
Dentists - RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr..............


took the red pill
What would you do?

My mouth is a mess. I got 3 teeth prepped for caps. Two molars in back of an implant and one in front of the implant. Since that appointment, which they prepped the teeth and put on temp caps, my mouth kills when drinking and in general.

So I go back and he says that the implant is leaking some puss and is infected and there's some bone missing around the bottom of the implant. Now what he did when prepping the teeth was shove thread up in my gums for whatever reason.

Now there was no pain at the site of the implant prior to this. It hurts slightly but does not account for the pain of drinking cold liquids. I think one of the teeth possibly needs a root canal. I paid this guy 1/2 of $5000 to have this job done. Now I'm looking at going to see the periodontist (implant guy) to see about the implant and possibly a bone graph and then a root canal.

So my thought is that I will go and see another implant guy, have all 3 teeth ripped out, the existing implant fixed and then an estimate for 3 new implants instead of the crowns. My teeth are like this. You tap on a tooth and then it needs a root canal. Now I could do a root canal on one of the teeth, which would be about $1200, and possibly in the future, the other 2 would need root canals, which is highly possible.

So my thought is to have these three ripped out, and implants put in and hopefully that would be the end of it for these 3 teeth. That would be a total of 8 implants. More expensive, but 3 more teeth I'll never have to pay these fvckers to mess with ever again.

Whadaya experts think?


took the red pill
Well, WTF am I supposed to do? I've already gone back to the dentist. He says, "see what the implant guy thinks, then we'll deal with the pain"

THEN? I'm like borderline ready to pull these fvckers out with vice grips. Dentists are no better than doctors. Screw something up and "go see this guy", "go see that guy"

The easiest thing to do is rip them out and then the pain is gone. When they heal, get implants. Just wondering what others would do in this situation. Pay for a root canal which will just fail in 10 years or so? Or bend over once and for all for implants.


took the red pill
Root canals are nasty. It's just some sealed off dead **** in your mouth. Implants or bridges for me.
Yeah, I don't know if it's true, but I read of a lady with arthritis to the point where she was bed ridden. She then had the root canal tooth removed and recovered within weeks. The idea is that there are endless microscopic tubules in the root that can't be filled. These fill with bacteria that just chill out and sh|t toxins into your blood and supposedly cells can't get in there to kill the bacteria.

Maybe this guy is nuts, but he's got some interesting ideas.



Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Sounds pretty easy to me. Fix the implant and then get the other teeth capped. Just what the dentist said. Sucks that it hurts but you'll just have to deal with it and get it fixed ASAP.

Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
Got sucker punched at a bar and broke a bicuspid. The root was exposed, so they recommended a root canal. I said eff that, pull it out. It's all healed up now. I'm hoping to get the implant put in this September.

Painful teeth... maybe that's why Knuck is so angry all the time


took the red pill
Sounds pretty easy to me. Fix the implant and then get the other teeth capped. Just what the dentist said. Sucks that it hurts but you'll just have to deal with it and get it fixed ASAP.
The pain is from the root hoss. Has happened with every single molar in my mouth. I bite a nut or a rock and the next thing you know, I need a root canal. Root canals are frauds. So now I need to root canal the tooth that is in pain, which isn't going to happen. 2k + down the drain. :thumb:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Sounds like your visualization of inner peace is out of focus. I'd turn the headscrews a bit to try to sharpen the image


took the red pill
Got sucker punched at a bar and broke a bicuspid. The root was exposed, so they recommended a root canal. I said eff that, pull it out. It's all healed up now. I'm hoping to get the implant put in this September.

Painful teeth... maybe that's why Knuck is so angry all the time

Dude, you ain't kidding me. My jaw always hurts. Teeth have been the most pain of anything. Broken bones, etc, dislocated shoulders, etc...

The thing is, it never ends, that is paying these ass*oles. I have like 15k in dental bills as it is to pay off.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
What would you do?

My mouth is a mess. I got 3 teeth prepped for caps. Two molars in back of an implant and one in front of the implant. Since that appointment, which they prepped the teeth and put on temp caps, my mouth kills when drinking and in general.

