
Dash Point Possible Trail Closures


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
The deal is this. The bigshots at State Parks decided to do an update for each park. This means they are going through every one and tweaking things around. It's Dash Point Parks turn. They do want public comment, and this goes for Evergreen too. If you have an interest in keeping trails open, or new trail be made, or old ones fixed, or have an interest in those little dirt jumps in the corner of the park, well, now is the time to speak up.

Basic info on the Trail Wiki, click and read the advocacy section for the basic jist of what's going on.


It would be very helpful if you gave Ryan Karlson an email.

All comments will be put on the official record.


Specific concerns and comments are great if you know the area, but general feedback is great too. Something to the effect that you would like to preserve mountain bike access to Dash Point State Park, and you support Mountain Bikers and Evergreen Alliance efforts to keep recreational opportunities open.

The leaders are only as strong as the group following them.