
Daytona 500


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Andyman_1970 said:
My point was the antics (more like poor sportsmanship) of the drivers on and off the track and how it seems similar that the artificial "hype" those wrestling associations tend to encouage.
Still, you don't hear about race car drivers in trouble with the law for crack, or gun possession, or things like that. For the most part the drivers still understand the value of the fans and the repurcussion of their actions.. When was the last time you went to an NFL or NBA game early to catch the autograph session? Whe was the last time you went to the basketball arena a day early so you could watch practice and have a decent chance of talking to one of the players? NASCAR does seem to be riding a hype wave right now though. Hey, ya gotta cash in sometime. As recently as the 70's and 80's many of these guys were independents hauling their own cars to and from the tracks.

Whenever you see a driver acting like an ass you can be sure that NASCAR, CART, and the FIA will be not only fining the driver but will be reaming him in a closed door session. Especially the FIA... stuffy Euros.

Racing can be boring to spectators. Most people don't think about the set up of the car, or the skill level involved in "just turning left". Not to mention the fact that most NASCAR races are not sprints, they are "endurance" type races (True endurance races are 12 and 24 hour events). Part of the challenge is getting your car to last 4 5 or 6 hundred miles.

Anywho... I had a blast watching the race. I hope you all did too. Can't wait till the rest of the racing world gets going. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Ciaran said:
Whenever you see a driver acting like an ass you can be sure that NASCAR, CART, and the FIA will be not only fining the driver but will be reaming him in a closed door session. Especially the FIA... stuffy Euros.
Accept that with F1 or WRC in the last 3 years that I've been faithfully watching these two series I've yet to see any drivers act like the NASCAR drivers. I've seen Kimi Riakkionen (sic) shove a track worker when his car gave last year (not good). I think it was 2 years ago during the WRC Safari rally, a driver was holding up Colin McRae, the other drive had lost communication with the safety helicopter and didn't know Colin was behind him. Colin had a cow. The other driver found out Colin had a cow, went over to Colin after the stage was over and apologized for the inceident - Colin was a gentlemen and accepted the apology. If only NASCAR drivers would act so civil............but then that's bad for the ratings in our wacked cultures point of view.

Ciaran said:
Racing can be boring to spectators. Most people don't think about the set up of the car, or the skill level involved in "just turning left".
IMO this is what makes NASCAR boring the lack of set up - theres not a whole lot you can set up on a Cup car - tire pressure, spring preload, some tape on the grill. For me the interest in F1 is the set up, tires (the different brands), aero set up (more front wing less front wing - although this is less of an issue this year with the new rules), fuel load, pit strategy, and when it rains that's when it gets interesting (when to go to intermediates or full rain tires). This is what makes WRC interesting to me, tire choice, tire compound, suspension setup etc.

Anyway, we all have our favorites.................

Ciaran said:
Not to mention the fact that most NASCAR races are not sprints, they are "endurance" type races (True endurance races are 12 and 24 hour events). Part of the challenge is getting your car to last 4 5 or 6 hundred miles.
True. This is another reason why I like WRC, making your car last 3 days.

Ciaran said:
Can't wait till the rest of the racing world gets going. :thumb:
Me too, I'm ready for the F1 season to start.