
Denver, ????????, Crested Butte Fat Tire Festival


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
The hillbillies are coming to Colorado for the Fat Tire Festival. We are flying to Denver the weekend before to hang with the Southern Spy (Pooz at BikeSource in Highland Ranch) and then going somewhere and then on to Crested Butte on Wednesday or Thrusday and heading back to NC on Sunday.

All the group has been mountain biking since the late 80's, decent shape and all on some sort of 5 inch trail bikes with crazy mad skillzzz (okay maybe not crazy mad). Of course we drink tons, say mostly inappropriate things about each others wives and kids and generally get frowned at most of the places we go.

The question is which somewhere do we go between Denver and Crested Butte, Salida or Fruita? Coming from NC the heat isn't a huge deal. Or is there somewhere else that we don't know about that ya'll are willing to tell me about.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
DRB said:
<snip>The question is which somewhere do we go between Denver and Crested Butte, Salida or Fruita? Coming from NC the heat isn't a huge deal. Or is there somewhere else that we don't know about that ya'll are willing to tell me about.
Summit County or Salida. You say the heat won't be a big deal, but this is not a southern heat.... :D You guys would shrivel up and likely blow away in Fruita summer heat.

Biggest problem with Fruita is that there is nowhere to hide from the brutality of the sun. Of course, you *could* ride from 6-10 and 5-dark and maybe get away with it.

Salida - Monarch Crest. Bunch of out-of-shape slack-jawed Southerners shouldn't have too much trouble riding the mostly downhill Crest/Rainbow combo.

Summit - Keystone/Breck/Copper. Craploads of XC singletrack combined with DH/FR at Keystone. Take your pick.


Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Also of interest might be the Kenosha>Georgia>Breck epic route, especially since it is straight up on yer way to Crested Butte from D-Town. Head south-like on 285 until you git to the top of Kenosha Pass. Saddle up, ride 6-7 hours, then figure out how to git back to yer car on the other side of that pass you just rode over.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Full Trucker said:
Also of interest might be the Kenosha>Georgia>Breck epic route, especially since it is straight up on yer way to Crested Butte from D-Town. Head south-like on 285 until you git to the top of Kenosha Pass. Saddle up, ride 6-7 hours, then figure out how to git back to yer car on the other side of that pass you just rode over.
Nice! Sandbaggin' the out-of-towners.......... ;)

Oh - and you should *ride* back to your car. :D



Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
Full Trucker said:
Also of interest might be the Kenosha>Georgia>Breck epic route, especially since it is straight up on yer way to Crested Butte from D-Town. Head south-like on 285 until you git to the top of Kenosha Pass. Saddle up, ride 6-7 hours, then figure out how to git back to yer car on the other side of that pass you just rode over.
Hint: Take an Oxygen Tank.