
Damn, I need to marry a cop...


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
PBA: Don't ticket cops

PBA president Jeff Frayler

The law requires everyone to follow the speed limit and other traffic regulations, but in Suffolk County, exceptions should be made for cops and their families, police union officials say.

Police Benevolent Association president Jeff Frayler said Thursday it has been union policy to discourage Suffolk police officers from issuing tickets to fellow officers, regardless of where they work.

"Police officers have discretion whenever they stop anyone, but they should particularly extend that courtesy in the case of other police officers and their families," Frayler said in a brief telephone interview Thursday. "It is a professional courtesy."

Frayler's comments echo views expressed in the spring union newsletter, in which treasurer Bill Mauck exhorts "you don't summons another cop" and says that when officers decline to cite each other, "the emotion you feel should be that of joy."


Rosco was unavailable for comment...


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
This seems to be pretty common practice. Well, at least where I lived in NJ, a few names and a PBA card could get you out of quite a bit. It's all a bunch of crap to me, however. I can't even think of an argument to defend this practice, except in very specific circumstances.


Sep 4, 2003
happens here in Cali too, my buddy is a computer tech for his local PD and he says hes pretty much untouchable (traffic violation wise). I dont care about speeding and minor violations but it sucks when they cover DUIs and the like.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I know a couple of cops...they just hand over a business card with their license, and everything is cool.

From what I've been told, it won't extend out to a DUI...but a speeding ticket just isn't going to happen.


Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by Silver
I know a couple of cops...they just hand over a business card with their license, and everything is cool.

From what I've been told, it won't extend out to a DUI...but a speeding ticket just isn't going to happen.
Ive heard that if a cop pulls over a drunken officer or spouce of one its standard procedure (unwritten of course) to give them a ride or an escort home.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
it's kind of a professional courtesy thingy. kinda like doctors checking out other doctors and such. my personal view is that, with the exception of DWI and being dangerously stupid, i generally let cops, fireman and nurses go. my thinking is that if i write some piddely ticket to a fireman and then the next day my house catches on fire...he may not be as prompt in acting to save my place....same goes with nurses/ems since we all work very closely together.

unfortunately for me though, most state troopers have a "you should no better" attitude about it and will write their own mother a ticket.

do i speed? you bet! heck, i had 12 tickets when i lived in san diego, 2 of which were for riding wheelies on my R6:D i just try to keep it at a manageable level now.