Well at least you're not obsessing over it......
LOL, certainly not. Matter of fact your right. I felt better yesterday, limited posting on RM, just doing my thing, keeping my mouth shut and listening to the hypnosis mp3 over and over.
Well at least you're not obsessing over it......
I don't dream about death, just think about it 24/7It does get easier the longer you are without nicotine. I've been smoke free for almost 14 years, and haven't thought about having one for many years.
A couple of times, early on in the withdrawal phase, I dreamed about death. It is said that this is normal.
He's off by his crave count by a factor of 100I'd like to meet this guy Joel and punch him in the face.
After smoking for 20 years, and not having much of a sense of smell to begin with, one of the few things I CAN smell is smoke, and I hate the smell. I used to dread going into a certain customer's office, because they smoked.
I didn't turn into a smoking nazi, because I know haw hard it is to quit. I just won't let anyone smoke around me.
Whose Death ???A couple of times, early on in the withdrawal phase, I dreamed about death.
But when I use to smoke, 50 hours ago, I only smoked marlboro. Most of the pvssies I know smoke womens brand marlboro lights. So if I had none, I'd go without before I smoked womens cigarettes. Lights are for pvssies. You gonna kill yourself do it like a man. Marlboro Reds, LOL.
I disagree with this statement, but from what I know about the poster he's fairly evolved.It's do or do not. There is no try. If you try, you fail.
It's still a crutch. If you don't "need" the crutch, throw it down and start walking on your own. It's the argument that you are depending on something you truly have the strength to do for yourself. If you depend on a smoke for your mental well being (a stimulant) you are simply not willing (lazy, addicted, or whatever appropriate term) to learn how to "deal" with life on regular terms.Also, why quit smoking if it helps you mentally and you're still able to run several miles, bike, whatever? I'm friends with a wrench that smokes while riding and could do a century race with 2 hours sleep and hungover and kick my (and many others) asses.
i just realized i don't remember the actual date i quit, but i started when i was 14 and quit when i was 27 which was 98...I quit on January 18th 1998.
It's do or do not. There is no try.
...makes you sleepy all the timeCold turkey withdrawel? I didn't know you could get addicted to turkey.
You smoke and you can't quit drinking. I think you should maybe stay out of what should be a support thread.Why?5
Quality of life, as well as quantity.Why?5
Not to mention the damn things cost $5+ unless you smoke this...Quality of life, as well as quantity.
If you live healthier, you are generally happier (not sick), therefore life becomes more worthwhile. Since life is generally prolonged from healthy decisions (mind,body) a person values there life a bit more and actually starts enjoying it more.
That should be the most obvious general reason.
But if you want specifics.
Never have to carve time out any part of my day to go have a smoke.
Have more money as taxes in Washington State have a pack of smokes running well over $5 nowadays. For that kinda change if i still smoked i'd grow my own...
i feel healthier and stronger emotionally as i am not depending on the stimulant for help taking any percieved edge off.
i do have more lung space which helps my riding, and i don't have that a smokers cough anymore. No more brown lung cookies hacked up anymore.
Pay less for insurance, don't have to stress out going to non smoking work sites, restaurants, or bars (which actually is all of them now with the recent law change)
There are also reasons of not wanting to "go-out" like my grandmother did with congestive heart failure. i was her caretaker while she was going down, and it's a very slow sad way to go.
As well as the liberating feeling of not being owned by my addiction. You ride the pony or the pony rides you....
i am truly no better, but from my decisions i am better off.
I'd have guessed 'killing spree'.so where's knucks with more updates?
Amen.No-one is more evangelical than an ex-smoker Stink.