

Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Had lunch with a good friend yesterday that I haven't seen in five years. He had a TBI two years ago and was suffering daily migraines, until his second Covid shot. Then they went away. Probably a coincidence but interesting nonetheless.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
So it seems this Australian who, as the press are saying, has created ‘an incursion in our bubble’, was very busy and had a packed weekend itinerary. People are congratulating them on social media for their good taste in establishments visited and sheer number of places visited. Apparently there are several locations not on the list that are not considered ’of interest’ because no-one else was there, including a student art installation.:rofl:

In very good news his(?) (their?, although one of the locations was a men’s barber) four ‘close contacts’ (the people who they were travelling with/met in NZ) have all tested negative, and they downloaded and used our local tracing app. :clapping:

Contact tracing is in full swing and loads of people are getting tested downtown now, and in a really positive sign 99% of NZ seems to be demonstrating what you would charitably call ‘social responsibility’ or less charitably ‘fear’ and people are throwing themselves on the testing stations to the point that they are being asked if they were really a vaguely close contact and asked to make appointments. Hopefully we got this one.
Sounds like you people don't understand freedum.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Had lunch with a good friend yesterday that I haven't seen in five years. He had a TBI two years ago and was suffering daily migraines, until his second Covid shot. Then they went away. Probably a coincidence but interesting nonetheless.

Don't care.
Maybe better if the aliens make/give me the second shot?

Either way, bring on the second micro-chipping and end these fucking headaches.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
And I was a moron and got my shots months ago.
Maybe just find a street walker and make them get it and you guys can split the doobie.


A friend of mine lost his daughter several weeks ago to the COVID. No vaccine. Refused to go to the doc. Had a heart attack. She was in her 30's.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
So with mask mandates gone I've noticed a confusing new group of people, they go out with gloves and a mask, but with their nose sticking out, even by themselves in the car or outdoors far away from anybody. Even saw a double mask, gloves, and face shield with a nose sticking out at the market.

So concerned about the Covid that you're still wearing a mask and gloves, but not so concerned that they wear the mask properly? WTF?


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
So with mask mandates gone I've noticed a confusing new group of people, they go out with gloves and a mask, but with their nose sticking out, even by themselves in the car or outdoors far away from anybody. Even saw a double mask, gloves, and face shield with a nose sticking out at the market.

So concerned about the Covid that you're still wearing a mask and gloves, but not so concerned that they wear the mask properly? WTF?
I cut off the tips of all my condoms to be more comfortable, but I always wear two at a time to make up for it.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
So with mask mandates gone I've noticed a confusing new group of people, they go out with gloves and a mask, but with their nose sticking out, even by themselves in the car or outdoors far away from anybody. Even saw a double mask, gloves, and face shield with a nose sticking out at the market.

So concerned about the Covid that you're still wearing a mask and gloves, but not so concerned that they wear the mask properly? WTF?

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth

In this observational study of a populous US metropolitan region, encounters with patients with COVID-19 accounted for 1% of all 911 EMS responses, involving nearly 1,200 unique COVID-19 patients and several thousand patient-provider encounters during the study period. Approximately 16% of these COVID-19 patient encounters involved treatment with AGPs, typically for patients with more severe illness based on field assessment and underscored by subsequent all-cause death rates. However, risk for the first responder workforce primarily originated from nonpatient sources; 29 of 30 COVID-19 illnesses among EMS providers were not directly attributed to COVID-19 patient encounters. Collectively, the results suggest that PPE provides protection against acquiring COVID-19 during prehospital emergency patient care, which supports maintenance of established practices.


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Do you guys have the new Delta variant yet? It's all the rage in Europe and much more exciting than that pleb Covid from a few months ago.


The Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine has dropped to 64 percent effectiveness in preventing infection in Israel as the delta variant continues to spread across the country, the Health Ministry said on Monday.
According to Israeli data published in March, two weeks after the vaccine was given, it had 99 percent efficacy in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 and 91.2 percent in preventing infection.
The Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine has dropped to 64 percent effectiveness in preventing infection in Israel as the delta variant continues to spread across the country, the Health Ministry said on Monday.
According to Israeli data published in March, two weeks after the vaccine was given, it had 99 percent efficacy in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 and 91.2 percent in preventing infection.
The models used by the Health Ministry have been called into question by health professionals.
“There are enormous methodological challenges in properly assessing the efficacy of the vaccine from local outbreaks,” one health expert told Haaretz.
Prof. Ran Balicer, the chief of the professional coronavirus cabinet which advises the Israel’s coronavirus cabinet, added that it is very difficult to gauge vaccine efficacy when COVID tests are performed selectively.
“This is fundamentally different from the evaluation that came from the U.K.,” another expert stated.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Why sure we do! Fortunately (heh) it is primarily killing voluntarily unvaccinated morons (i.e. Republicans).

If, however, these morons manage to incubate a vaccine resistant variant, ima be *pissed.* :mad:
...and communities with low vaccinations rates (in part due to historical mistrust of the medical establishment).

(though I wonder how prevalent this phenomenon is, and how much of a factor it is across the country. and to be clear, I'm not questioning the veracity et legitimacy of the sentiment, I'm genuinely ignorant of the facts)

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
So is all that white stuff fluid in the lungs ?

Some annotations:

light blue -- the tips of various chest tubes
purple -- gas in body wall and neck related to putting in those chest tubes through the chest wall
yellow -- pneumothorax, a dropped lung necessitating the right sided chest tube (probably a left one that went away with the tube as well)
dark blue -- tip of an endotracheal tube, a breathing tube down the throat, so they're intubated and sedated so that they don't fight the tube
green -- worst regions of the COVID pneumonia

Cliffs Notes: No bueno


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
So this is Trump country, They believed his bullshit that it was all a hoax, it will all go away and the media is lying to them. Now they are dying because of him. Nothing like killing off your own base

The most interesting part of that is that Trump had Covid, got airlifted to Walter Reid for it, then got the vaccine, yet somehow Trump true believers still think it’s all fake/no big deal. Honestly, how do you come to that conclusion based on your dear leader’s experience and actions?

Then again, those same people get madif Biden is given any credit for vaccinations because it was Trump who kicked off Operation Warp Speed, but also believe the vaccines are fake or mind control and an evil plot by the Libs, logic doesn’t seem like a top priority for them.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The most interesting part of that is that Trump had Covid, got airlifted to Walter Reid for it, then got the vaccine, yet somehow Trump true believers still think it’s all fake/no big deal. Honestly, how do you come to that conclusion based on your dear leader’s experience and actions?

Then again, those same people get madif Biden is given any credit for vaccinations because it was Trump who kicked off Operation Warp Speed, but also believe the vaccines are fake or mind control and an evil plot by the Libs, logic doesn’t seem like a top priority for them.
Don't forget he also got some aborted fetus bits injected into him.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
2nd chip shot has been implanted administered.

AZ the first.
Moderna this time.

Was originally told it would be Pfizer when booking. When I asked was told Moderna. Basically it is either Pfizer or Moderna, depending upon the supply. She said it seems to change day to day.