
damn firecrackers!


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
i had one blow up in my had while i was trying to throw it tonight. ahh just like take your index and thumb fingers and make an L and in the middle of that was how far the firecracker was from my hand. i couldnt hear for like 30sec and some of the skin peeled away from my fingers. im just soo glad it wasnt something more powerful or id be at the emergency room right now. we also blew one up iin the batheroom where a buncha grls were doin a hooka. sposed to have a five sec fuse but there ****ty so it went off right away. lol aallin all a fun night though :p


Jun 10, 2002
in both cases, i probably would have laughed.


no, in that second case, i would have been scared ****less at first. then while the guy was in the hospital, i would have thinking "what the **** was going through his head? god damn. ****ing moron."


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
that happened to me on the 4 of July. it was at my friends dads work. we were blowing some off before we went down to the beach. there was a strip of them. and some of them got blown off the strip when we lit them. so i picked the extras up, lit them and then i though them. one of them blue up right by my ear. i couldn’t hear out of that ear for the rest of the night. my whole hand went numb for a few minutes. my ear still goes in an out sometimes. And this all happened right after i closed lined myself doing a whellie

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
don't ask me how, but as a kid I had a pack go off in my pocket.

ripped the hell out of my jeans and I had some nasty powder burns.

No damage, thank god.
probably not a good idea, but we used to hold those "lady finger" fire crackers in our hand (closed fist) and let em go off. :rolleyes:

But dude, you gotta know you have to twist the fuses on those cheapie ones. Not a garuantee, but better to be safe than sorry when throwing 'em.

Oh and when playing with M80's from south of the border, ALWAYS use a long punk (long stick with glowing embers at the end) to set 'em off. I've lit way too many of those bastads that went off in about a second. Wouldn't want one of those going off anywhere near my body parts. (Crap. now that I think about it, maybe that's why I have tenitis?)


Dec 6, 2004
My friend found a firecracker in his jeans pocket after they had been washed and he didnt think it was going to work. So he lit it and for sure it did. At this time he was in his bathroom. He panic and dropped it down his toliet and no joke, the side of the toliet blew off. Not the whole side but a big enough piece to spill water EVERYWHERE! This was caused by i believe a M-2000. He then proceeded to mop up the water and just place the piece back on the toilet. His parents never found out he did it and the believe that his little nephew somehow did it and went out a bought a new toilet the next day. I was shocked. I am not joking about this story..


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Westy said:
Read Alice in wonderland again. The girlies were gettin' stoned.
Or go to San Fran - there's an Egyptian restaurant there that brings out a hookah after dinner for a little fruit-tobacco smokin' :dead:

Firecrackers are the Chinese contribution to natural selection.
:stupid: And apparently in this thread Darwin is just *waiting* for his opportunity to clean up the gene pool. :rolleyes:



Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
surfinguru said:
Oh and when playing with M80's from south of the border, ALWAYS use a long punk (long stick with glowing embers at the end) to set 'em off. I've lit way too many of those bastads that went off in about a second. Wouldn't want one of those going off anywhere near my body parts. (Crap. now that I think about it, maybe that's why I have tenitis?)
Tenitus sucks ,I have had it for 12 years really bad .Oh yeah throw some fireworks at the wrong guy and your face might get mangled :think: :think: :think: :think: ,and that would be the worst for you if you E-ffed some body up you`ll be way deeper