
Dark Mtn Race Results


Apr 21, 2004
Wilkes "By God" County
Thanks for all the positive comments you guys & gals have posted so far. Without the racers it wouldn't be possible...thank you for your support! Both days went pretty smoothly with the only hiccup being a little delay in results and me reading some of them wrong...:rolleyes: Special thanks to Conner for stepping up and bringing his class to my attention...now that's some morals! The results can be found at the link below.


We had 180 riders for both days which should hopefully keep us out of the red...still working on the final finances but so far its looking good for us to about break even. As with last year we'd like to receive negative feedback on the event so to try to make things better. Last year we incorporated most of the recommendations and the result (IMO) was a course that flowed better and we thank you for that otherwise it might have remained as it was. A couple of things mentioned so far are that some of the berms need to be bigger & doing something with the pyramid jump. I'll start another thread as with last year for the negative comments.

Thanks for making this event a success!:thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
okay not fair you guys race i watch the new pirates of the carrabiean. deffinatly not a fair trade off. so does anyone have any pics of the race that i had to miss.

way to go mike.