
Dennis Miller, Partriot

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
As Miller sees it, patriotism gets the last laugh
By Jennifer Harper

Dennis Miller may have the most muscular patriotism on the planet — and he's not afraid to use it.

The comedian has emerged as an unabashed advocate for America, the Bush administration and the military.

He has struck a robust blow for flag and country in antiwar Hollywood, where home-front unity is at a premium.

"I am portrayed as the big anomaly in the community. But if you can't get behind your country at a time like this, what are you thinking? War in Iraq has only increased my patriotism," Mr. Miller said in an interview yesterday.

Mr. Miller was not in stand-up mode at the time, though his one-liners and rants had proved effective weapons in recent months.

"I would call the French scumbags, but that, of course, would be a disservice to bags filled with scum," he told Jay Leno on NBC's "Tonight Show" in February, after France refused to give its blessings to the war in Iraq.



I Love Cheap Beer!
Miller's done a complete 180 from 10 years ago. Remember how much he lambasted Reagan and the elder Bush? Now to save what's left of his career, he's wrapping himself in the flag and aims his humor at easy targets, the same thing everyone hates to begin with. Insulting the French? That's real groundbreaking, Dennis. What happened. :rolleyes:


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
heh heh, I like how "patriot" has come to mean "Bush supporter."

50% bonus to the cabinet member that thought of pushing that into the American vernacular...