
Data Aquisitioning


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
cool pics. since it's (presumably) from "acquire", shouldn't it have a "c" in there, too? hmm


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by thaflyinfatman
Despite "acquisitioning" not being a word (try "acquiring"), you're right :)
heh. i tried to look it up in the dictionary but decided to defer to the technical mumbo jumbo authorities. maybe just "data acquisition".


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Originally posted by roee
It seems like its used to track the travel usage of the fork.
It does a lot more than that, shows the velocity of the hits the fork and shock take, the time it takes the fork to rebound to original or riding state, and a lot more, the software that it uses (if its like the Shock Clock we use which its the same setup but Push Inds is modified for mtn bikes) it displays the path so you can see the data in a certain frame of time, spikes, rounded curves etc help a suspension tuner put numbers to what riders tell us "it spikes when I hit square edge bumps" or "it seems to pack down in the braking bumps" it used to be guess work by tuners (which is an art let me tell you!) although very accurate, and probably just as accurate as with the equipment but this way we know exactly what is going on and it shows the tuner what they are doing correct or if they need to refine their tuning. We've done pretty extensive testing on the shop bikes and it's helped us refine our tuning suggestions for the UltraMax valves (motorcycles folks, not mtn bikes).

Awesome setup but as time goes on you soon realize you've got a good base of data and no longer need to use it.


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Originally posted by zedro
ie. records position over time
haha yes, just saying what you can do with it, like what position over time can help you figure out. By saying it tracks the travel usage of the shock, what does that mean? more like did it bottom, did it not, you can get a lot more than that out of it. Either way, cool setup, but eventually becomes pointless to continue to use it. Believing numbers more then looking at how it actually feels can get you into a hole.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
DAQ is what I do for a majority of my job and its really cool to get data like this. I have always wanted to do just this and see whats going on with the suspension during braking and hits. In school I wrote a program to slove some vibration problems to minimze body movement of an offroad vehicle. Needless to say the program crashed because my equations always went to resonance. Maybe it was because the tire manufacturer couldn't give me a realible damping coefficient. :rolleyes: