I used to be able to get Echo trials frames from relatives in China for around 100 USD. I never sold any I just kept them for myself. Well I'm building up a new trials bike and my cousin who just went to China said that he'd bring one back for me. He'd buy it at local shop in China and just check it in at the plane. Well he calls and says an American backer (Trailsin) put some kind of lean on Echo so that they won't even sell to shops in China. Now ain't that messed up? The shop owner said that the price difference between China prices and American prices were to great ...that was the reasoning behind Trialsin putting the pressure on. Now granted that he didn't say it was trialsin but I know for a fact that Trialsin is the only US distributor, so by process of elimination, we find the culprit. So that ES2/3/4 frame you wanted to buy...even if its a local bike shop..they got to get it from Trialsin...which makes a crazy 300% profit off your ass. ES2 retail in China roughly 125 USD...ES2 retail at Trialsin 425. I used to dig Echo...until they pussed out and bent over for Trialsin.