
Day 1: SCORE!! (NBR)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I got on the boards yesterday for the first time this season. And was treated to boot->shin deep snow in places. I guess if I'm only gonna get in a couple days this year, I'd better call it a powder day! :thumb:

I did get treated to finding a "secret" run on the mountain that I'd never heard of before that was really sweet. Tight trees gave way to wide-spaced trees, which led into a really nice ~15ft wide gully that was full of niiiiice soft snow.

My body is a complete wreck today. :D


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
I got on the boards yesterday for the first time this season. And was treated to boot->shin deep snow in places. I guess if I'm only gonna get in a couple days this year, I'd better call it a powder day! :thumb:

I did get treated to finding a "secret" run on the mountain that I'd never heard of before that was really sweet. Tight trees gave way to wide-spaced trees, which led into a really nice ~15ft wide gully that was full of niiiiice soft snow.

My body is a complete wreck today. :D

Forecast for tahoe is....the next 5 days...SNOW


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
dude, you've been crowing about the POW superiority of CO over CA for weeks, and this is the first time you've been out? DHG could have been skiiing/boarding on hamster cage shavings to yr champagne powder and she'd still be ahead.

dh girlie

narlus said:
dude, you've been crowing about the POW superiority of CO over CA for weeks, and this is the first time you've been out? DHG could have been skiiing/boarding on hamster cage shavings to yr champagne powder and she'd still be ahead.


And this is where he will justify his attempt at smacktalking to having 3 kids, one that's like 8 weeks old...maybe it's 9 weeks right now...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
narlus said:
dude, you've been crowing about the POW superiority of CO over CA for weeks, and this is the first time you've been out? DHG could have been skiiing/boarding on hamster cage shavings to yr champagne powder and she'd still be ahead.
dh girlie said:

And this is where he will justify his attempt at smacktalking to having 3 kids, one that's like 8 weeks old...maybe it's 9 weeks right now...
Nice. :D

And he makes fun of east coast skiing. Hell, at least we're out there. :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
narlus said:
dude, you've been crowing about the POW superiority of CO over CA for weeks, and this is the first time you've been out?
Sad but true........ first and maybe only day out. Hopefully my wife'll get a few days in before the end of season.

That doesn't change the superiority of Colorado snow. When we get some. :mumble:

Utah is the pinnacle of powder skiing, though. Even I know that. :p



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Well, that's ok...cuz while you have three children taking care of you when you are 90 years old
Screw that. I'm still gonna be *SKIING* when I'm 90.......

They probably *will* have to pay for my heli-trip, since I'll be on Social Security and all then........ :p


dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
What...just haven't found the right geezer yet? :D

Huh? I was talkin bout him...he has young kids that he uses as an excuse to not ski...I have no children, nor will I have any...so when I'm old and decreped (sp?) even more so than now...I will be the drooling mess in the old folks home, whereas, SS will at least have his children to change HIS diaper and wipe the drool from his chin...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
<snip>he has young kids that he uses as an excuse to not ski..
They're not an excuse. They're simply *why* I can't get out skiing more right now. It's just a fact of life.

Just wait until they're all skiing age. I'm *guaranteed* at least one of them will want to ski *every* day of the winter. :thumb:



Turbo Monkey
Chimming in...hello...? Lost count of my days. You're first day out and you're a wreck? I'm still a wreck after I can't count the days. Just keep on notching it up when the body recovers (this time is was due to brochitis). 6 friggin' inches of heavy here and the bumps were what dream were made of this weekend! You could have gone as fast as you dared and still soooooo soft :D SS we need to go make turns together and let me show you what the 2nd most famous thing Steamboat is known for, friggin' rubber knees bumps skiers :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
I'll be out racing this weekend (Bordercross!) on our *packed powder* base while all of you ( save S.S. :D ) will be riding powder. Not exactly fair...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Pau11y said:
<snip> SS we need to go make turns together and let me show you what the 2nd most famous thing Steamboat is known for, friggin' rubber knees bumps skiers :D
Yer on, mate. Although every time I'm at Steamboat and at the top of something like Tornado or Twister I get pulled into the trees between the runs....... :confused: :thumb:



Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Et tu, Brutus? :(

You live in UTAH for chris'sakes. I have a 4 lift 200 acre resort to work with here. Therefore, I get to knock on those who are a bit more fortunate in terms of their location. Although I guess since I have been up over 30 times this year compared to your 1, I should lay off a little bit :p :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
.:Jeenyus:. said:
You live in UTAH for chris'sakes. I have a 4 lift 200 acre resort to work with here. Therefore, I get to knock on those who are a bit more fortunate in terms of their location. Although I guess since I have been up over 30 times this year compared to your 1, I should lay off a little bit :p :D
Utah? :confused: You must have me confused for someone else. During ski season I *WISH* I lived in Utah.......

Yeah....... lay off........ :(



Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
:think: Have any off you guys from Colorado or out west actually ever skiied in the east or are you just repeating what you heard somewhere? :confused:

No one would argue the fact that there's bigger mountains out west and definitely better and more snow, but if you think there's nothing but ice in the east you either ski at the wrong places or have never been here. We actually have powder, glades, and bumps on our slopes, believe it or not. :eviltongu

dh girlie

berkshire_rider said:
:think: Have any off you guys from Colorado or out west actually ever skiied in the east or are you just repeating what you heard somewhere? :confused:

No one would argue the fact that there's bigger mountains out west and definitely better and more snow, but if you think there's nothing but ice in the east you either ski at the wrong places or have never been here. We actually have powder, glades, and bumps on our slopes, believe it or not. :eviltongu

i think they are talking out their asses...:D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Utah? :confused: You must have me confused for someone else. During ski season I *WISH* I lived in Utah.......

Yeah....... lay off........ :(


Utah is a blanket statement for the midwest :p . In any case, its still better then the snow out here. One day, it was so wet I actually came to a complete stop while riding straight down a run :dead: