
Demo 9 questions

So a fellow monkey is selling a brand new Demo 9 pro for $3k...just wondering if this is a deal or something I should be precautious about. I'm not trying to offend the seller by anymeans, however, it seems like a deal too good to be true. I mean, the Demo 9 pro sells for $4k and some change plus the cost of tax if your state has it. It is an 04' but who cares, it's brand new... Should I jump on it?
ZJChaser said:
ya I heard of people getting them for $3200 new so this should be fine
Wow where the heck do you guys live, around here they are still full retail...I'm sure that will change come the release of the 05's but until then... I just think that this bike is killer, and even if I choose to ride something different come spring when the snow melts and the reviews are flying, specialized has hiked up their frame cost to $3300 so a whole bike for $3000 is still a steal, even if its an 04. What did they change for the '05's anyhow?


Sep 1, 2004
Orange County, CA
I have no idea but I don't think they changed anything thoug I'm really uninformed. Get the bike. I got a feeling I'm going to be waiting a year and seeing what the Demo 8 PRos drop to in price near the end of next year


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
If its truly brand new I wouldnt worry, only disadvantage over buying at lbs- no free work and more difficult to warranty (not that your lbs wont warranty it for you, they just tend to be partial to their customers, go figure). If the shops in your area are truly selling them at full price, buy it from the monkey.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 20, 2002
Yeknomedir said:
Wow where the heck do you guys live, around here they are still full retail...I'm sure that will change come the release of the 05's but until then... I just think that this bike is killer, and even if I choose to ride something different come spring when the snow melts and the reviews are flying, specialized has hiked up their frame cost to $3300 so a whole bike for $3000 is still a steal, even if its an 04. What did they change for the '05's anyhow?
It's more to do with who-you-know than where-you-live as far as bike price variation goes, IMO. Some people who work in, or get along very well with their LBS, get very good deals.
thaflyinfatman said:
It's more to do with who-you-know than where-you-live as far as bike price variation goes, IMO. Some people who work in, or get along very well with their LBS, get very good deals.
lol...Oh I know, I get most of my gear cheap from my LBS as I used to work there and have a friend who works there but they don't carry Specialized so no deals on the demo 9 through them...