
Del Cerro Park


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Last time I was down in the redondo beach/PV area, there was talk of closing Del Cerro park to bikes. Did they do it? I'll be down in Redondo next week and was thinking about hitting it up.

If it's going to cause a big ol political thing to reply to this thread, a PM works too. :D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 2, 2004
Back in Hell A, b1thces
you can read the last couple pages.


It's not closed but it's changed quite a bit in the last couple months. All of the fun areas have been shut down and people are taking a pretty aggressive stance against anybody who's enjoying themselves on a bike. You're more than welcome to cruise up to santa monica and i'll show you the trails around here.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Sucks. I was just looking for someplace close to where we were staying to goof off with the bike on in the afternoons. All we will have will be DH bikes, so that might limit what trails we can hit since I know people don't really like to give out good DH runs to strangers.

If anyone is down to ride though, we'll be in LA until wednesday or thursday and then heading down to SD to get in some east country ripping down there.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I've been riding there as of late, but only on my XC bike. A bunch of retarded hikers and equestrians pretty much ruined it. They made a big stink, which kinda backfired on them. They wanted bikes kicked out because they were "damaging the trails". They wanted bikers gone to give it time to recover, but when there was an ecological study, the end result was that EVERYONE got the boot for a few months. Things are open again, but a lot of trails aren't open to bikes anymore.

I live in Redondo if you wanna ride some. Or have some beerz.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Jon- I may hit you up on that. I think I've still got your cell number from the last time I saw you out there. Does it still have a 585 area code?