
Denver Bicycle Film Festival - November 10-11, 2006

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Here's some info from the DFC website about a bicycle film festival going down this weekend. I'm thinking I might try and make it tomorrow night at the Mercury Cafe!

DFC Denver Film Cycle

Denver's first Bicycle Film Festival: November 10-11, 2006! Although this festival is free to all, we are asking guests for a $10 donation to help support the Derailer Bicycle Collective and DFC's future efforts.

Opening night is Friday, November 10, from 6pm-10pm at the Mercury Cafe. The Mercury Cafe is located at 2199 California Street in Denver. Films being screened on opening night include Red Light Go, MASH (preview), and Warriors. A presentation will also be given by members of the Derailer BIcycle Collective.

On Saturday, November 11, the film festival will run from noon to 8pm on the Auraria Campus in downtown Denver. A map is provided below. Films will be screened all day in two seperate auditoriums: North Classroom room #1539 and Science Building room #119. A schedule of films will be published prior to the event. Presentations will also be given throughout the day by Scott from Salvagetti Bicycle Workshop, The Derailer Bicycle Collective, Robert Hurst author of "The Art of Urban Cycling," and the Metro Racing Team. Food and drinks will be provided. Some of the films being screened include We Are Traffic, Pedal, Paper Boys, Bicycle Gangs of New York, Still We Ride, Biking in the Bible Belt, Return of the Scorcher, Fat Tire Fury, and B.I.K.E.

Also on Saturday, food and drinks will be provided free of charge, although additional donations are happily welcomed. Denver Film Cycle t-shirts will be for sale as well as handmade cycling hats by local bike messenger, Jacob Isaacson. Other merchandise will also be sold.