
Deal with the Devil?


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Most of y'all have probably laughed the past few months as I grumbled and griped about work etc etc. I got saddled with the "renewal" project. Basically a team of us are calling every customer that is up for renewal during the month they have to pay.

How many of y'all actually read the fine-print when you purchase something that's more like a subscription, something you have to renew each year?

As a private consumer, I can honestly say I rarely read all of it, but doing this opens your eyes big time. I feel like a big meanie when I remind my customers, who are often public government institutions, that upon cancellation not only do the few materials they've printed off immediately become out of date (you wouldn't believe how frequently federal law changes regarding school-to-home communication), but if they distribute it it's a copyright violation.

It's usually only the smallest of the customers I have to deal with on this, but still...sometimes I wonder if they do feel like they're dealing with some hideous corporate monster out to reap their dollars (federal funds), simply because they think upon cancellation they can continue to use materials they printed off.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
sometimes I wonder if they do feel like they're dealing with some hideous corporate monster out to reap their dollars (federal funds), simply because they think upon cancellation they can continue to use materials they printed off.
Well...they ARE, aren't they? ;)


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
You either

a) need to get over it. Your company is in business to make money. Giving away its product free isn't the way to accomplish that goal.

b) make a point to management that ya'll are doing a good enough job to inform the customers' of the nature of the product and services they are buying. Don't make it small print but make it large print. That way it isn't such a surprise. But even this isn't going to always work as personnel change and folks forget even when you paint it in the clearest strokes.

In either case your customers are going to think of your company (and by extension you) as the money grubbin' monster out to steal all of their money at some point.

As much as you complain about how your company works and does things, I'd beat feet outta that place a long time ago.


Oct 17, 2002
your marketing team needs to be slapped. Instead of you sounding like a jerk, they should give you the tools to sound like you're doing the client a favor. It sounds like your company is providing a valuable service by keeping their clients up-to-date on important materials.

When you call, your team should sound like you're helping clients, not fvcking with 'em.