
Dark Mtn Super D - August 20th


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
I checked back here daily after my last post, but then got bummed that I had no reply and probably stopped checking right before the update and missed all the new info and thought the race was not happening. I even heard through the grapevine this week that there wasn't much going on with it. And the condition of the trail 2 weeks ago when I went out to practice made me believe it. Really bummed I missed out. I work weekends so I need to plan pretty far out to get off. Really really bummed there was not more advance info available for someone not really in the race scene. Really wanted to race today :(
I mentioned the race to Brad the other day ;)


Apr 21, 2004
Wilkes "By God" County
I big thanks to everyone that came out...awesome time thanks to each and every one of you!!! Thanks for posting the vid Cecil. Definitely the icing on the cake!:thumb:

I do apologize to those that did make it because they thought the event wasn't going to happen. Unfortunately there's nay sayers out that there that talk and talk but yet never really come through when push comes to shove. And yet those are the folks that seem to have tons of spare time to post online all day long. Like most I have a regular job and by the time I get home it's hard to get motivated to do much.

Please do note that if BMCC post an event 99.9% of the time its going to happen. And as far as the delay in trail work here again my apologizes. I got busted up a little while back so maintenance was delayed.


Jan 25, 2011
pissed I missed this and allowed the ripper to win cat2 ;) ... not that lying on a beach in mexico was that horrible though