
DH Race Report- Crashes and the rise of lovebunny


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
During our long weekend of riding last week, lovebunny vowed to finally make it to the podium at the Fontana race. After a year of trying with no sucess he apparantly decided at some point to not only podium, but win the whole damn thing.......That's enough about CJ, on with the pictures!

I spent most of Saturday practicing, but managed to grab some shots on the pre-practice course walk-through...or something like that

So what you want to do is........

See I told you, just like that

I thought it was a pro ripping around the corner, but it was only ncrider ;)

Zark's favorite past time :rofl:



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
On Sunday, Orven woke me up at the crack of dawn so he could get some practice time in. Half asleep I started walking up the trail in search of a good photo...20 feet into my walk I decided to sit down take a nap on the fireroad and accidently ended up with a kind of cool sequence shot of Orven when he woke me up as he was riding by

Having been bottle-necked in the off-camber section the day before by multiple crashes, I knew where my picture taking was going to lead me on race day...so on I went to what I hoped would be some interesting photos

Apprantly I wasn't the only one up at the crack of dawn....Duncan Riffle decided on an early start too



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
I had lots of time to myself since everyone else was asleep in their nice warm beds, so I had to make a new friend to keep myself company...I think TYM should know what this is?

Orven showing off

Orven's rival Bob Vigil saw me taking photos down below and thought he should stop in and say hello

I tried to tell Bob I wasn't down there anymore, but he just wouldn't listen


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
ncrider works on perfecting his winning moves :)

Alloy on his way to a podium finish in the pro class

A preview of what was going to end up a very good day for lovebunny

Despite several problems with tires the day before, Noah's friend Joe stuck it out and was out in full force on Sunday :D

I don't know him, but he looked cool :p


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Duncan Rifle

The Griz

Alloy, rockin the Hutchinsons


Adrian "Taco" Cortina

Some of 'em semi pros


Terry Maddox

Roger "romictech" Hurd

Brian -merrrrjig's faster half

jd, rockin the Haro magnum

the dude Conrad will have to beat again at the last race.

Racers were so fixated to go real fast on this section.



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....

Drum roll please......
Lovebunny winning run..on the bike he borrowed from me. Where's Merrrrjig at? Next race?! :)

The sun is almost setting as the last of the few racers wrap it up.

Infamous wall.
Yeah, he needs more practice.

Pro Class.
Alloy (Marc Clemens) finished 5th in the company of fast pros. Duncan won.


Jim "manwithgun" McNeil smoked the Semi Pro class..again!

The San Diego Tri-fecta.
Conrad "ncrider" Scouton smokes a big one too in his class. First place again.

Orven won his Hardtail Underpriviledged Sports Class

Thomas "CJ-Lovebunny" Jones bagged his first ever podium and a win with a splash.

"Mom, if you're like lurking and stuff, that bubbly was apple cider." -CJ

CJ really rubbed it in on all of his competitors.

Zark's friend, Joe, podiumed as well. Is Zark next? Stay tuned for the next and last winter series race in two weeks. No pressure Noah.

Good times!


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
The slide-out pictures from the off-camber section were really good; that pretty much summed up the weekend. Mr. Zark said he bobbled a bit going through there, but he looked pretty dang good to me in those pictures. I ended up taking the wrong line—despite practicing that section for hours on Saturday. I had a lot of fun; the course was a blast to ride…


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
blt2ride said:
The slide-out pictures from the off-camber section were really good; that pretty much summed up the weekend. Mr. Zark said he bobbled a bit going through there, but he looked pretty dang good to me in those pictures. I ended up taking the wrong line—despite practicing that section for hours on Saturday. I had a lot of fun; the course was a blast to ride…
Yeah James, about a second after that last shot, I came off the bike and slid off trail:rofl:


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
Zark said:
Yeah James, about a second after that last shot, I came off the bike and slid off trail:rofl:
I pretty much did the same thing. What makes me really mad, I never did that in practice--I waited until my race run to slide down the course--sideways...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
great photos... thanks :drool:

makes me want to arrive in CA even more...

but please... don t toast ya man (oza) like that... 'slowest through this section'... jeez, talk about dent a mans ego ;)... just tell him he wasn t the fastest through there... not the s l o w e s t :)


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
cool pics and words, I think my scroll wheel broke though. Judging by the TLD pants some are wearing, looks like tight pants are making a comeback-guys, just use lycra, its cheaper.;)

That off camber section was quite the man eater eh? will they use this for the national?

Thanks for posting


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
stiksandstones said:
will they use this for the national?
I'm not sure, the last time they used this section was last year. I'm hoping for the Nationals they will do what they did for the Cal State race last year and use an entirely new section.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
stiksandstones said:
cool pics and words, I think my scroll wheel broke though. Judging by the TLD pants some are wearing, looks like tight pants are making a comeback-guys, just use lycra, its cheaper.;)
those white / powder blue numbers riffle is in are quite metro...



Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
lovebunny said:
thanks for all the kind words again. but i think i need to thank that cute little redhead in that one pic cause she threatened to kick me where the sun dont shine if i lost
LOVE will make your DH balls dissapear quicker than cancer... luckily i only 'like' my wife ;)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Ciaran said:
That's why I don't race. :D
likewise... but i m thinging of putting the hurt on the masters in CA ;) prolly not tho'... i can t stop riding DH with mates 10 years younger than me and playing chinese DH... elbows r fun :P

yeah... i m sure that CA isn t a very competitive state to race fossil DH ;)