
DaVinci Code.......


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Good story, but if you've read any of his other stuff you can predict the ending half way through.

That said, I liked it, even if it made a lot of stuff up and didn't follow anything accepted in the academic world. I would suggest reading it though, Angels and Demons is also very hard to put down.

The Ito


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Holy Grail...........like the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper..........you have got to be kidding me. I hope this book is fiction and not asserting any historical significance that there really does exist a Holy Grail.


(and no I have not read the book)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Yossarian said:
....................Catholic/papal smear campaigns and history modification..............
That I believe (I've studied it) and how the Church erased all things Hebrew from 300 AD and after due to Constantine. IMO, when Christianity took a HUGE wrong turn............... :angry:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Andyman_1970 said:
<snip> I hope this book is fiction and not asserting any historical significance that there really does exist a Holy Grail.


(and no I have not read the book)
Read the book........... it's an interesting read.



May 20, 2002
I've read all of his stuff. I liked Angels and Demons the best. The man does his research and puts up some very interesting arguments.

Deception Point would make a great cheesy-action-thriller-type thing.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
Andyman_1970 said:
Holy Grail...........like the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper..........you have got to be kidding me. I hope this book is fiction and not asserting any historical significance that there really does exist a Holy Grail.


(and no I have not read the book)

Ignorance abounds in this country....As Brown passes much of this work off as non-fiction and MANY people believe that it is.

The facts at the beginning of the book are the only true thing in it. And the Opus Dei stuff is a pretty nice stretch as well.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Andyman_1970 said:
Holy Grail...........like the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper..........you have got to be kidding me. I hope this book is fiction and not asserting any historical significance that there really does exist a Holy Grail.
Holy Blood, Holy Grail published years before the Brown book, proposes that the holy grail was not an actual cup, in this case one that caught blood from the wound in Christ's side as many believe it to be, but instead a very well protected secret. The secret? That Christ had a child by Mary Magdelaine and that his bloodline continued through the Merovingian (sp?) line and continues to this day.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
SkaredShtles said:
Read the book........... it's an interesting read.

There is no Holy Grail, regardless of what the Catholic church or any church says.

Think about it, in 1st century terms. You have this group of disciples following this subversive rabbi, the majority of whom are around 15-17 years old, John was probably 12-13 at the time of the Last Supper. Peter besides Jesus was the only one over the age of 20. This was a poor group of people, during what we would think like our day before Thanksgiving. They find a place to meet in secret (because the authorities are looking for them), when they left that night to go to the garden of Gethsemane, I garuntee not a one of them had an idea of the gravity of the situation they were in (or about to face), they were teenagers. It was not even their house they used for the supper, and there is no indication that the owners saved what Jesus ate off of, for the most part at this point the majority of His followers had no clue He was the Messiah and what would happen to Him. Even after His ressurection, His followers we still scared, and following Pentacost they were still dealing with being arrested by the authorities rather than saying "hey lets go find what Jesus ate off of, this might mean something some day".

The sad thing is this "grail" becomes a god for some people, there is a reason, no one has found it, just like there is a reason no one knows where Moses is buried.

It's funny to see people "americanize" or "Catholicize" or "Hellenize" what went on in the 1st century. And as for "church tradition" (well church tradition tells us..........), that is HIGHLY suspect at best, remember the church wanted to obliterate all things Hebrew from Christianity (of which it gets it's roots from and will forever be "grafted" into).

Anyway, sorry for the rant..............

I'll have to put it on my "to read" list, right now I'm wading through the Talmud and the Mishnah.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Andyman_1970 said:
There is no Holy Grail, regardless of what the Catholic church or any church says...
Holy crap! No one said it was a lost book of the New Testament. It's an interesting read, that's all, nothing more. :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
There is to a Grail, "I can lead you to the most holiest of GGGRRAILLSS" Tim the Enchanter
It's in that Castle with all the nymphomaniac virgins that need a good spankin!
I also recommend watching the Life of Brian and the meaning of life....

Life's a Piece of Sh!t when you look at it.
Always look on the bright side of life......


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
BikeGeek said:
Holy Blood, Holy Grail published years before the Brown book, proposes that the holy grail was not an actual cup, in this case one that caught blood from the wound in Christ's side as many believe it to be, but instead a very well protected secret.
Again this is a classic "Westernizing", "Catholicizing" and "Monday Morning QB'ing" the event that took place. These followers of Jesus were so scared of being arrested they denyed Him, they ran, and they went back to their old jobs (which is significant). See in the 1st century as a disciple of a rabbi (which the 12 disciples were) your WHOLE life was devoted to being around your rabbi so that you could learn from your rabbi, not just what he knows but the whole intent of disciples was that you would follow this rabbi so that you would become like him. So if the disciples go back to their old jobs, they don't think they can be like their rabbi anymore, the thinking is "evidently this gig is done". Only after Jesus comes back to they understand the "gig" is not over.

To assert that anyone knew the gravity of the events the day Jesus was curcified (like having the presence of mind to catch some blood) is to "spiritualize" the Text rather that critically look at it in it's proper historical and cultural context.

This kind of skewed view of the events that happened is the unfortunate result of the "Hellenization" of Christianity.

BikeGeek said:
The secret? That Christ had a child by Mary Magdelaine and that his bloodline continued through the Merovingian (sp?) line and continues to this day.
NOT! And when did this story surface, what year?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
BikeGeek said:
Holy crap! No one said it was a lost book of the New Testament. It's an interesting read, that's all, nothing more. :rolleyes:

LOL...........sorry let me take a deep breath..................

Ok much better. I hear people all the time talking about that book like it is some new revelation or something............so I get a little cranked up about it.

