


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
oh jesus, the pain!
begining a few months ago, i started feeling some discomfort in my right hip socket, right where the femur joint is.

pain would come and go, and feel like numbness or tenderness. a few times it would be enough to limp a little bit...
i thought "well, maybe i slept the wrong way, or i pedalled the dh bike for too many miles"....

2 days ago, I was limping on my way home from work... at 6am next morning i woke up with some discomfort... until i tried to move.
it took me 10 minutes to walk 20ft to the bathroom, grabbing the walls and anything that could support my weight, as i couldnt stand on my right leg. and OH! THE PAIN! when i placed some weight into it, or moved the wrong way....

a morning visit into the ER, got me a painkiller/anti-inflammatory shot. and a few pills to pop for 3 days.... yesterday night (when the shot effects were vanishing i guess), the pain hit again, but it was stronger than before. i shred a tear or 2 trying to move from the bed. this time i couldnt even get off the bed. so a Dr. was called, and at 1am, i had yet another shot of painkiller/anti-inflammatory...

i woke up with some mild discomfort, i guess am still under the effect of the last shot... i can walk and go up and down stairs (with some minor limp).... and will see a traumatologist today.

**** the pain! seriously, ive broken wrists and bones, and have had many stitches sewn into my skin...... but this pain, JESUS!, nothing like i have felt before....