
Dangers when biking alone


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
ok... on a serious note I would be afraid of:

Cougers (someone actually died on our trails a few years back)
Serious injury where I couldn't walk
Passing out from dehydration
Busting a wheel or soemthing where i had to walk instead of ride (other than a steep hill that is ;) )
My biggest fear is crashing and not having a cell signal (or not physical able to make a phone call), or not being able to describe where I was. I've ridden in some places where some of the trails were "quasi-legal", and I can't imagine trying to explain exactly where I was. "Ok, you go out on the Blue trail about 3/4 of the way, and then there'll be a pine tree on your left hand side, go behind that and you'll see an illegal trail, follow that for about 1/2 mile and it'll split, take the right hand trail but not the *sharp* right hand turn..."

A former fellow employee was paralyzed from the waist down in a mountain bike crash a couple years ago, and while he was riding alone, thankfully the trails were used often enough that I came along about 5min later. Really, really puts things into perspective (and there was no cell service out there either).

So... maybe some type of GPS unit that automatically calls for help if it's motionless for some time? Not sure how that would work, but it's a thought.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
So... maybe some type of GPS unit that automatically calls for help if it's motionless for some time? Not sure how that would work, but it's a thought.

Interestingly, some kind of GPS thing has also come up recently in a thread on bike theft. A product that combined emergency service like on-star with a lojack-type device would be great. Not sure how it would work without cell service, and the weight and power requirements would be hurdles, but both make so much sense it seems it will eventually happen once someone with more brains and initiative than me get on it.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i ride in the andes, sometimes 12 hours away from an ambulance....
the thing i fear the most is falling off a cliff. some are over 70º+, 300ft down...

some time ago, a guy fell 150ft down an "average" cliff in a dh trail (some of our natural trails are 1000+ft down, 20 miles long coming down the mountains) i consider "relatively close" (50 miles away from Lima) and it took a mountain rescue team 18 hours to get him to a hospital... and he was with some people, who walked to the nearest town with telephone signal to ask for help from the city, had he been alone, it could have taken days until someone noticed....

it could take a 1-2 hour walk to reach the nearest town/cell signal, then it could take 6+ hours for an ambulance to reach the closest town from Lima, then a 1-2 hour hike for the rescue team to reach the actual accident scene... 1-2 hours to set up ropes and stuff and actually take you up... then another 1-2 hour hike back to the ambulance, then 6 hours back to Lima... grand total, 16 hours on average, in some places in some trails, it could be way more though....

gives me chills to things i could end at the bottom... although am going for ride tomorrow, a 11000ft down, 20miles downhill, plus 20 miles to get out of the mountains... :P
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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
You might want to consider doing that all the way to the CLINIC dumba$$. They have shots there that'll clear the resulting weepy-dick-syndrome you pick up. :busted:
Hey, long as I can get rid of it, and the burning isn't forever, I'll take some crotch critters in exchange for a life of leisure. Besides, how is that any different that being a lawyer?

Your herpes would get herpes. Not a good look.
My herpes dominate all, they won't catch anything. Worst case scenario is that her herpes and my herpes give my crabs super herpes, and we by no fault of our own, infect the rest of the known world. You just got a lot of hate in your heart for herpes Moff.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
This really is the best thread ever. Positive rep for every smart ass response!!!

EDIT: I'm a rep whore and must wait 24 hours before spreading my legs again.
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