
Creaking internal headset on brand new bike


Oct 18, 2003
U-District, WA
Hey I just got a Kink Apex complete, and the headset has already developed a bad creak whenever the bars are turned at all. I've tried adjusting the headset, but the whole integrated (not internal as title says, oops) thing, plus the odyssey pre-load bolt is totally new to me. I couldn't get either the 6mm or 8mm slot to turn, so I don't know what to do. I only have about three hours of light riding on this thing. Anybody have any ideas?
Jan 29, 2005
I have found this to be a near constant problem with many internal headsets. It usually goes away after a while, all you can really do is make sure that the

1. crown race is clean
2. bearing surfaces are clean
3. topcap is clean (id use rubbing alcohol for all 3)
4. grease everything that might move at all ever


Feb 1, 2006
Also if your headset uses a mini spacer inside, directly under the topcap, make sure that interface is also clean. On my WeThePeople HS there is a super-thin spacer in between the top cap and reducer. If there is any dirt on that it will creak.

If you have a cartridge HS then theck the alignment on the bearing face in the frame cups. Also make sure that you don't have a 36/45 HS where you should have a 45/45 HS. I have seen that before.