
Demo 8 vs Banshee Legend


Oct 11, 2007
Squampton, BC
Hey all. I know this kind of thread can be fround upon, but I would really like a little knowledgable input from the community. I am looking at a new dh frame and as you may have guessed from the title, am torn between the Demo 8 and the Banshee Legend.

I am currently on an Cove Shocker (with the custom, lowering dropouts). The bike is great, but I feel that it is time for a change. This is where my dilema lays. I am drawn to these two bikes as they both rail corners and i am sure take what-ever you throw at them. I think the Banshee may be a little too similar to my current ride as far as trail manners. I would like something that is a little more playful and flickable, and am thinking that the shorter rear end on the Demo would lend themselves to that?

So has anyone ridden both? Am i thinking right, or do yiu havr some input that indicates otherwise. Lets hear it. I know they both rip, but is the Legend going to be less playful and to similar to the current ride?
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Mar 11, 2008
You might throw the Jedi into the mix too. Similar design to the Legend.
My 08 is flickable and playable as all get out. Feels like a 4x bike at times.
I'm currently on a 2011 Demo coming off of a 2008 Morewood Izimu.

Although I've never ridden the Banshee, I can offer some information on the Demo.

The best way I can think to describe the frame is "A single pivot with braking traction" because really, that's pretty much the main and only noticeable difference. Mine is a really playful bike, more at home nipping around tight tracks than the big flat out rough ****. (Not to say it doesn't do that rather well). If you're after playful, I can't imagine a better bike that the Demo.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Susp wise they are very different bikes. Older demos I tried also felt quite agile but were crappy pedalers and I wish they stayed higher in their travel. Though I must say the issues with hubs, forks etc the 2011 demo has really puts me off but I own a Legend so I may be a bit biased. One thing is sure. A Legend wont give you any trouble, ever.


Apr 17, 2006
Santiasco, Chile
I've ridden both. It really comes down to preference. Try n get a hold of both and ride them set up for you, at the end of the day, thats what works best. I have a legend and absolutly love it. I've never had a bike that can follow a line better than this one does. One thing to note, they are both pretty similar in Geo, although a Demo M is comparable to a Legend L in terms of wheelbase. One thing I find interesting is that the demo have such a short CS feels like your standing further in the back of the back, wether as on the Legend, a bit more centered. That can be good or bad, depending on how you like to ride and your own size.
Dec 7, 2009
Cloud Kiwi
@ Karpri, once you get into comparisons you need to go whole hog CS alone does not tell the story!

The Demo 2 also has one of the longest reach's of any DH bike on the market so eff longer front tri, the short stays allow more traction on the rear wheel combined with the FSR design, and longer front provides stability!

These threads are so often misleading, its dam hard for many of us to get Demo rides some countries just don't provide demo ride fleets of size or even model.

Not an easy thing to pick a DH bike unless ya really want a particular brand no matter what, and even then it can be a hard decision nowadays deciding size!

I ride a med 09 but if buying a 2011 Ive been researching hard to decide whether to go large as they sizes have changed in a given cockpit and the brand has added a size either side, e.g XS and XL so the med and large has altered accordingly. Then so have wheelbases etc, nothing is the same between those years.

Good thing is I think they're are many good DH bikes now with GEO's sorted, sure they will all have different characteristics strengths and weaknesses.

Still dam hard choice for me, Zerode, Turner, Demo, V10c ahh can't decide lol

Stick with my 09:D


May 24, 2007
I just got a legend and so far I'm very impressed. Very solid and mine feels very lively but I think that's due to having too stiff of a spring on it (about 30% sag). The thing I like must about it is the insane amount of traction it gets. The rear end feels glued to the ground while braking and over rough stuff.

Haven't ridden a demo but they look like fun. I ride with a few guys who are on them and they have nothing but good things to say about them

Hard choice, the banshee probably would feel a bit similar to your shocker suspension wise but mainly when looking at the positive attributes like traction.


Oct 11, 2007
Squampton, BC
Thanks for all the responses guys! Some great info. It is definitely hard to tell without riding one. Unfortunately I don't like my chances on getting a hold of a large Legend. Maybe the Demo. I am definitely leaning towards mixing it up with the Demo, they sure look like the kind of fun I am after. 'GoodByPorkiePie', hit it on the head I think with the longer reach. I am 6'3" and would like something that is still plenty long reach wise, and with the short CS it would likely remain really playful.

Either way I can't go wrong I guess. Again, thanks for the advice all.

Steve M

Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2007
Thanks for all the responses guys! Some great info. It is definitely hard to tell without riding one. Unfortunately I don't like my chances on getting a hold of a large Legend. Maybe the Demo. I am definitely leaning towards mixing it up with the Demo, they sure look like the kind of fun I am after. 'GoodByPorkiePie', hit it on the head I think with the longer reach. I am 6'3" and would like something that is still plenty long reach wise, and with the short CS it would likely remain really playful.

Either way I can't go wrong I guess. Again, thanks for the advice all.
The large Legends are a big bike, both in terms of reach and wheelbase. Due to the long wheelbase, longish rear end and slack head angle though, I wouldn't describe it as the most playful bike out there, it's made to be fast more than anything, if that matters to you.

Reliability really won't be an issue with either bike, neither one of them is prone to developing play or killing bearings (as long as you have 3pc steel hardware in the lower shock eyelet on the Legend).


Jul 16, 2007
I have a pretty long arm span, 6'5", but I'm 6'1" so I went with the large Demo. At your height definitely. I feel comfortable on it.

I don't have time on the Banshee but coming from a Supreme DH to the Demo I can tell you the chain stay length is noticeable. I'm still getting used to the rear end popping up more, even with the rebound set slow.

Steve M

Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2007
I'm still getting used to the rear end popping up more, even with the rebound set slow.
Try increasing your low speed compression levels a bit, it's actually a more common cause of the rear end kicking up than rebound being too fast.


May 27, 2007
Nuremberg, Germany
The large Legends are a big bike, both in terms of reach and wheelbase. Due to the long wheelbase, longish rear end and slack head angle though, I wouldn't describe it as the most playful bike out there, it's made to be fast more than anything, if that matters to you.
Yes the large Legend is long, wheelbase wise, but reach is 'normal'.
WB of my Legend with Dorado is 1215mm or 47.75", 355mm/14" BB height, headangle is not overly slack.

Had a '08 Morewood Izimu before, large, with 1.5° headangle reducers, 1175mm WB and 440mm chainstays that 'extended' to 470mm at around half of travel.

Yes it requires a bit more force to get the long Legend through tighter corners, but the stability in fast rough sections is great.
The rear end provides some sort of pedalling platform. Don't know exactly how it works, but it feels like stiffening up around the sag point when pedalling. Always liked my Izimu for it's great acceleration.
I ride a pretty hard shock setup on the Legend, don't have problems to get it off the ground.
Still have to get used to it and to find the best shock setup, because the rear end is so different to the Izimu. But from the first minute the Legend gave me the confidence needed to go fast.