
Creepy things you see on the way to work...


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
So there is this freeway over-pass that goes over the street where I walk to work from the bus stop. There are quite a few bums and bike hobos around here, and they camp out underneath this over-pass all the time, and hang out at the corner where the freeway exit is to beg for change from motorists.

Anyway, awhile back they fenced off the underside of the over-pass along the sidewalk to keep people from camping there.

I'm walking to work this morning and I notice a handwritten sign leaning against the fence. Scrawled on it in what looks to be black crayon is the words:

"In memorial to Tom
He burned to death last week
No more suffering

I look through the fence and there is a ten foot wide charred patch of ground with what looks to be the ashes of a sleeping bag or blanket.

Toasted hobo!



Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
H8R said:
So there is this freeway over-pass that goes over the street where I walk to work from the bus stop. There are quite a few bums and bike hobos around here, and they camp out underneath this over-pass all the time, and hang out at the corner where the freeway exit is to beg for change from motorists.

Anyway, awhile back they fenced off the underside of the over-pass along the sidewalk to keep people from camping there.

I'm walking to work this morning and I notice a handwritten sign leaning against the fence. Scrawled on it in what looks to be black crayon is the words:

"In memorial to Tom
He burned to death last week
No more suffering

I look through the fence and there is a ten foot wide charred patch of ground with what looks to be the ashes of a sleeping bag or blanket.

Toasted hobo!

That seems to be terrible rather than creepy


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Not quite work but a friend of mine was doing some community service at a small hydroelectric plant in Potsdam NY. They had some winch lifted sluice gates he had to clean debris off of. As he was lifting the last sluice gate he saw a hand rise out of the water, attached to a dead guy. Some drunk dude tried crossing the frozen river and broke through the ice, he drowned and eventually ended up getting caught up in the hydro plant. My friend was excused from the rest of his community service.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
:eek: Most of you weren't around back when I told my creepiest thing. I was commuting to work on my bike, humming along, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the sunrise behind me...when I came around the corner and almost knocked down a guy walking along in the bike lane against me..fly open with his little guy out and startin to stroke.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
mirage542 said:
u guys that are makin fun of the dead hobo are ****ed up
they are people too
For sure, it was just creepy. It could have been creepy whoever it was.

Hobos rock! I'd rather hang out with a hobo than a Republican.



Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Heidi said:
:eek: Most of you weren't around back when I told my creepiest thing. I was commuting to work on my bike, humming along, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the sunrise behind me...when I came around the corner and almost knocked down a guy walking along in the bike lane against me..fly open with his little guy out and startin to stroke.
How rude. He should have been on a bike while doing that in the bike lane!


Aug 21, 2002
Rochester NY
Heidi said:
:eek: Most of you weren't around back when I told my creepiest thing. I was commuting to work on my bike, humming along, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the sunrise behind me...when I came around the corner and almost knocked down a guy walking along in the bike lane against me..fly open with his little guy out and startin to stroke.

Same damn thing happened to me..........except his pants were down to his ankles.....Very unkept very gross!