
Crystal Mtn.


May 21, 2003
Well I just got back from my first trip (solo) to Crystal Mtn. I headed straight up the fireroad up the middle of the mountain and then took a right at the top where the first quad drops you off and meandered up that steeeeep @ss slope until I reached the top where the lodge is. Took me a long time, (2 hours) don't laugh, I was taking it all in and talking to just about anyone I could to justify another "break" ;) but I made it and it felt Damn good! I hooked up with some XC guys who showed me the route to the east, opposite of green valley. We started off on some sketchy shale rock with a nice cliff on the left to fall down if you messed up, the lower section was insainely smooth flowy trails just like I like and I ended up thanking them for showing me the trail head and started to rip on down. I ended up at the lake and kept going right but took a wrong turn down what I thought was a freshly cut single track when in fact turned into being an animal trail. I should of stuck on it because I hiked back up and ended up on a forest road where I lost about 500ft of elevation until I found a lower section of the trail to the left which then dumped me out at the chalet where I proceeded to clear the first 4 stair and attempt to launch the lower split case.

All in all it took me 3 hours round trip, fricken fun @ss time on my new 6" travel bike and I can't wait to go back up hopefully mid week.

I truelly felt like I was riding Whistler except I had to suck wind for 2 hours to reach the goods and there was no fun jumps at the bottom, but it was worth every penny!

If anyone is down for a hike-a-bike session at Crystal sometime, drop a line!
L8r ya'll


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Mid week?? What day??? I have to take a car into the shop and was planning on taking tues-thursday off hoping to do an all day ride somewhere, depending on the status of the car repair. Ive hear of another trail up there too, ill ask my friends at work whove ridden it... didnt sound like what you did. . My other thought was trying for green mountain maybe, or just some XC in capital....


May 21, 2003
oly said:
Mid week?? What day??? I have to take a car into the shop and was planning on taking tues-thursday off hoping to do an all day ride somewhere, depending on the status of the car repair. Ive hear of another trail up there too, ill ask my friends at work whove ridden it... didnt sound like what you did. . My other thought was trying for green mountain maybe, or just some XC in capital....
Oly whats up man,

I've never met you but if you don't mind hangin out with a 25 year old tree trunk from Montana, I'm down to ride that sh!t any day this week, and that's fo sho! I'm not the best in shape for riding to the top, but if you don't mind hike-a-bikin' it, then I'd say lets rip it up! That was some of the most pimp trail decending I've hit this side of the Cascades, exceptions of course go to BC and all that they offer ;)

Anyhow, if you want to ride it this week, drop me an email and we can shred it up, that is after I suck wind to the top for 2 hours lol...


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
There are two ways down if you hike a bike, going west on 1163 is rippin too, it's got some good switchbacks and it's good descending as well. If anyone has done Ranger Creek trail it's pretty similiar to that.... But yah going backwards on that flowy 1192 trail is really freakin sweet too. :)


May 21, 2003
Skookum said:
There are two ways down if you hike a bike, going west on 1163 is rippin too, it's got some good switchbacks and it's good descending as well. If anyone has done Ranger Creek trail it's pretty similiar to that.... But yah going backwards on that flowy 1192 trail is really freakin sweet too. :)

Sorry to hear about that leg dog, I rode with Moondog today up at 38 & another spot and he told me about the bad news. Heal up quick man, I was hoping to ride again with you this year, remember, you were going to show me some goods up 410 like mentioned above ;)

BTW, ran into some guys up at 38 and he mentioned something about fireroad 7172 being able to go to the top of Ranger so you can get in a good friggin' DH accessed by of course, the big black truck ;)


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
WARider said:
fireroad 7172 being able to go to the top of Ranger )
hmm yah i know there's a forest road behind the ridge there somewhere but i didn't know that was the number or where you go in at. i've always known about 7174 and going that route, which is still a way to shuttle Ranger as well, but i've only shuttled it once, doing Deep Creek.
Glad to hear your gettin out there havin a blast, and i'll be back out there soon enough. :thumb:


May 21, 2003
Skookum said:
and i'll be back :thumb:
Right on Skookanator,

Hang in there man, I'll scope out a FR to shuttle for when your all healed up so we can do several runs a day at "Up Sh!t's creek" or Ranger Lookout aka that 70's trail ;)


May 21, 2003
Skookum said:
hmm yah i know there's a forest road behind the ridge there somewhere but i didn't know that was the number or where you go in at. i've always known about 7174 and going that route, which is still a way to shuttle Ranger as well, but i've only shuttled it once, doing Deep Creek.
Glad to hear your gettin out there havin a blast, and i'll be back out there soon enough. :thumb:

If you get this tonight or tomorrow, I need some directions again for that Fire road that puts us on top of Ranger or deep. I thought I had saved them somewhere but I can't find it and i want to take a friend from out of town up that way.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
We should rally up an entire mob of dh/fr-er's and rage up to Crystal some summer weekend. When the mob appears on the steps ready to ride, they will have no choice but to take our money and lift us to the top.

Before you shoot this obviously flawed plan full of holes, just think about the CONCEPT, not the LOGISTICS.
lol...it wouldn't take much if your refering to floating the workers a 5 spot to hitch a ride in the back of the truck to wherever they are going. We scored a ride with an electrician for free last time I was up there and he took us all the way to the new lodge, it was a day to remember!!!