
Desperate for DH


Mar 4, 2004
Sac Town
Ok guys im desperate here for some good riding. Im looking for anything anywhere near sac with a good slope to go down. I cant wait till mid june for northstar. I know there is stuff in Auburn besides the clementine loop and stagecoach.. you can only ride those so many times before one wants more. so im just gonna come rite out and ask it. Where the hell is it? Please help me. I saw a great pic in Bike a few issues ago of a guy in auburn. Where the hell was he? Help me out
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
That's part of the trail on the cool side.

Just check MTBr for trails in auburn. They should have something listed along the lines of "coolside" A friend of mine has put a few pictures from that trail on pink bike. It's more of a fireroad with a few silly freeride stuff along it. It has a two smallish drops and a bunch of little jumps. It's really fun for jacking around on, and the G-out at the bottom is quite awesome. There is also a few drop/gaps you can make at the bottom, but the landings are all pretty sketchy. And by sketchy, I mean that the gravel is loose, you have to land sideways sometimes, and you need to stop as quickly as possible since the river is really close to the drop.

Since I'm talking so much, I can give you a few vague ideas of where it is. It emptys you out along the road on the opposite side of the confluence and I hear it starts up along somewhere on the way to cool. If we go riding sometime soon, and you're up for riding on sundays (or this monday, seeing that there is a comming holiday), try contacting me via email (morethanjake543@comcast.net) and I'll see if we'll be heading up anytime soon. We could show you around, and if you help with gas/shuttling, we'd really dig it.
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
Ohh, and the picture is from a section that borders the trail I'm talking about. We have a vague idea of how to get to that spot, but we've never taken it. Behind the bend, there is a <i>steep</i> chute-ish thing. Infact, if you go up on a busy weekend, that area is a pretty popular climbing spot.


Mar 4, 2004
Sac Town
yea i have been looking all over for the coolside trail but i cant find directions anywhere... if someone could help me out that would be great. or directions to the tunnel or any other places that are good for dh in auburn? thanks


Mar 4, 2004
Sac Town
yea thanks for the suggestion again but all i could find on MTBr was clementine... nothin about coolside, maybe im just a complete idiot or it mite not be there who knows.. help me out


Oct 26, 2004
Jackson, CA
Other trails in Auburn that are more DH oriented are the Tunnel Trail, Eastside, Murderers, Rocky, Wagonwheel, Fenceline, Chapparral, etc. Most of these trails are accessed up off of Forresthill Rd. at the "green gate" and they all dump down into Mammoth Bar.

I'm riding there this Saturday (early...like 8am) if you want to hook up.