
DH runs in San Diego


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Well, there really ISN'T much inside SD itself. We have to drive a lot to get to the places... There are spots, though, depending on where you'll be. Have any idea where it is you'll be working/staying in the county?



Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
MikeD said:
Well, there really ISN'T much inside SD itself. We have to drive a lot to get to the places... There are spots, though, depending on where you'll be. Have any idea where it is you'll be working/staying in the county?

Sure Mike, shut me down. There's usually something in semi-close proximity to wherever you are. Is that better?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
San Diego is great. I was there on business a couple years back and Orven and LOOnatic took me to Noble and Anderson. Both on the same day! Wow I was tired, but it was a blast.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Well, if he wants to DH on his lunch hour, he's probably screwed, is what I mean. If he wants to do it on his days off, he'll be happy...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I live closer to anderson than just about anybody on the planet but still struggle to find time to ride it during daylight hours. (insert rant about daylight savings) There's plenty of fun riding though if you're planning on having some time off (read entire day) I'm sure you'll find the riding to be fun, although maybe not full on downhill.


Feb 26, 2003
East County
Kornphlake said:
I live closer to anderson than just about anybody on the planet but still struggle to find time to ride it during daylight hours. (insert rant about daylight savings) There's plenty of fun riding though if you're planning on having some time off (read entire day) I'm sure you'll find the riding to be fun, although maybe not full on downhill.
Only posers ride UP the hill! Nah, but it is full-on DH if you want it to be.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I'd call the last half mile or so anything but downhill but you're right if you shuttle it it's as close to full on downhill as you can get south of big bear.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Hm, see, I think of Anderson as a tight and techy run...very freeride-y (for me, because I'm slow)...the stuff in the more northeastern end of the county seems to be more "DH run" to me...except for all the bigass gaps at the bottom.


Edit: sorry, dumb point to argue..for Bizutch, any/all of this stuff will be fun to ride, regardless of its exact e-classification.

Well, I have to say that I haven't ridden Anderson lately and don't know if it's recovered yet, but it did sort of suck the last time I was there...fire damage killed it. But I hear good reports for you alpinians, no?

Butch, there's good stuff in Orange county and LA as well.


Feb 26, 2003
East County
On Anderson, the stuff named World Cup, No Name, and the singletrack after are definitely DH style stuff, and are worth the ride up at the end. Don't listen to those kooks who ride UP the trail, they're just jealous of how DH bikes get all the babes.


Turbo Monkey
Eigil said:
On Anderson, the stuff named World Cup, No Name, and the singletrack after are definitely DH style stuff, and are worth the ride up at the end. Don't listen to those kooks who ride UP the trail, they're just jealous of how DH bikes get all the babes.
I think Corina DH bikes get all the HOT babes :thumb:



Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
if I get this job this week, then they are flying me out for a week to San Diego for training. I'd probably have them book me for 6 days and pay for the last day at the hotel on my own.

So Anderson is the place to shuttle? I like moto style rock stuff. I saw Tunnel trail on TV and that's what I'd like to ride. Where is it?

I don't mind tech stuff but I like to get up to speed too!


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Tunnel is in Santa Barbara, about 4-5 hours away. Anderson's pretty beat up by the fires...but maybe it's recovered. I'll do some recon for ya.

There's another set of DH shuttles that might suit your fancy; short runs on a variety of trails with rocks and techy stuff with some jumps and road gaps (not as many big rocks as Anderson, tho). PM me and we'll hook something up there.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I know I am just slow but I see Anderson as being more technical than a place where you let off the brakes and just hold on.

Since the rain has made the dirt a little less like sandstone and a little more like sand it might be a good time to plan some trail mantinance. PM me if you're interested and we can orgainze something.