the building. Avg px per condo is $800k last I checked and the population is very multiracial, so the owners have a certain expectation regarding the staff. You can be a Trumper, but that level is a bit over the top.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
People talk a lot of shit until it actually hits the fan.
Don't disagree, but commentary has consequences. The PD I work with would put him on their short list to be conscious of if that was a known statement. Short list means guns are out very quickly when they come to chat with you...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

From Harborview, one of my training sites. Be prepared.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.

From Harborview, one of my training sites. Be prepared.
despite running against a cease-and-desist order by the federal government, she ran COVID-19 tests on 2,500 sputum samples
Excuse me? Do I read this correctly? Is there a particular reason the feds didn't want people tested?

Edit:. Well that was a fun read. :twitch:
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Dude, you don’t know anything about where I live. The area where I have been training for the AT is loaded with armed, Rebel Flag waving,Trump worshiping militia getting boners over the very though of shooting it out with the gov’ment.
Those guys are always a PBR away from ‘go time’, then the cosplay weekend ends.


Turbo Monkey
Oh I’m not disagreeing @Kevin. But just look at what happened with the Bundy clan at the Malhour stand-off. Their buddy told the feds they would have to shoot him, so they did.
I dont know. Im not from there so I dont know these people like you do I guess.
But Jim Jefferies said it, theyre bringing a gun to a drone fight.

Maybe one or two are gonna act up and get mowed down and the rest will think twice.
lets just hope people dont go full retard...


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Supposedly nice weather in NYC has some areas looking like Florida beaches from the news this past week...

I would like to get well enough to get in at least one more bike ride before we make ourselves extinct.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Went grocery shopping, wasn't too bad at 2PM. Fresh produce mostly there, potatoes running thin, no flour, no frozen veggies, plenty of rice, limit on milk and no eggs. Not too bad considering.

On a positive note, this pandemic brought us Fiddlehead IPA in cans, yay. They can't sell to bars/pubs anymore so finally started distributing cans. My beer outlook is positive for the next ... 5 days.
Went grocery shopping, wasn't too bad at 2PM. Fresh produce mostly there, potatoes running thin, no flour, no frozen veggies, plenty of rice, limit on milk and no eggs. Not too bad considering.

On a positive note, this pandemic brought us Fiddlehead IPA in cans, yay. They can't sell to bars/pubs anymore so finally started distributing cans. My beer outlook is positive for the next ... 5 days.
I had stopped drinking Fiddlehead a couple of years ago - so much better stuff out there...


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Everyone, calm down.
The Pope has us covered.
ooff! Aboot time! (going out to lick some door knobs)
Well, I feel better now. Maybe go to an orgy tonight, I dunno....
good on you for keeping your usual schedule.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Dude, you don’t know anything about where I live. The area where I have been training for the AT is loaded with armed, Rebel Flag waving,Trump worshiping militia getting boners over the very though of shooting it out with the gov’ment.
Do you think maybe, just maybe I might have some inside info ? Nah, couldn’t be...
Hillbillies with guns like to talk shit until the guns are pointed at them. All but one of those dipshits in Oregon put their hands up, and it didn't end so well for the that didn't.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

(look beyond this one tweet and read this)

As we await what is anticipated to be the swell of cases coming to all of our hospitals, a thought:

Do we have good evidence that social distancing will actually work? I had taken solace in limited city-level pseudo-experimental data such as those in the above tweet from Bergamo (locked down Mar 8) and Lodi (locked down Feb 23).

But meanwhile Italy as a country has not flattened its curve despite being more than the median incubation period from its countrywide lockdown. Could those cities' difference be explained by some other confounder, like different demographics or a large parade or the like? (I don't know.)

Simultaneously we have the example of Japan, which no one seems to be talking about. (China may not be applicable since 60M locked down +/- fabricated numbers to smooth that tail. South Korea tested and tracked, a stage that we are well past.)

In Japan there are not widespread lockdowns or travel restrictions, afaik. They have not thrown their economy into a tailspin as has the rest of the world. They are not undertesting grossly as are we (and Russia, and Africa, etc.). Yet their infection and especially death rate is low.

Is it because they already wore masks as social custom when even possibly sick? Is it because they washed their hands regularly before? Do ethnic Japanese express ACE-R at different rates?

As this drags on I hope that the scientists in public policy are paying attention to what works, and what doesn't. Because we are trying to be Italy, only reacting earlier, yet what Italy's been doing doesn't look that great at this snapshot in time...