
Demo Forest Trailwork this Sunday (Dec. 12th)

goin' medium

Jul 31, 2003
Newark, CA
I will be out riding and working this Sunday. Sign up at Trailworkers.com

Here is the official invite from Patty:

Trail work supporters!

We've been offered a nice treat to help boost recruitment for this Sunday's work in Soquel Forest -- Specialized will join us, and they are bringing bikes!

Specialized will be hosting the coffee and yummy snax during the morning sign-in from 8:30 to 9:00, and will hang around while we are doing trailwork, taking donations for "Free the Trail" T shirts in the parking lot, and then will open up their trailer in the afternoon to offer free test rides for the day's volunteers on the new 2005 Specialized mountain bikes (first volunteer sign-ups get first choice of bike). I think they are bringing the new S-works Enduros, Stumpjumper 120's and a couple of Epics. To reserve your spot in line, volunteer now at Trailworkers.com

We could really use more volunteers. Four days to go and we have 1(one) person signed up. Come ON people! Time for cross training! Get your upper body workout in and feel good doing it! We have a lot of work to do and the rain is pounding the forest as I write. We need to complete finish work on the re-route around the wall at the end of Ridge, then move on to our mega-important drainage maintenance on SawPit

The weather should offer a break later this week. Hopefully it will be nice for Sunday. In the meantime, we need to do our work to prevent erosion! If not, maybe we will have a wet T-shirt contest and mud wrestling party... so either way, you'll be glad you volunteered! and are on your way to winning the Trailworkers.com grand prize!



Sep 29, 2004
id love to go saw pit kickass
im straped for sunday
but i try to get to saw pit and brale
whenever i can
people who dont ride there dont know
i wish i could go!
rock it

goin' medium

Jul 31, 2003
Newark, CA
There was a great turnout yesterday. There were even a few monkeys out there. The weather was crappy, but the dirt was just right for working. I got pulled away from the main group to help clear some downed trees, so didn't get much chance to socialize. I know several people got to play around on Specialized demo bikes. The new Enduros look sweet. Sorry I didn't get to hang out with my fellow monkeys more. Hope you had a great time out there and thanks for helping out. See you January 16th.



Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
i'm looking to ride demo. forest on thursday the 16th. anyone down to ride? i'm up in lafayette, east bay, wanting to come down for a good xc/dh ride to break in the new heckler. thanks