
Damn... bathroom sink predicament.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Well, :monkey:s... does anyone know anything about installing a bathroom sink? One that just is kind of attached to the wall. Specifically, how its braced to the wall?

Apparently in a drunken stuper I managed to damage my buddies bathroom sink (i.e. its loose from the wall and leaking) :( I feel horrible about it and want to go over there and fix it but I haven't the slightest Idea how one of those mo-fo's are attached to the wall.


Your buddy will appreciate you hiring a plumber or providing parts more than you screwing the whole thing up. :think: You might want to hit a forum like www.bathroomsinks.com instead of ridemonkey for this one.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
golgiaparatus said:
Well, :monkey:s... does anyone know anything about installing a bathroom sink? One that just is kind of attached to the wall. Specifically, how its braced to the wall?

Apparently in a drunken stuper I managed to damage my buddies bathroom sink (i.e. its loose from the wall and leaking) :( I feel horrible about it and want to go over there and fix it but I haven't the slightest Idea how one of those mo-fo's are attached to the wall.
They bolt to support braces behind the drywall. If you look you should see a 2x4 cross brace to bolt it into. If not, you'll have some carpentry, drywall, AND plumbing to do........ :thumb:



Now that I was no help I would like to create the story about how it was broken -

"I was laying the pipe line a rough neck on the crew, when I threw her up on the sink. She's a little girl, but with meat like I gots, it is hard not to tear things up. I got a thrill, she is in convulsions, and now I got to learn how to plumb. The only thing I know about plumbing is ass cracks."


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
loco said:
Now that I was no help I would like to create the story about how it was broken -

"I was laying the pipe line a rough neck on the crew, when I threw her up on the sink. She's a little girl, but with meat like I gots, it is hard not to tear things up. I got a thrill, she is in convulsions, and now I got to learn how to plumb. The only thing I know about plumbing is ass cracks."
The place is a POS... fragile old house and too much weight got applied to the sink. I'm going to leave it at that.


golgiaparatus said:
The place is a POS... fragile old house and too much weight got applied to the sink. I'm going to leave it at that.
I fuggin knew it. :D


By the way - the bolts are not making it leak. I know that much. Sounds like a pain in the rear.


May 6, 2003
golgiaparatus said:
The place is a POS... fragile old house and too much weight got applied to the sink. I'm going to leave it at that.
Does he rent or own? If he rents, maybe the landlord has someone who can do it fairly cheap. A lot of people who rent out older places have "a guy" who can fix stuff like that for a decent price.

If it's old, and you are not an exp'd plumber. DFWI! (don' "fool" w/it). It's definitely worth paying to have someone qualified mess w/that crap instead of you.

[EDIT for typo. . . hope I beat the TYPE-O 5-0]

dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
Well, :monkey:s... does anyone know anything about installing a bathroom sink? One that just is kind of attached to the wall. Specifically, how its braced to the wall?

Apparently in a drunken stuper I managed to damage my buddies bathroom sink (i.e. its loose from the wall and leaking) :( I feel horrible about it and want to go over there and fix it but I haven't the slightest Idea how one of those mo-fo's are attached to the wall.



Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Whew... called a buddy that is a painter/home improvement dude... hes gonna hook me up with the fix-it talent if I can hook him up with $20 worth of KB.

And now that I dont feel so stressed...

Three men are in a bar, all very drunk, and talking to each
other, bragging about their families. The first guy says,
"I have four sons. One more and I'll have a basketball team."

The second guy says, "That's nothin'. I have eleven sons. One
more and I'll have a football team."

The third guy, the drunkest of them all replies "pleeease. I have seventeen wives. One more and I'll have a golf course."



If KB is killer bud, you might want to negiotiate a fix then pay policy.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dh girlie said:
What these clowns don't realize is...working on old plumbing is opening a can of worms...I bet they will have to tear out the sheet rock and everything....

uhm most real old houses dont have sheet rock. it is batten board covered in plaster


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
What these clowns don't realize is...working on old plumbing is opening a can of worms...I bet they will have to tear out the sheet rock and everything....
Naah, he knows what he's doing. I trust him fully when it comes to home repair. Its not like the plumbing in the entire house is jacked.


dh girlie said:
Yes, loco...you should be ashamed to not be a stoner!!! :nope:
I am. Please forgive me. I promise to put in the EZ - E after work and hit the bowl.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dh girlie said:
Right...but when you start messing with old plumbing...it always leads to other problems...the pipe that was held together by rust that you just took out...guess what...

keep your rusty pipes to yourself


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
actually yeah workin on old houses is pretty bad. probably old copper or iron pipes ass well.


biggins said:
actually yeah workin on old houses is pretty bad. probably old copper or iron pipes ass well.
Yup - the ass well is usually where the trouble starts. :p


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
I really wanted you to hear what those hicks in Austin were covering (Dynamite Hack covered that song)...it was cool, but Eazy doez it betta!!! Bitch slap your wife while you're at it to, yo!
"Hey Easy, why you wear your pants so low... For Easy access baby"
Now that b oldschool.