
Custom stainless steel growlers - who's interested?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Got mine...wifes reaction was classic...

"This is so cool...what is it?"
"Its a growler..."

"Whats a growler?"

"It holds beer."

"Like a bottle?"

"Yes, only more better..."

Followed by a battery of questions about the RM logo...
"It looks like an upside down bear...how is that a monkey?"

"Because BV says so honey..."

"Who is BV?"

Going to local brewery for date night next weekend...will fill and summarily emptyfy.


Jan 18, 2004
SouthEastern Massachusetts
Brought the RM Growler to a solstice party yesterday, & got lots of complements. T'was perfect for the occasion, since we had to hike 3 miles into the woods to a stone hut for the gathering; a few folks mentioned that they bailed on packing beers (in glass bottles) b/c of the hassle with glass & dealing with the waste. I actually could've used a second growler...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Been trying to get he guy at work who incessantly boasts about his home brew to hook me up. But he is such a douchenozzle that he wants $$ for it...he tried to charge a guy for a keg brewed for the guys retirement...

I dont normally do the crafty beer like he brews anyway. I like a good lager, and a good stout. I dont need apricot infused chili pepper stout with a vanilla finish.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
I'm fixing to build some wheels tonight... mayhaps a reasonable enough impetus to fill my RM growler with a tasty beverage from one of our fine local beer establishments.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Oh I guarantee you he does not want to be on the bad side of this son of an English teacher! If anyone can strongly word a letter its this fella here!