This one is MY six year old. My heart breaks when I look at him now. I can't imagine anyone who could look at a face full of wonder, joy, and innocence, and put that light out. Our world suffered a tragedy, and I am with all of the other parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, family and friends who are simply thankful to hold their cherished children tight tonight.
There is a lot of valuable opinions and information in this thread, and I have read each post carefully. I agree that we are creating insanity with the way we run our country behind desks. I envy those who are out working with their hands every day. My job is easy, but I am not happy here. And think of all the others who sit behind a desk and never get out to ride bikes/ski/hike/etc... it doesn't take much more to send someone to their tipping point whether they were prone to mental illness or not. The availablility of weapons that make it easy to release that tension from within to the world around us scares me. We own guns, and though I think my husband would disagree, I would sell them in a buy back in a heart beat.
We all have the same desire--to keep our children and loved ones safe. In a country that seems split nearly 50/50 on EVERY matter, I don't know what it will take to change... I just hope something does. And hey, maybe the world will end tomorrow after all... solution granted.