Yes violent crime rose...... more fist fights (assault).I'm an idiot yeah ok. Good job...Care to elaborate?
but the murder rate dropped.
I'd rather have punchups than shooting anyday.
Yes violent crime rose...... more fist fights (assault).I'm an idiot yeah ok. Good job...Care to elaborate?
you use the image of 6 or 7 y/o children, that were literally scared to death while a mass murderer killed their friends in the next room to theorize about how to kill most efficiently? you're a sick f*ck.Yes I see elementry kids huddling up in a corner. What if the archer blocks to door?
Oh boy..go cry yourself to sleep..he says they would all run around I say they would huddle up. Is there a difference? (We both stated physical reactions) If I said they would run around would you still be crying?.... Yeah it is terrible no doubt, But if a car hit a bunch of children at a bus stop would you be blaming the car?you use the image of 6 or 7 y/o children, that were literally scared to death while a mass murderer killed their friends in the next room to theorize about how to kill most efficiently? you're a sick f*ck.
That is a formula for failure in a modern gun culture that leads to the frequency and number of incidents the US has today (over 60 in the last 30 years). We have to leave the psychology to the if this guy went in with a knife then it's ok? people kill with weapons, be it a gun, knife, club, or bare hands. if someone wants to kill, they will use whatever they can to get the job done. so I'm not sure where your brainwashed comment comes into play here. I don't think we're insane here. what I see as the problem is a lack of responsibility and accountability. since the 90's when "being PC" became the norm, it's never anyones own fault, it's someone elses. a parent cant discipline their own kid without some stranger being offended by it and calling the cops claiming child abuse. too many friggin soft hearted people here now screwing crap up.
Also don't forget the availability of guns has frequently been linked with suicide rates throughout the world. Israel figured this out and helped save lives:Andrew Kehoe, a local farm owner who was also the school's caretaker, had planted the bomb at the school. Kehoe had been angry about property taxes used to fund the school. He burned down his farm that day, and then blew up his car, killing himself and five other people.
The total death toll in the Bath School disaster was 45, including Kehoe. Thirty-eight of those killed were children. Huffman remembers one family that lost three children that day.
"Everybody was hard-hit," Huffman, now 91, remembers. "Everybody."
Willis Cressman, now age 97, was another student at the school.
"You wouldn't think a church member could do such a thing, would you?" Cressman says of Kehoe. "He was the caretaker of the school. In fact, I saw him that morning. He was working on a door, and he smiled at us as we walked in."
In Israel, it used to be that all soldiers would take the guns home with them. Now they have to leave them on base. Over the years they’ve done this — it began, I think, in 2006 — there’s been a 60 percent decrease in suicide on weekends among IDS soldiers. And it did not correspond to an increase in weekday suicide. People think suicide is an impulse that exists and builds. This shows that doesn’t happen. The impulse to suicide is transitory. Someone with access to a gun at that moment may commit suicide, but if not, they may not.
just to give you an impression, what you are talking about, you idiot.
this is a six year old child, my daughter Liza.
a fragile human being. just like any other six year old child. just like YOU a few years ago. how can you just ignore the fact, that little people like her were round up and shot with a semi-automatic weapon in an elementary school? that they watched their friends die? their teachers?? how can it be, that you're ridiculing the killing of little children??? how can you value an abstract "right" higher than the lives of these children and the broken hearts, minds and lifes of their parents? how can you disrespect their deaths??? how can you be so desensitized?
and while i did not cry when i read about this killing, i was deeply upset and sad. as any decent human being should be.
which you are obviously not, you piece of ****.
@ admins: the insults in this post were not diluted on purpose. if you have to, delete the post.
MUST SPREAD REP!!!!! Exactly.........And this is my (Just turned...) 7 year old. Her right to life is worth far more than anyones right to a firearm.
How is it that the Right can deny abortion and birth control rights, then allows those little llives that were created to be snuffed out so easily? I would think they would want to protect the little ones at any cost...
Yes, she has a right to life. But I also have a right to protect my life and the lives of those around me.View attachment 112724
And this is my (Just turned...) 7 year old. Her right to life is worth far more than anyones right to a firearm.
How is it that the Right can deny abortion and birth control rights, then allows those little llives that were created to be snuffed out so easily? I would think they would want to protect the little ones at any cost...
Ever been to a place that feels like "home?"Dirt, why the hell would you want to live in such a place?
I see what you did there....Can we kill this thread yet? :circlejerk:
Can we kill this thread yet? :circlejerk:
Oh for f*ck's sake...we get he didn't obtain them legally. Someone did, however, obtain fragmenting rounds. Define the need for those in our society. Just willy nilly shooting, a bullet may pass through and a life not lost. With a fragmenting round, there is little hope of that.These guns aren't cheap. And this genius in CT didn't obtain his legally. He stole them from his mom. So how would banning them, or jacking up the price, prevent someone who is hell bent on stealing one from doing so? Yes, maybe fewer (in theory) of them would be in the general public's hands, but I do not thing that it would have prevented someone like this jack-off from doing what he did.
You mean frangible rounds?Oh for f*ck's sake...we get he didn't obtain them legally. Someone did, however, obtain fragmenting rounds. Define the need for those in our society. Just willy nilly shooting, a bullet may pass through and a life not lost. With a fragmenting round, there is little hope of that.
There is a point where we have to look at the ramifications of the things we have. If you can limit me to 3 rounds to hunt birds, you can limit what manufacturers provide for capacity. There are tons of things that can be done without taking our guns. We have passed the point of sensible firearms. Perhaps if we worked to get back to logic and understanding for what they are, we'd get somewhere.
There is a difference in a defense round and ammunition. I didn't say to scrap bullets. They just don't need hand grenades attached to the ends of them.You mean frangible rounds?
Can't say as I have ever owned them or used them. I have hollow points in my pistols because they have a higher knock down potential. In my shotguns I have buckshot or slugs. In my rifles I just use ball ammo or ballistic tipped stuff because it feeds better.
Are you talking about something like Glaser Safety Slugs? Can't say as I've ever used or fired them, so I can't speak intelligently on that. I know they were tested by the Air Marshal service. Not sure if they ever went into use.
From what I have read on them, they're not as accurate and are easily defeated by heavy clothing/leather jackets. If I did have to shoot someone in a self defense situation, I'd want to make sure they didn't get up, so I'd not use something like the Glaser.
Look, If you can be confronted with the fact that there were 6 and 7 year old kids with up to 11 bullets in them and not think there is a problem with having that kind of weapon available, you are a piece of ****.Give me a break..the fact of you blaming guns and not the shooter is the problem. I am ridiculing the death of children? Your outa your describing a physical action ridiculing the killing of them? You think evil semi auto guns load their own magazines? Or maybe they pull the trigger all by them self? Answer my question please. If a car hits a group of kids should we blame the object (car,gun) or should we blame the person (driver,shooter) I ignoring the fact? no not at all, already said it was horrible as is any other thing of this nature. It seems more like your ignoring the fact that machines don't operate themselves. Does a crane lift an I beam 800ft into the air without someone controlling it? Does a bike pedal it's self? Does a cap remove its self from a bottle of water or is a physical movement involved? And finally does a magazine load rounds, insert its self, pull its slide back, disengage the safety, acquire a target and pull its on trigger? You tell me..guns don't kill people, people kill people as said before. Cars don't drive them selfs, people start the car put it in drive and apply pressure to the gas pedal. I am a piece of ****? Ok, if that's how you feel despite never meeting me that's ok.
Jesus you're an idiot.Conor, let me respond directly to you.
1. A non-essential right? What right do you think it is that secures the rest of your freedoms? Ever seen what happens when the people with guns (cops, military, etc) tell the people without guns what their rights are? You have no rights after that. Go ask your friends in N. Ireland how they'd feel about being disarmed and left totally to the will of the English.
You pretentious euro-trash piece of ****. You're not an American, I suspect you've never served in the military, and I suspect that if threatened by your government you'd roll over like a little bitch and capitulate. I am not you, so please you limey bastard, do not attempt to speak for me.
2. I got to thinking about the 35 years of my life, and the interesting events I've seen during them. One of them was living through Hurricane Katrina. I was on the ground for 9 days passed August 29, 2005. The funny thing about it was people like you, and the rest of the liberal, cry me a river fun bunch bleeding heart choir in this discussion ended up at my house because we did have guns, and food, and water. We were able to secure our home, and we did by taking shifts on the roof keeping an eye out for looters AND the cops. When you live somewhere like New Orleans where the cops are the criminals, and are more than willing to put you in the Mississippi River just as fast, if not faster than, the local gang bangers if you have something they want, you have to protect yourself.
In situations like that, which do occur in places like New Orleans, where I am fully intending to go home to in the next four years, you do need a semi-automatic weapon that has a capacity of 20, 30 or 100 rounds to take care of you and yours. You cannot count on the police or the government to come and take care of you, that was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. When your neighbor is more than willing to kill you for your flat screen or your car, you have the right and the responsibility to defend yourself.
Now I am sure you're going to counter with "well then just don't live there." But here's the thing, I want to live there. Yes, I have to take some harder measures to live there, but its a choice I am making that I can do safely due to the fact that we do have the 2nd Amendment, a very necessary Amendment by the way.
You have faith in your government and in your police. I've been in places, lived in places, worked in places, where that faith and that comfort is an illusion. I'd much rather have the ability to take care of myself and my family by any means necessary as provided under our current laws and our long standing 2nd Amendment than to wait blindly with my thumb up my ass for the police to come and save me.
So please, never call it an "unnecessary amendment" again. I did my four years in the Army to assure that the Constitution would be upheld. I work every day in the law, working under an oath I took to again defend that document. If you were smart you'd apologize and leave the debate, because trying to frame the 2nd Amendment as "unnecessary" is an insult to anyone who has ever worn the uniform for the United States.
I see the Irish school system does a great job of teaching logic and debate skills.Jesus you're an idiot.
Yea, I might be alone on an island here on RM. I'm good with that. I tend to think my own thoughts, base my actions from what I have seen and what I have experienced first hand. So if that means I get to be the cheese, so be it..
Oh yeah. Mad respect for the kids. Your primary concern is defending your right to hoard weapons so you can one day return to live in a sh1thole. Crazy amounts of reverent respect.Out of respect for the 20 dead kids, this is going to be the last thing I post in this discussion. I am just as guilty of getting wrapped up in the hubris of the moment when people start threatening rights that people better than all of us have fought and died for. They were also fighting to protect those kids, and somewhere in the system a failure occurred. Nothing can bring those kids back. Us sitting here fighting over possessions is trivial and insincere. So I am going to stop talking. I could go on and on for weeks, litigation and debate are my chosen stock and trade. Instead I am going to sit down, shut up, and actually fight for something of substance rather than a shoddy band-aid to stop the hemorrhaging chest wound our society is currently suffering from.
Look, If you can be confronted with the fact that there were 6 and 7 year old kids with up to 11 bullets in them and not think there is a problem with having that kind of weapon available, you are a piece of ****.
And to all you constitutional scholars, I highly recommend you read the first sentence of the damn thing.
Ok I must be a peice of ****. I dont care how many rounds were in someone. What if it was a knife, lets say someone had 11 stab wounds in them. You dont think there is a problem with having that type of weapon available?