Anyway, sorry for the rants....................... :help:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
There ya go! That's better. Take a deep breath.

Everyone knows Brian was the true messiah.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Andyman_1970 said:
LOL...........sorry let me take a deep breath..................

Ok much better. I hear people all the time talking about that book like it is some new revelation or something............so I get a little cranked up about it.

Anyway, sorry for the rants....................... :help:

No new revelation.......but something to think about, and a springboard upon which one can continue further research to expand their spiritual horizions.

Interestingly enough.......the author points out that, in nowhere in DaVinci's "Last Supper" do you see the cup of christ. I believe his premise of what the grail really is, and to quote Sir Leigh Teabing "My dear, the church has two thousand years of experience pressuring those who threaten to unviel its lies."



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
aussiedude said:
Has anyone read any of Dan Brown's other books?
deception point was very blah. deserves a spot on the safeway checkout rack. :nopity: as i did last time this book was discussed, i recommend umberto eco's "name of the rose" as a similar type of book with much more "meat" to it.


Oct 22, 2002
Oslo, Norway
Full documentation on the Priory of Sion here.

The book is a good read and have lots of interesting stuff, although not very well researched as most critics have claimed. Lots of holes in the story, and a lot of "facts" not true.

I couldn't put it down when I read it.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Toshi said:
deception point was very blah. deserves a spot on the safeway checkout rack. :nopity: as i did last time this book was discussed, i recommend umberto eco's "name of the rose" as a similar type of book with much more "meat" to it.

I just started reading DC and I can't stop. What do you mean by "Name of the Rose" having more 'meat' to it? The story is deeper?

Thanks, Snacks.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Snacks said:

I just started reading DC and I can't stop. What do you mean by "Name of the Rose" having more 'meat' to it? The story is deeper?

Thanks, Snacks.
i agree, the book is a page turner, but it's in a very straight-to-tv-movie kind of way. doesn't make you think.

name of the rose is a whole different ballgame. it's very dense, filled with things that (hopefully) should make you run to the computer so that you can google them to figure out what eco is talking about :D , and its world and characters are significantly more complex.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Toshi said:
i agree, the book is a page turner, but it's in a very straight-to-tv-movie kind of way. doesn't make you think.

name of the rose is a whole different ballgame. it's very dense, filled with things that (hopefully) should make you run to the computer so that you can google them to figure out what eco is talking about :D , and its world and characters are significantly more complex.
Hey thanks :) I'll go out and get that one when I'm finished with this one, sounds real interesting.

I read too much :o:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Snacks said:
Hey thanks :) I'll go out and get that one when I'm finished with this one, sounds real interesting.

I read too much :o:
cool. :thumb: here are some more books that i highly recommend:

W. Somerset Maugham, "The Razor's Edge"
Tom Wolfe, "A Man In Full"
Alfred Bester, "The Demolished Man"
Peter Matthiessen, "At Play in the Fields of the Lord"
Neil Gaimon, "Neverwhere"
Neal Stephenson, "Snow Crash"
Umberto Eco, "Foucalt's Pendulum"
Philip K. Dick, "A Scanner Darkly"
William Gibson, "Neuromancer"
Salman Rushdie, "Fury"

Dingus McGee

They call the Bible the 'greatest story ever told'

Da Vinci code is pretty good too...

both are decent fiction, IMHO.


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
Great read. I too got lost in it for a couple straight day. Something about secret socities and conspiracy theories that always suck me in. Toshi is right though, it's not impeccable writing. For that, Umberto Eco is your man. Outstanding works. All of them.

It's seems Andyman played write into the authors plan, spirited debate ! :thumb: Always a good thing. I don't know near enough about biblical history to even begin faking a rational discussion - but it's fun to read others ideas. :D

Clicky for what the author has to say about the book.
Brown's literary mechanisms are shallow gimmicks at best...the way he ends each chapter made me feel the same way I used to when the Dukes of Hazzard would go to commercial just as the General Lee took off over the washed out bridge.

Another vote for Eco here...Focault's Pendulum shares a lot of subject matter with DaVinci Code but it doesn't make me feel like a cheap prostitute when I'm reading it.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Yes, but don't forget......Brown did put this information within the subtext of a fictional story. Honestly, I could have done without it, but it did facilitate a smoother explanation of things when set in a "conversational" tone.

I'll have to check out Eco, though.......my interest has been peaked.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Dingus McGee said:
They call the Bible the 'greatest story ever told'

Da Vinci code is pretty good too...

both are decent fiction, IMHO.
The Bible is a historic document. As far as historic documents go the gospels of the NT are considered extremely reliable sources. If you want to discredit the books of the NT as fiction then you should also be ready to ignore most of the textual history we have on the ancient world. The fact is that the books considered authentic were written between 20 and 80 years(most would say 50, but some still argue this) after the death of Jesus(who is a historic figure mentioned by several very well respected ancient Roman and Jewish historians). The fact that a peasant man from Isreal is mentioned in official Roman documents nearly 150 years after his death should tell you that he was a man of some significance. In the documented debates between Jews and the early Christians there is not one person who tries to claim that Jesus's tomb wasn't empty, the only dispute is how it became empty. I'll leave my argument at this, the majority of the books in the NT are of historical importance and are accepted by most authorities on the subject as free from addition of legends and exagerations.

If you enjoyed the DaVinci Code and want to learn more about the issues put together by Dan Brown I'd suggest reading Cracking the DaVinci Code, lots of good and accurate information.

Too many people believe whatever they read. Brown didn't get published because he was correct, he got published because he can tell a decent story.

Toshi, thanks for the list of authors, I think just found some new stuff to crack into.

The Ito