
day before turkey day

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
took a day to deposit the box of cash, do a wire transfer, round up the necessary towing bits, get new tires and head back to my rv site. My Amazon orders are going to be UPS hell for the week or so.

tows awesome

View attachment 185261

Consider one of these. I have it on my horse trailer. no blind spots on lane changes or backing, crisp image even at night. https://www.tadibrothers.com/products/7-monitor-with-wireless-mounted-rv-backup-camera?gclid=CjwKCAiApvebBhAvEiwAe7mHSJZ3sRQ-e9BMQZCQfUaZqgZP1Ibs9nJLJ-MUJIF0_eOznDf5CPhFexoCeOkQAvD_BwE


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Little wrinkle with the basement door install. Prior door was a slider, so it sat flush with the exterior. But I have a double wall in my basement and the replacement is a French door, so unless I'm happy with the doors only opening to 90* (exterior flushed), it's either source a threshold extension and do work on the header or grind concrete to engineer an outward slope. :think:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Turkey day was month ago, but I digress...

Took Friday off in lieu of working extra hours the last week or so.

Need to coffee it now.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I had a 7:30 appointment for a blood draw. They took me at 8:00. Bunch of fucking bullshit. Anyway, my doc wanted to see if the Ironman race did anything to my already low blood counts. So, we shall see. Doc says I am basically down a pint.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Went grocery shopping late last night, surprised how many unsold turkeys there are still in the store. Poor birds. Got me a small one for on sale for $9.99 as it was cheaper than a mid-sized chicken.

Work's stressful for others (IDGAF anymore) because many deadlines, weather's nice, a short ride should be done to escape the adult world for a moment.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Went grocery shopping late last night, surprised how many unsold turkeys there are still in the store. Poor birds. Got me a small one for on sale for $9.99 as it was cheaper than a mid-sized chicken.

Work's stressful for others (IDGAF anymore) because many deadlines, weather's nice, a short ride should be done to escape the adult world for a moment.
The small birds here are around $35. We didn't even bother for Thanksgiving here, went to Bromont instead. :busted:

On that note though, I was listening to some AM radio station a few weeks ago and they were discussing what foods families might be passing on, due to the increased costs of food (and everything else). Turkey seemed to be one of them if I recall. And potatoes. :(

Also on that note, friggin red onions. I've gone to two grocery stores this week and I can't buy a single red onion. I'm being suckered into a $5 bag of them. ARghGHGHGH

Poops McDougal

moving to australia
May 30, 2007
Central California
Coffee. Wife had a few issues yesterday, and after describing them to the doctor, her response was "go to the hospital now". False alarm, thankfully. Took the family out for a burger, and came home to find my neighbor's trailer parked in front of my house. :disgust:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello peoples

Santa Train last night was a success. Stayed up at the mountain house since we’re meeting the interior renovation designer lady at mid day. Shall jet back to Denver afterwards as I work 4-10 pm from home.

But for now I have some skis to adjust to new boots (for wife and all the kids—mine are the same old same old) and then a review of a radiology paper to crank out since it’s due.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
In the office today. there was a dusting of snow last night, making the bicycle commute a bit of a guessing game... is that snow? is there ice underneath? will my slick tires slide out on either? no issues, but not as relaxing as in summer when it's t-shirt and shorts weather. I need to get the bottom bracket pulled from beater bike that has the spikes on it... don't want to ruin my Kona Humu by riding through the slush and salt all winter.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
looks like ride/charlatans uk tour next year

definitely alright with that...


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I made 6 lbs of apple that was simmering for 30min with sugar and some spice and vanilla as I am making this for Thanksgiving

Besides the apple, there are crumbled up macaroons and whipped cream.

Our neighbor is American and has invited us over tomorrow which should be super nice. Beside that I just barely made it through the day but managed to turn everything around and make it a good day.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Trying to cut out of work early so I can go to yet another grocery store to get shit none of the other 5 stores I've been to this week had. Pretty sure I'm into Thanksgiving shopping 75 miles of driving and $350-400 at this point. Way too much expense and effort to have to eat with people I hate.

Coffee. Wife had a few issues yesterday, and after describing them to the doctor, her response was "go to the hospital now". False alarm, thankfully.
Telemedicine is garbage, it has worked for me precisely 0 times, never even come close to helping much less actually addressing an issue

When my son was 5 days old he had a red bump show up on his arm, so we called the nurse line, after like 75 questions we were told to go to the ER, not urgent car, the real deal ER. After 5 hours of dodging actual sick people and them trying to get anybody with pediatric experience to come have a look and being chastised for not going to urgent care where the pediatric doctors are, it was determined to be.....a pimple.

Thanks nurse line, great work.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Is that a 26T chainring? Looks tiny.

My staffing for the next two days just went to crap with covid taking out one of my workers. I have minimal staff to cover two sites 24/7 and I was already down one resource who left recently.