
damn-what an awesome ride


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride

I have been humbled numerous times this year (tdog, westy, ECHO & ghostrider at Old Pueblo, 19 CT boys at an xc race, sq-earl at Spier) so I figured lets keep the trend going and I decide to do my 1st ever group road ride. A local club does a tuesday evening ride by my house, the start is only 1.5 miles from my house but I always have vball on tuesdays.

So I'm kinda nervous being I have no clue about the 'rules' of group riding and figure I wouldnt be able to keep their pace. Their website says its a 30 mile ride. I had to hustle being I get home 15 min's before they take off, but make it, maybe 35 bikers there, find out we are suppose to do 38, oh crap!
2 min's later we take off, I tag on the back of the lead group of 20 or so. I'm just kinda watching/learner (point at pot holes, etc, yell car back, etc). Pretty soon a few folks start fadding, I pass them to stay on the tail of the lead group.
We hit a decent hill, I hear hard breathing behind me, after we crest the hill I look back, no one.....

The lead group is down to under 15. The route is pretty much rollers, I feel good, I see a couple people on a little break - I so want to go catch them, but I tell myself to chill - and I just stay at the rear, still in learning mode & not wanting to burn out by pushing too hard.

I realize I feel good and I am having pretty good time. We hit some downhills and some how I end up mid pack, ok I'll hang here - dang its nice to have someone to draft behind

more miles, still fun, still mid pack........we hit another bigger hill, I stand and end up towards the front of the group. more hills.....more people breathing hard. Now we finally hit some longer curvy downhills, which was a total blast! Seemed faster then the 42 mph on my cyclometer.
And cool, I know where we are now. I'm still towards the front of the pack. more miles.
We hit the biggest climb of the day - I stand and end up out front, hammer, hit the top, look back and I dropped everyone - nice.

I slow down, & with maybe 5 miles left - I pretty much stay in spot #2 behind whoever wanted to lead, we end up at 40 miles (plus 3 for my commute) - I felt great, my legs felt great and I wasn't humbled.

sweet! :thumb:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Sweet! I don't recall humbling anyone at Old Pueblo though :think:

I've found that pretty much any roadie can drop me at will on a road ride, so it sounds like you did great!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Echo said:
Sweet! I don't recall humbling anyone at Old Pueblo though :think:

I've found that pretty much any roadie can drop me at will on a road ride, so it sounds like you did great!

Well, At Dalton I was quicker than you, at O.P. you were quicker than me :p

That local bike club does have other faster rides that I may do (now that I know I dont totaly suck)


I mowed instead of doing the road ride that starts 1.5 miles from my house. It was windy, so I didn't go. I am always humbled, finishing 2nd to last. I suck on bikes.