So I go back and he says that the implant is leaking some puss and is infected and there's some bone missing around the bottom of the implant. Now what he did when prepping the teeth was shove thread up in my gums for whatever reason.

Now there was no pain at the site of the implant prior to this. It hurts slightly but does not account for the pain of drinking cold liquids. I think one of the teeth possibly needs a root canal. I paid this guy 1/2 of $5000 to have this job done. Now I'm looking at going to see the periodontist (implant guy) to see about the implant and possibly a bone graph and then a root canal.

So my thought is that I will go and see another implant guy, have all 3 teeth ripped out, the existing implant fixed and then an estimate for 3 new implants instead of the crowns. My teeth are like this. You tap on a tooth and then it needs a root canal. Now I could do a root canal on one of the teeth, which would be about $1200, and possibly in the future, the other 2 would need root canals, which is highly possible.

So my thought is to have these three ripped out, and implants put in and hopefully that would be the end of it for these 3 teeth. That would be a total of 8 implants. More expensive, but 3 more teeth I'll never have to pay these fvckers to mess with ever again.

Whadaya experts think?
I play hockey so I'm pretty well versed in tooth repair/replacement.

Sounds like whoever did the work is either a) not terribly good or b) made a mistake and missed a bad tooth. If I were you I would go back to your oral surgeon and explain what is going on. If he is at all worth a damn as a dentist he'll perform whatever else needs to be done. You should be charged for the additional work that was missed from the get go, but the additional cost for remaking or reworking new crowns, time of adding the bone graph, etc should be eaten by the dentists.

Things like bone graphing and rotted teeth should be spotted from the get go. Additionally the surgeon should at the very least recognize the need for bone graphs once the remove the roots.

I know this is all very expensive (I spent 8K fixing two of my front teeth a few years ago), but I don't think you need to worry about having 5+ implants. That's just stupid. So long as the crowned teeth are still healthy with no nerve or vessel damage getting a root canal done is wasted money. It sounds as if you need bone graphing for the implant, root canals done on one or some problem teeth, and the just bridge the crowns off of the implant.

The other options I can think of is to remove all the teeth and bridge off of 2 implants or you can say eff it and remove all the teeth and have a retainer/flipper made.

Trust me. Getting implants does not mean you're in the clear. They can move and shift over time and need replacement. This is why my old man is just going to get a flipper in a couple years instead of spending 5 grand on another implant.


took the red pill
Well this guy I have now for a dentist is the best I've seen. He's repaired several teeth that others have said would need to be pulled. He's fast and there's no pain. Now the deal is, as soon as one of my teeth suffers a shock, like a hit or something. It does not even need to be cracked or nerve exposed. It just hurts. They x-ray it and it looks fine, but when I drink cold liquid, it's painful. The other problem is that it's not a 1 stop shop. There's the dentist, the periodontist and the endodontist. Three separate dudes you got to pay. You walk out of the office with your pants down around your ankles.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
Hmmm, after reading through it sounds like this is a problem with all your molars. If it's such a major issue with your teeth why not just get them pulled and deal with a retainer?

Is it really worth it dropping serious money on implants that risk infection, replacement 20 years down the road, as well as damage and receding of the gum line due to surgery? Maybe it's worth it for a tooth or two, but if it were me I'd just deal with the stupid retainer and not waist 40K or more over my lifetime on teeth.


took the red pill
Hmmm, after reading through it sounds like this is a problem with all your molars. If it's such a major issue with your teeth why not just get them pulled and deal with a retainer?

Is it really worth it dropping serious money on implants that risk infection, replacement 20 years down the road, as well as damage and receding of the gum line due to surgery? Maybe it's worth it for a tooth or two, but if it were me I'd just deal with the stupid retainer and not waist 40K or more over my lifetime on teeth.

Right. All my molars are junk.

Well, originally I was under the misconception that implants were permanent. Apparently the technology is not advanced enough. I don't want a retainer. I've seen them, that's just butcher. The other option is those teeth that clip in. You got like 3 posts top and 3 posts bottom. Click yer toofs in and go.

Both my grandpaws got sick of this same sh|t and had all their toofs ripped out and got falsies.